Compartir a través de Performing a Conversation Action

The following user actions performed on a conversation SHOULD<37> modify the conversation actions, as specified in section 2.2.8, on a conversation and trigger special handling logic:

  • Ignore

  • Stop Ignoring

  • Move to Folder

  • Stop Move

  • Add Category

  • Remove Category

  • Clear All Categories

When the user performs one of these actions on a conversation, the client SHOULD identify all unique values of the PidTagConversationId property ([MS-OXOMSG] section on the E-mail objects and do the following for each conversation ID:

  1. The client SHOULD locate the conversation action FAI message in the Conversation Actions Settings special folder with bytes 6-21 of the PidTagConversationIndex property (section corresponding to the given conversation ID. If no such FAI message exists, proceed to step 4.

  2. If the user is performing a Stop Ignoring action and the FAI message does not indicate that there is an Ignore conversation action (as specified in sections and, the client SHOULD NOT perform the Stop Ignoring action for this conversation ID.

  3. If the user is performing a Stop Move action and the FAI message does not indicate that there is a Move to Folder conversation action (as specified in sections and, the client SHOULD NOT perform the Stop Move action for this conversation ID.

  4. If no existing FAI message is found, a new FAI message SHOULD be created with the properties specified in section 2.2.8.

  5. The client SHOULD<38> locate all E-mail objects on the message store with a PidTagConversationId property value matching the given conversation ID. If the operation cannot be done in a timely fashion, the client can proceed as though no E-mail objects were found.

  6. The client SHOULD perform the appropriate action on all located E-mail objects, as specified in the second column of the table following this procedure.

  7. The client SHOULD set the latest value of the PidTagMessageDeliveryTime property ([MS-OXOMSG] section from the located E-mail objects as the PidLidConversationActionMaxDeliveryTime property (section on the FAI message. If no messages were found, the PidLidConversationActionMaxDeliveryTime property SHOULD be set to 00:00:00 (UTC) April 1, 1601.

  8. The client SHOULD set the current time (in UTC) as the PidLidConversationActionLastAppliedTime property (section on the FAI message.

  9. The client SHOULD perform the appropriate action on the FAI message, as specified in the third column of the table following this procedure.

  10. If the server returned a version less than 14.0.324.0, as described in section 1.7, and the PidLidConversationActionMoveFolderEid (section and PidNameKeywords (section properties are both not set, the client SHOULD delete the FAI message.

Appropriate actions for the client to perform for each user action are specified in the following table.

User action

Action to perform on each E-mail object

Action to perform on the FAI message object


If the E-mail object is not in the Sent Items special folder, move the E-mail object to the Deleted Items special folder.

Set the PidLidConversationActionMoveFolderEid property to an array of size 0. Delete the value of the PidLidConversationActionMoveStoreEid property (section

Stop Ignoring

If the E-mail object is in the Deleted Items special folder, move the E-mail object to the Inbox folder.

Delete the value of PidLidConversationActionMoveFolderEid property and of the PidLidConversationActionMoveStoreEid property.

Move to Folder

If the E-mail object is not in the Sent Items special folder, move the E-mail object to the user-specified folder.

Set the PidLidConversationActionMoveFolderEid property to the EntryID of the user-specified folder. If the user-specified folder is in the same message store as the FAI message, delete the value of the PidLidConversationActionMoveStoreEid property. Otherwise, set the PidLidConversationActionMoveStoreEid property to the EntryID of the user-specified message store.

Stop Move


Delete the value of the PidLidConversationActionMoveFolderEid property and the PidLidConversationActionMoveStoreEid property.

Add Category

Append the user-specified category to the PidNameKeywords property of each E-mail object.

Append the user-specified category to the PidNameKeywords property of the FAI message.

Remove Category

Remove the user-specified category from the PidNameKeywords property of each E-mail object. If this operation would leave the PidNameKeywords property empty, delete the PidNameKeywords property instead.

Remove the user-specified category from the PidNameKeywords property of the FAI message. If this operation would leave the PidNameKeywords property empty, delete the PidNameKeywords property instead.

Clear All Categories

Delete the PidNameKeywords property from each E-mail object.

Delete the value of the PidNameKeywords property from the FAI message.