Compartir a través de Accepting a Meeting

When the attendee or a delegate of the attendee accepts a Meeting Request object, the client ensures that the Meeting object has been created in the attendee's Calendar special folder, as specified in section Similarly, when the attendee or delegate of the attendee accepts a Meeting Update object, the client ensures that the Meeting object has been updated in the attendee's Calendar special folder, as specified in section, unless the Meeting Update object is out-of-date, as specified in section, in which case the client does not modify the Meeting object or send a Meeting Response object.

After creating or updating the Meeting object, all changes made to the Meeting object in the attendee's Calendar special folder MUST be atomic; for example, by creating a copy of the object, applying the changes to the copy, and then deleting the original Meeting object. The client MUST make the following changes to the Meeting object:

  • Set the value of the PidLidBusyStatus property (section equal to the value of the PidLidIntendedBusyStatus property (section from the Meeting Request object.

  • Set the value of the PidLidResponseStatus property (section to "respAccepted" (0x00000003).

  • Set the value of the PidLidAppointmentReplyTime property (section to the current date and time.

  • If it is the delegate that is responding, set the value of the PidLidAppointmentReplyName property (section equal to the value of the PidTagMailboxOwnerName property ([MS-OXCSTOR] section from the message store. If the delegate is not the one who is responding, the PidLidAppointmentReplyName property is not set.

The client can prompt a user to send a Meeting Response object back to the organizer, as specified in

When sending a Meeting Response object to the organizer, the client performs the additional step of setting the ciRespondedAccept bit of the PidLidClientIntent property (section of the Meeting object.