Compartir a través de Updating a Recurring Series

After a Meeting Update object is sent for a recurring series that has modified exceptions and the recurrence pattern has not changed, the client sends a Meeting Update object for each modified exception (according to the PidLidAppointmentStartWhole property (section on the Exception Embedded Message object, as specified in section for which the start date and time has not yet passed. The Meeting Update object for each exception conforms to the specifications in section 2.2.6. Before sending a Meeting Update object for each exception, the client SHOULD<55> send a Meeting Cancellation object for that exception to each attendee included in the recurring series that is not included in the exception. If the attendee exists in the RecipientRow structures ([MS-OXCDATA] section 2.8.3) of the Exception object and the recipExceptionalDeleted bit of the PidTagRecipientFlags property (section of the attendee's RecipientRow structure is set, then the client treats the attendee as not included in the exception. If the series has deleted exceptions, the client sends a Meeting Cancellation object for each deleted exception for which (according to the DeletedInstanceDates field of the PidLidAppointmentRecur property (section of the Meeting object) the start date and time has not yet passed. The Meeting Cancellation object for each exception conforms to the specifications in section 2.2.6. If the recurrence pattern has changed, the client SHOULD<56> send out Meeting Cancellation objects for each exception whose start date and time (according to the PidLidAppointmentStartWhole property (section on the Exception Embedded Message object) has not yet passed to every attendee of the exception and removes every exception from the PidLidAppointmentRecur property and every Exception Attachment object.

After a Meeting Update object is sent to a partial attendee list as defined in section for a recurring series that has exceptions, the client SHOULD send a Meeting Request object for each exception whose start date and time (according to the PidLidAppointmentStartWhole property on the Exception Embedded Message object) has not yet passed to every attendee of the exception that is in the Partial attendee List.