Compartir a través de Delegator Wants Copy

A value of TRUE for the PidTagScheduleInfoDelegatorWantsInfo property ([MS-OXODLGT] section on the delegator's Delegate Information object indicates that the delegator only wants to be notified of meetings without taking action on them. When the delegator receives a Meeting Request object or Meeting Cancellation object, the client SHOULD<93> check the value of the PidTagScheduleInfoDelegatorWantsInfo property to see whether it is set to TRUE unless one or more of the following conditions are true:

  • The value of the PidLidMeetingType property (section is mtgDelegatorCopy or mtgOutOfDate.

  • The value of the PidLidServerProcessed property (section on the meeting-related object is TRUE and the value of the cpsDelegatorWantsCopy bit of the PidLidServerProcessingActions property (section on the meeting-related object is set.

  • The value of the PidTagSensitivity property ([MS-OXCMSG] section is set to "private".

If none of the above conditions is true and the client finds that the value of the PidTagScheduleInfoDelegatorWantsInfo property is set to TRUE, the client MUST change the value of the PidLidMeetingType property to mtgDelegatorCopy and change the value of the PidTagIconIndex property (section to 0x00000409.

After checking whether the PidTagScheduleInfoDelegatorWantsInfo property is set to TRUE, the client MAY<94> set the cpsDelegatorWantsCopy bit of the PidLidServerProcessingActions property on the meeting-related object.