Compartir a través de PidTagDisplayTypeEx

Data type: PtypInteger32 ([MS-OXCDATA] section 2.11.1)

The PidTagDisplayTypeEx property ([MS-OXPROPS] section 2.681) contains a value that indicates how to display an Address Book object in a table or as a recipient on a message. Messaging clients use this to display an icon, make the object bold, or apply some other display element to make it easy for a user who is viewing the object to distinguish its type. This property contains more detailed information about the object's display information than does the PidTagDisplayType property (section In addition to the display information contained in the PidTagDisplayType property, this property distinguishes among additional object types. When the object comes from a remote server, the PidTagDisplayType property also includes information about the type of object on that remote server, as well as the type on the local server.

The PidTagDisplayTypeEx property also includes information that indicates whether it is possible to share information from the user's own mailbox to the entity represented by an Address Book object.

The PidTagDisplayTypeEx property is a bitmask of flags and values and has the following structure:

r (1 bit): 1 indicates that the value in dtRemote is the remote display type. The numeral 0 (zero) means that dtRemote is undefined. This represents the high order bit.

s (1 bit): 1 indicates that the mailbox server supports sharing to the entity that an Address Book object represents. The numeral 0 (zero) means that it does not support such sharing.

reserved (14 bits): Undefined. This value MUST contain all zeros and MUST be ignored by clients.

dtRemote (1 byte): The display type of an Address Book object in the remote forest. This is undefined if r is 0 (zero). If r is 1, it contains one of the values listed in the following table.

dtLocal (1 byte): The display type of an Address Book object in the messaging user's local forest. It contains one of the values listed in the following table.

Note that dtLocal and/or dtRemote MUST have one of the following display type values, as defined in [MS-NSPI] and [MS-OXNSPI] section,<14> according to the object's type: DT_MAILUSER, DT_DISTLIST, DT_FORUM, DT_AGENT, DT_ORGANIZATION, DT_PRIVATE_DISTLIST, DT_REMOTE_MAILUSER, or one of the values listed in the following table.

Value name





A conference room. It is possible for messaging clients to send meeting requests to the specified Address Book object to book the room.



Equipment. It is possible for messaging clients to send meeting requests to the specified Address Book object to reserve the equipment.



A distribution list used as a security group on the server.