Compartir a través de PidTagAddressBookHomeMessageDatabase

Data type: PtypString8 ([MS-OXCDATA] section 2.11.1) in an OAB file, PtypEmbeddedTable ([MS-OXCDATA] section when returned from an NSPI server

The PidTagAddressBookHomeMessageDatabase property ([MS-OXPROPS] section 2.544) contains the DN of a mail user, expressed in the x500-dn format specification described in section, of an Address Book object that represents the mail user's message store database. The x500-container-dn portion of the DN is an x500-dn string that references an Address Book object that represents the mail user's mailbox server. The RDN in the object-rdn of the x500-dn for the mailbox server's Address Book object is the host-name, as specified in [RFC1034], of the server that contains the mail user's message store database.