Compartir a través de NspiUnbind (Opnum 1)

The NspiUnbind method destroys the context handle. No other action is taken.

 DWORD NspiUnbind(
   [in, out] NSPI_HANDLE* contextHandle,
   [in] DWORD Reserved

contextHandle: An RPC context handle as specified in section 2.2.10.

Reserved: A DWORD [MS-DTYP] value reserved for future use. MUST be ignored by the server.

Return Values: The server returns a DWORD value that specifies the return status of the method.

Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown beyond those thrown by the underlying RPC protocol, as specified in [MS-RPCE].

Server Processing Rules: Upon receiving this message, the server MUST process the data from the message subject to the following constraints:

  1. If the server successfully destroys the context handle, the server MUST return the value "UnbindSuccess", as specified in section

  2. If the server does not successfully destroy the context handle, the server MUST return the value "UnbindFailure", as specified in section

  3. The server MUST set the output parameter contextHandle to NULL.