Compartir a través de Mapping Internet E-Mail Address Elements to a Property Group

In general, MIME readers map the three elements of an Internet e-mail address to the four properties of the corresponding recipient property group as follows.

The comment part of the Internet e-mail address SHOULD be ignored.

Before setting properties, a MIME reader SHOULD<107> check whether the Internet e-mail address is encoded by using IMCEA encapsulation, as specified in section If it is, the MIME reader performs de-encapsulation, as specified in section, to obtain the Internet e-mail address and type.

Next, a MIME reader SHOULD perform a lookup against the address book for an entry that has a proxy address that matches the Internet e-mail address.

The MIME reader sets the properties in the corresponding recipient property group, as specified in section 2.6, according the following rules.

  • Display name: If an address book entry was found with a matching proxy address, copy this value from the address book entry. Otherwise, if the Internet e-mail address has a display name part, convert it to a Unicode string, performing decoding as specified in [RFC2047] if required, and write it to this property value. If there is not a matching address book entry and there is no display name part, use the Internet e-mail address part.

  • EntryID: If an address book entry was found with a matching proxy address, copy this value from the address book entry. If no entry is found, construct a one-off EntryID from the display name, address type, and Internet e-mail address property values, according to the format of the one-off EntryID as specified in [MS-OXCDATA] section

  • Address type: If an address book entry was found with a matching proxy address, copy this value from the address book entry. Otherwise, if the original Internet e-mail address was IMCEA-encapsulated and the MIME reader performed de-encapsulation, the MIME reader SHOULD write the type obtained from IMCEA de-encapsulation to this property. Otherwise, write "SMTP" to this property value. If there is no Internet e-mail address part, do not set this property value.

  • E-mail address: If an address book entry was found with a matching proxy address, copy this value from the address book entry. Otherwise, if the original Internet e-mail address was IMCEA-encapsulated and the MIME reader performed de-encapsulation, use the Internet e-mail address obtained by de-encapsulation. Otherwise, convert the entire Internet e-mail address part to Unicode and write it to this property value. If there is no Internet e-mail address part, do not set this property value.