Compartir a través de Generating Message Disposition Notification Messages

To generate a message disposition notification, as specified in [RFC3798], the MIME writer does the following additional processing to generate the message/disposition-notification body part.

  1. The MIME writer writes a value using the SMTP address of the user represented by the PidTagSender recipient property group (section 2.6.4) to the Final-Recipient field. If the PidTagSender recipient property group is not present on the message, the PidTagSentRepresenting recipient property group (section 2.6.5) is used instead. If neither recipient property group is present, the MIME writer writes an empty Final-Recipient field.

  2. The MIME writer writes a value to the Disposition field based on the value of the PidTagMessageClass property ([MS-OXCMSG] section on the message, as specified in section

  3. If the PidTagParentKey property ([MS-OXOMSG] section is present and contains a value on the message, the MIME writer encodes the value using base64 encoding, and writes the resulting value to the X-MSExch-Correlation-Key field.

  4. If the PidTagOriginalMessageId property ([MS-OXOMSG] section is present and contains a value on the message, the MIME writer writes the value to the Original-Message-ID field.

  5. If a display name is available for the recipient that was used to generate a value for the Final-Recipient field in step 1, and the display name is not the same as the SMTP address, the MIME writer writes the display name to the X-Display-Name field.