Compartir a través de Property: TZID

RFC Reference: [RFC2445] section

Number of Instances Allowed: 1

Format: Text ([RFC2445] section 4.3.11)

Brief Description: The name of the time zone. This string will be compared (case-insensitive)<48> to TZID parameters in the rest of the iCalendar to identify the time zone being referenced by the parameter's parent property.

Importing to Calendar objects

This property SHOULD be imported as specified in section and section

Exporting from Calendar objects

If the system's local time zone is being exported as a VTIMEZONE, then this name MUST be derived from the system API that supplied the time zone.

If the PidLidTimeZoneStruct property is being exported as a VTIMEZONE, this name SHOULD be derived from PidLidTimeZoneDescription ([MS-OXOCAL] section, but MAY be set to any unique string.

If the PidLidAppointmentTimeZoneDefinitionRecur, PidLidAppointmentTimeZoneDefinitionStartDisplay, or PidLidAppointmentTimeZoneDefinitionEndDisplay property is being exported as a VTIMEZONE, then the value of TZID MUST<49> be derived from the KeyName field of the PidLidAppointmentTimeZoneDefinitionRecur structure ([MS-OXOCAL] section contained in the property.

In all cases, TZIDs for different time zones MUST be unique, and each unique TZID MUST NOT be defined more than once.