Compartir a través de Property: EXDATE

RFC Reference: [RFC2445] section

Number of Instances Allowed: 0+

Format: Date-Time ([RFC2445] section 4.3.5), Date ([RFC2445] section 4.3.4)

Brief Description: Specifies the original start time of instances of the recurring appointment which have been deleted.

Importing to Calendar objects

If this property is specified, an RRULE MUST also be specified in the same VEVENT.

All valid EXDATEs SHOULD<156> be gathered into the DeletedInstanceDates field of the RecurrencePattern structure embedded within the AppointmentRecurrencePattern structure ([MS-OXOCAL] section in the PidLidAppointmentRecur property ([MS-OXOCAL] section after the following validation:

  • All EXDATEs SHOULD<157> be converted to the time zone specified by PidLidTimeZoneStruct.

  • The time information MUST be stripped off (all entries MUST fall on midnight).

  • All duplicate entries MUST be removed.

  • All entries that do not have a date matching the start date of an instance in the recurrence pattern MUST be removed.

  • The DeletedInstanceDates field of the RecurrencePattern structure MUST be sorted chronologically with the earliest dates at the start.

Note that additional EXDATEs could be derived from the RECURRENCE-IDs of other VEVENTs (see section

Exporting from Calendar objects

The EXDATE property MUST NOT be exported for non-recurring appointments or exceptions of recurring appointments.

In certain cases, an X-MICROSOFT-EXDATE SHOULD<158> be exported in place of an EXDATE. See section

If there are entries in the DeletedInstanceDates field, the date-times of each day specified by the DeletedInstanceDates field SHOULD<159> be added with the time specified by the StartTimeOffset field of the RecurrencePattern structure and exported in a multi-valued EXDATE property. However, exceptions exported as a separate VEVENT with a RECURRENCE-ID (see section SHOULD NOT also be exported as an EXDATE.

If the recurrence is an all-day recurrence, the EXDATEs MUST be specified in the Date format.