Compartir a través de Content Upload

The following sections specify best practices for uploading content modifications, read/unread state changes, deletions, and move operations that were performed while the client was offline. The following figure shows this process.

Best practices for Message Changes

Figure 6: Best practices for Message Changes

When uploading content differences, the client can send any combination of the following ROP requests:

  • RopSynchronizationImportMessageChange (section Imports new messages or changes to existing messages.

  • RopSynchronizationImportMessageMove (section Communicates the movement of messages between folders within the same mailbox.

  • RopSynchronizationImportDeletes (section Imports deletions of messages.

  • RopSynchronizationImportReadStateChanges (section Imports changes to the read state of messages.

These ROPs do not have to be sent in any specific order and can be mixed together. For example, all the deletions do not have to be uploaded before all the message moves, and all the message changes do not have to be uploaded before all the deletions.