Compartir a través de RopGetHierarchyTable ROP Request Buffer

The following descriptions define valid fields for the RopGetHierarchyTable ROP request buffer ([MS-OXCROPS] section

InputHandleIndex (1 byte):  An integer that specifies the location in the Server object handle table where the handle for the input Server object is stored. The input Server object for this operation is a Folder object that represents the folder whose hierarchy table will be retrieved.

OutputHandleIndex (1 byte):  An integer that specifies the location in the Server object handle table where the handle for the output Server object is stored. The output Server object for this operation is a Table object that represents the hierarchy table. For more details about Table objects, see [MS-OXCTABL].

TableFlags (1 byte):  A set of bits that control how information is returned in the hierarchy table.

The valid bits for this field are listed in the following table. The client MUST NOT set any other bits.

Bit name





If this bit is set, the hierarchy table lists folders from all levels under the folder. If this bit is not set, the hierarchy table lists only the folder's immediate child folders.



The ROP response is returned immediately, possibly before the ROP execution is complete, and in this case, the values of the ReturnValue and the RowCount fields of the ROP response buffer might not be accurate.



The hierarchy table notifications to the client are disabled. Table notifications are specified in [MS-OXCNOTIF] section



If this bit is set, the hierarchy table lists only the folders that are soft deleted. If this bit is not set, the hierarchy table lists only the existing folders.

The listing of soft-deleted folders in a folder's hierarchy table depends on whether the soft-deleted folders remain part of that folder's hierarchy. The location where soft-deleted folders are stored is up to the implementer of the protocol.



If this bit is set, the columns that contain string data are returned in Unicode format. If this bit is not set, the string data is encoded in the code page of the Logon object.



The notifications generated by the client's actions on the hierarchy table are suppressed.