Método Masters.Add (Visio)
Agrega un objeto nuevo a una colección.
expresión. Añadir
Expresión Variable que representa un objeto Masters .
Valor devuelto
Todas las propiedades del objeto nuevo se inicializan en cero; por ello, sólo debe establecer las propiedades que desea cambiar.
La macro siguiente muestra cómo agregar objetos Master a la colección Masters y objetos Page a la colección Pages. También muestra cómo agregar documentos, capas, estilos, eventos y complementos a sus correspondientes colecciones.
Antes de ejecutar esta macro, reemplace Myfile.vsd por un archivo .vsd válido y referencias a la rutade acceso \ filename y filename por una ruta de acceso válida o un nombre de archivo a un complemento ejecutable (EXE) en el proyecto de Visio. El complemento no debería aceptar ningún argumento.
Public Sub Add_Example()
Dim vsoMasters As Visio.Masters
Dim vsoAddons As Visio.Addons
Dim vsoPages As Visio.Pages
Dim vsoEventList As Visio.EventList
Dim vsoLayers As Visio.Layers
Dim vsoLayer As Visio.Layer
Dim vsoStyles As Visio.Styles
Dim vsoDocument As Visio.Document
Dim vsoEvent As Visio.Event
Dim vsoMaster As Visio.Master
Dim vsoPage As Visio.Page
Dim vsoShape As Visio.Shape
Dim vsoStyle As Visio.Style
Dim vsoAddon As Visio.Addon
'Add a document based on the Basic Diagram template.
Set vsoDocument = Documents.Add("Basic Diagram.vst")
'Add a document based on a drawing (creates a copy of the drawing).
Set vsoDocument = Documents.Add("Myfile.vsd ")
'Add a document based on a stencil (creates a copy of the stencil).
Set vsoDocument = Documents.Add("Basic Shapes.vss")
'Add a document object based on no template.
Set vsoDocument = Documents.Add("")
'Get the Pages collection and add a page to the collection.
Set vsoPages = vsoDocument.Pages
Set vsoPage = vsoPages.Add
'Get the Masters collection and add a master to the collection.
Set vsoMasters = vsoDocument.Masters
Set vsoMaster = vsoMasters.Add
'Get the Layers collection and add a layer named "MyLayer"
'to the collection.
Set vsoLayers = vsoPage.Layers
Set vsoLayer = vsoLayers.Add("MyLayer")
'Draw a rectangle.
Set vsoShape = vsoPage.DrawRectangle(3, 3, 5, 6)
'Add this shape to MyLayer. The second argument is required but has
'no effect, because vsoShape is not a group shape.
vsoLayer.Add vsoShape, 0
'Add a style named "My FillStyle" to the Styles collection.
'This style is based on the Basic style and includes
'only a Fill style.
Set vsoStyles = vsoDocument.Styles
Set vsoStyle = vsoStyles.Add("My FillStyle", "Basic", False, False, True)
'Add a style named "My NoStyle" to the Styles collection.
'This style is based on no style and includes
'Text, Line, and Fill styles.
Set vsoStyle = vsoStyles.Add("My NoStyle", "", True, True, True)
'Add an add-on to the Addons collection.
Set vsoAddons = Visio.Addons
Set vsoAddon = vsoAddons.Add("path \filename ")
'Add a BeforeDeleteSelection event to the EventList collection
'of the document. The event will start your add-on, which
'takes no arguments.
Set vsoEventList = vsoDocument.EventList
Set vsoEvent = vsoEventList.Add(visEvtCodeBefSelDel, visActCodeRunAddon, _
"filename ", "")
End Sub
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