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Propiedad Characters.Shape (Visio)

Devuelve el objeto Shape que posee un objeto Cell, Characters, Row o Section , o que está asociado a un objeto Hyperlink o OLEObject o a la colección Hyperlinks . Solo lectura.


expresión. Forma

Expresión Variable que representa un objeto Characters .

Valor devuelto



Esta macro de Microsoft Visual Basic para Aplicaciones (VBA) muestra cómo utilizar la propiedad Shape para obtener los objetos Shape que poseen un objeto Cell y un objeto Characters.

Public Sub Shape_Example() 
 Dim vsoRectangle As Visio.Shape 
 Dim vsoOval As Visio.Shape 
 Dim vsoShapeFromCell As Visio.Shape 
 Dim vsoShapeFromCharacters As Visio.Shape 
 Dim vsoCell As Visio.Cell 
 Dim vsoCharacters As Visio.Characters 
 'Create 2 different shapes and add different text to each shape. 
 Set vsoRectangle = ActivePage.DrawRectangle(2, 3, 5, 4) 
 Set vsoOval = ActivePage.DrawOval(2, 5, 5, 7) 
 vsoRectangle.Text = "Rectangle Shape" 
 vsoOval.Text = "Oval Shape" 
 'Get a Cell object from the first shape. 
 Set vsoCell = vsoRectangle.Cells("Width") 
 'Get a Characters object from the second shape. 
 Set vsoCharacters = vsoOval.Characters 
 'Use the Shape property to get the Shape object. 
 Set vsoShapeFromCell = vsoCell.Shape 
 Set vsoShapeFromCharacters = vsoCharacters.Shape 
 'Use each shape's text to verify the proper Shape 
 'object was returned. 
 Debug.Print vsoShapeFromCell.Text 
 Debug.Print vsoShapeFromCharacters.Text 
End Sub

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