Propiedad Resource.Group (Project)
Obtiene o establece el grupo al cual pertenece un recurso. String de lectura y escritura.
expresión. Grupo
Expresión Variable que representa un objeto Resource .
En el siguiente ejemplo, se eliminan los recursos del proyecto activo que pertenecen a un grupo especificado por el usuario.
Sub DeleteResourcesInGroup()
Dim Entry As String ' The group specified by the user
Dim Deletions As Integer ' The number of deleted resources
Dim R As Resource ' The resource object used in loop
' Prompt user for the name of a group.
Entry = InputBox$("Enter a group name:")
' Cycle through the resources of the active project.
For Each R in ActiveProject.Resources
' Delete a resource if its group name matches the user's request.
If R.Group = Entry Then
Deletions = Deletions + 1
End If
Next R
' Display the number of resources that were deleted.
MsgBox(Deletions & " resources were deleted.")
End Sub
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