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Método Application.PasteSourceFormatting (Project)

Pega una copia de un informe o una forma, donde la copia mantiene el formato del origen.


expresión. PasteSourceFormatting

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Application.

Valor devuelto


True si el pegado se realiza correctamente; De lo contrario, False.


En el ejemplo siguiente se copia el informe de costos integrado, se crea un informe personalizado, se pega el informe copiado en el nuevo informe mediante el formato de origen y, a continuación, se cambia el nombre del título del informe.

Sub CopyCostReport()
    Dim reportName As String
    Dim newReportName As String
    Dim newReportTitle As String
    Dim myNewReport As Report
    Dim oShape As Shape
    Dim msg As String
    Dim msgBoxTitle As String
    Dim numShapes As Integer
    reportName = "Task Cost Overview"   ' Built-in report
    newReportName = "Task Cost Copy 2"
    msg = ""
    numShapes = 0
    If ActiveProject.Reports.IsPresent(reportName) Then
        ApplyReport reportName
        Set myNewReport = ActiveProject.Reports.Add(newReportName)
        ' List the shapes in the copied report.
        For Each oShape In myNewReport.Shapes
            numShapes = numShapes + 1
            msg = msg & numShapes & ". Shape type: " & CStr(oShape.Type) _
                & ", '" & oShape.Name & "'" & vbCrLf
            ' Modify the report title.
            If oShape.Name = "TextBox 1" Then
                newReportTitle = "My " & oShape.TextFrame2.TextRange.Text
                With oShape.TextFrame2.TextRange
                    .Text = newReportTitle
                    .Characters.Font.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = &H60FF10 ' Bluish green.
                End With
                oShape.Reflection.Type = msoReflectionType2
                oShape.IncrementTop -10    ' Move the title 10 points up.
            End If
        Next oShape
        msgBoxTitle = "Shapes in report: '" & myNewReport.Name & "'"
        If numShapes > 0 Then
            MsgBox Prompt:=msg, Title:=msgBoxTitle
            MsgBox Prompt:="This report contains no shapes.", _
        End If
        MsgBox Prompt:="No custom report name: " & reportName, _
            Title:="ApplyReport error", Buttons:=vbExclamation
    End If
End Sub

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Objeto Application

Método CopyReportShape.Copy MétodoPasteDestFormatting (métodoPasteAsPicture)

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