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Método Application.AlignTableCellBottom (Project)

Alinea el texto en la parte inferior de la celda para las celdas seleccionadas de una tabla de informe.


expresión. AlignTableCellBottom

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Application.

Valor devuelto



En el ejemplo siguiente, la macro AlignTableCells alinea el texto de todas las tablas del informe especificado.

Sub TestAlignReportTables()
    Dim reportName As String
    Dim alignment As String   ' The value can be "top", "center", or "bottom".
    reportName = "Align Table Cells Report"
    alignment = "top"
    AlignTableCells reportName, alignment
End Sub

' Align the text for all tables in a specified report.
Sub AlignTableCells(reportName As String, alignment As String)
    Dim theReport As Report
    Dim shp As Shape
    Set theReport = ActiveProject.Reports(reportName)
    ' Activate the report. If the report is already active,
    ' ignore the run-time error 1004 from the Apply method.
    On Error Resume Next
    On Error GoTo 0
    For Each shp In theReport.Shapes
        Debug.Print "Shape: " & shp.Type & ", " & shp.Name
        If shp.HasTable Then
            Select Case alignment
                Case "top"
                Case "center"
                Case "bottom"
                Case Else
                    Debug.Print "AlignTableCells error: " & vbCrLf _
                        & "alignment must be top, center, or bottom."
                End Select
        End If
    Next shp
End Sub

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Objeto Application

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