Objeto Theme (PowerPoint)
Representa un tema (una colección de colores, fuentes y efectos).
En el ejemplo de código siguiente se obtiene una referencia al tema actualmente activo y, a continuación, se recorre en iteración cada variación de tema del tema.
Sub IterateThemeVariants()
Dim pptTheme As Theme
Dim pptThemeVariants As ThemeVariants
Dim pptThemeVariant As ThemeVariant
Dim path As String
' Get a reference to the currently active theme.
path = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Document Themes 15\" & _
ActivePresentation.TemplateName & ".thmx"
Set pptTheme = Application.OpenThemeFile(path)
' Get a reference to all of the variations in the theme.
Set pptThemeVariants = pptTheme.ThemeVariants
' Iterate over each variation of the theme and print
' its ID.
For Each pptThemeVariant In pptThemeVariants
Debug.Print "Variation id: " & pptThemeVariant.Id
Next pptThemeVariant
End Sub
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