Compartir a través de

Propiedad Recordset.NoMatch (DAO)

Se aplica a: Access 2013, Office 2013

Indica si se ha encontrado un registro determinado utilizando el método Seek o uno de los métodos Find (solo en áreas de trabajo de Microsoft Access).


expression .NoMatch

expression Variable que representa un objeto Recordset.


Cuando abre o crea un objeto Recordset, su propiedad NoMatch se establece en False.

Para localizar un registro, use el método Seek en un objeto Recordset tipo tabla o use uno de los métodos Find en un objeto Recordset de tipo Dynaset o Snapshot. Compruebe el valor de la propiedad NoMatch para ver si se encontró el registro.

Si el método Seek o el método Find no se han ejecutado correctamente y la propiedad NoMatch es True, el registro actual ya no será válido. Si va a necesitar volver a un registro, asegúrese de obtener el marcador del registro actual antes de utilizar el método Seek o un método Find.


Cuando se usa alguno de los métodos Move en un objeto Recordset no se afecta al valor de su propiedad NoMatch.


En este ejemplo se utiliza la propiedad NoMatch para determinar si Seek y FindFirst han tenido un resultado correcto y, en caso contrario, proporcionar información adecuada. Se necesitan los procedimientos SeekMatch y FindMatch para que pueda ejecutarse este procedimiento.

    Sub NoMatchX() 
       Dim dbsNorthwind As Database 
       Dim rstProducts As Recordset 
       Dim rstCustomers As Recordset 
       Dim strMessage As String 
       Dim strSeek As String 
       Dim strCountry As String 
       Dim varBookmark As Variant 
       Set dbsNorthwind = OpenDatabase("Northwind.mdb") 
       ' Default is dbOpenTable; required if Index property will  
       ' be used. 
       Set rstProducts = dbsNorthwind.OpenRecordset("Products") 
       With rstProducts 
          .Index = "PrimaryKey" 
          Do While True 
             ' Show current record information; ask user for  
             ' input. 
             strMessage = "NoMatch with Seek method" & vbCr & _ 
                "Product ID: " & !ProductID & vbCr & _ 
                "Product Name: " & !ProductName & vbCr & _ 
                "NoMatch = " & .NoMatch & vbCr & vbCr & _ 
                "Enter a product ID." 
             strSeek = InputBox(strMessage) 
             If strSeek = "" Then Exit Do 
             ' Call procedure that seeks for a record based on  
             ' the ID number supplied by the user. 
             SeekMatch rstProducts, Val(strSeek) 
       End With 
       Set rstCustomers = dbsNorthwind.OpenRecordset( _ 
          "SELECT CompanyName, Country FROM Customers " & _ 
          "ORDER BY CompanyName", dbOpenSnapshot) 
       With rstCustomers 
          Do While True 
             ' Show current record information; ask user for  
             ' input. 
             strMessage = "NoMatch with FindFirst method" & _ 
                vbCr & "Customer Name: " & !CompanyName & _ 
                vbCr & "Country: " & !Country & vbCr & _ 
                "NoMatch = " & .NoMatch & vbCr & vbCr & _ 
                "Enter country on which to search." 
             strCountry = Trim(InputBox(strMessage)) 
             If strCountry = "" Then Exit Do 
             ' Call procedure that finds a record based on  
             ' the country name supplied by the user. 
             FindMatch rstCustomers, _ 
                "Country = '" & strCountry & "'" 
       End With 
    End Sub 
    Sub SeekMatch(rstTemp As Recordset, _ 
       intSeek As Integer) 
       Dim varBookmark As Variant 
       Dim strMessage As String 
       With rstTemp 
          ' Store current record location. 
          varBookmark = .Bookmark 
          .Seek "=", intSeek 
          ' If Seek method fails, notify user and return to the  
          ' last current record. 
          If .NoMatch Then 
             strMessage = _ 
                "Not found! Returning to current record." & _ 
                vbCr & vbCr & "NoMatch = " & .NoMatch 
             MsgBox strMessage 
             .Bookmark = varBookmark 
          End If 
       End With 
    End Sub 
    Sub FindMatch(rstTemp As Recordset, _ 
       strFind As String) 
       Dim varBookmark As Variant 
       Dim strMessage As String 
       With rstTemp 
          ' Store current record location. 
          varBookmark = .Bookmark 
          .FindFirst strFind 
          ' If Find method fails, notify user and return to the  
          ' last current record. 
          If .NoMatch Then 
             strMessage = _ 
                "Not found! Returning to current record." & _ 
                vbCr & vbCr & "NoMatch = " & .NoMatch 
             MsgBox strMessage 
             .Bookmark = varBookmark 
          End If 
       End With 
    End Sub 

El siguiente ejemplo muestra cómo usar el método Seek para encontrar un registro en una tabla vinculada.

Código de ejemplo proporcionado por la Referencia del programador de Microsoft Access 2010.

    Sub TestSeek()
        ' Get the path to the external database that contains
        ' the tblCustomers table we're going to search.
        Dim strMyExternalDatabase
        Dim dbs    As DAO.Database
        Dim dbsExt As DAO.Database
        Dim rst    As DAO.Recordset
        Dim tdf    As DAO.TableDef
        Set dbs = CurrentDb()
        Set tdf = dbs.TableDefs("tblCustomers")
        strMyExternalDatabase = Mid(tdf.Connect, 11)
        'Open the database that contains the table that is linked
        Set dbsExt = OpenDatabase(strMyExternalDatabase)
        'Open a table-type recordset against the external table
        Set rst = dbsExt.OpenRecordset("tblCustomers", dbOpenTable)
        'Specify which index to search on
        rst.Index = "PrimaryKey"
        'Specify the criteria
        rst.Seek "=", 123
        'Check the result
        If rst.NoMatch Then
            MsgBox "Record not found."
            MsgBox "Customer name: " & rst!CustName
        End If
        Set rst = Nothing
        Set tdf = Nothing
        Set dbs = Nothing
    End Sub