Create and Manage Creatives (Legacy)
Deprecation Notice
The Marketing Version 202403 (Marketing March 2024) has been sunset. We recommend that you migrate to the latest versioned APIs as well as migrate to the new Content and Community Management APIs to avoid disruptions. See the Migration page for more details.
If you haven’t yet migrated and have questions, submit a request on the LinkedIn Developer Support Portal.
The Creatives API replaces the adCreativesV2
API for designing creative content for an Ad Campaign.
An ad creative conceptually contains all the data for visually rendering the ad. There are several types of ad creatives that you can associate with campaigns including Text Ads, Sponsored Content, Message Ads, Sponsored Video, Sponsored Carousel Ads, and Dynamic Ads.
The following conditions apply:
- An ad account can have a maximum of 15,000 creatives.
- A campaign can have a maximum of 100 creatives.
- Creative types must match their campaign's ad format. If the campaign has no ad format set, it will be set by the first creative created under that campaign. Dynamic, carousel, and video ad campaigns must have their format set upon creation.
There are two conditions for successful calls: (1) Scope permissions to rw_ads
and/or r_ads
, and (2) the user assigning permission holding one of the following roles in the Ad Account.
Scope permissions:
Ad Account Roles:
(Read-Only, even with rw_ads scope)
For more information on Ad Account roles and permissions:
The adCreativesV2
API implements pagination using the start
and count
parameters for searching for creatives. The max 'count' value is 1000. A 400 Bad Request
response with the message, "Specified count is larger than 1000" is returned if:
- The
is greater than 1000 - Number of elements in the response is greater than 100, and the API request does not have pagination request parameters
For more information, see Pagination.
Creative Types
Use the adCreativesV2
API to create the following creative types:
- Text Ads: Appears in various parts of
- Sponsored Content: Appears in the home page feed of members
- Message Ads: A message delivered to a LinkedIn member's inbox
- Conversation Ads: An ad format that allows advertisers to deliver pre-determined messages to an inbox of a targeted LinkedIn member, providing a chat-like experience
- Sponsored Video: Contains user-generated video content
- Sponsored Carousel Ad: Displays multiple images in succession in a single ad unit, each with its own description and destination link
- Dynamic Ads: A personalized ad tailored to each member
Please note that Dynamic Content Ads are only available for managed accounts and cannot be managed through the API or Campaign Manager. API support for Dynamic Ads is currently in Open Beta.
Field Name | Type | Description |
campaign | sponsoredCampaignUrn | URN identifying the campaign associated with the creative. |
processingState | optional enum | Indicates processing state of the creative. Possible values:
reference | optional URN | A reference URN for this object to an external system, with semantics varying based on the creative type. Sponsored Status Update (SSU) creative must contain a valid activity/share reference. If the activity/share has an associated company actor, it must match the parent campaign's reference. SSU creative reference cannot be modified after creation. Reference is not applicable and is not set for text ad creative. |
review.reviewStatus | String |
review.RejectionReason | Array [] | An array of reasons for rejecting creatives. For more details, refer to the RejectionReason list. |
status | creativeStatus |
type | creativeType |
variables | creativeVariables | Variables for rendering the creative. |
test | boolean, default="false" | Flag showing whether this creative is a test creative, i.e., belongs to a test campaign. This is a read-only and immutable field that is set implicitly during creation based on whether the account is a Test Account or not. |
servingStatuses | CreativeServingStatus[] | Array of enums that determine whether or not a creative may be served. Unlike status , which is user-managed, the values are controlled by the service. This is a read-only field. Possible values are:
Field | Type | Description |
clickUri | URI | Required when creative type is TEXT_AD . Maximum character limit of 500 after URL encoding all special characters. Limit does not include the "https://" prefix. |
data | Union [ TextAdCreativeVariables, SponsoredUpdateCreativeVariables, SponsoredInMailCreativeVariable, SponsoredVideoCreativeVariables, SponsoredUpdateCarouselCreativeVariables, FollowCompanyCreativeVariablesV2, SpotlightCreativeVariablesV2, JobsCreativeVariablesV2 ] | Data of the creative according to its typeValid values are
Create a Text Ad
To create a text ad, you must specify the type
field as TEXT_AD
and include TextAdCreativeVariables
within the
Field Name | Type | Description |
text | string | Body text of the creative. |
title | string | Title of the creative. |
Sample Request
"campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:123456",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"type": "TEXT_AD",
"variables": {
"clickUri": "",
"data": {
"": {
"text": "This is a test ad description that links to LinkedIn",
"title": "This is a Test Ad!"
A successful response returns a 201 Created
HTTP status code and the ID in the x-linkedin-id
response header.
To upload an image with your text ad, we recommend partners use assets API to upload image. Once you have a media URN
, you can reference it in vectorImage
Sample Request Using Assets URN
"campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:123456",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"type": "TEXT_AD",
"variables": {
"clickUri": "",
"data": {
"": {
"vectorImage": "urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:C5522AQHn46pwH96hxQ",
"text": "This is a test ad description that links to LinkedIn",
"title": "This is Test Ad!"
Create a Sponsored Content Share
To create a Sponsored Content Ad, you must have a share to sponsor. Use an existing share or create a new organic organization share. Be sure to mark the owner
field with the organization URN
you want to advertise. You can retrieve organization shares if you want to sponsor an existing share.
You can sponsor the organic share by inputting the share URN
in the reference
field when creating the ad creative.
To create a Sponsored Content ad, you must also specify the type
Field Name | Type | Description |
activity | optional ActivityUrn | URN identifying the sponsored activity. This field is read only and is derived from creative reference. For example, urn:li:activity:611111111111 . |
directSponsoredContent | boolean, default="false" | Indicate whether the creative is a direct sponsored content (DSC) or not. The direct sponsored content allows an advertiser to sponsor content without first publishing the content on a Company Page or Showcase Page. The field is read only. |
share | optional ShareUrn | URN identifying the sponsored share. This field is read only and is derived from creative reference. For example, urn:li:share:6275819655923933184 . |
Sample Request
"campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:10879951",
"reference": "urn:li:share:1234567890",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"variables": {
"data": {
"": {}
A successful response returns a 201 Created
HTTP status code and the ID in the x-linkedin-id
response header.
Create a Direct Sponsored Content Share
A Direct Sponsored Content Share allows an advertiser to sponsor content without first publishing the content on the Organization Page. It is very similar to a Sponsored Content Share except the share is not organic. This is otherwise known as a "dark" share and can only be viewed by the administrators of the organization's page.
To create a dark share, reference the agent field in Organization Share API with your sponsoredAccount URN. Once you create a dark organization share, you can advertise it like a Sponsored Content Share.
To archive a dark share, update the direct sponsored content with the correct URN.
Check Direct Sponsored Content Permission
Use the Organization Access Control API to check whether a member has permission to create Direct Sponsored Content for a company through an advertiser account. To manage Direct Sponsored Content for a company page, the member has to either have an organization role of ADMINISTRATOR
Create a Lead Generation Form Sponsored Content Ad
A Lead Gen Form Sponsored Content ad allows an advertiser to sponsor content that directs a user to a form. It is very similar to a Sponsored Content Ad, except it routes to a form. You must include callToAction
that points to the ad form with which you want to generate leads. See Ads Leadgen for more on creating ad forms.
Sample Request
"campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:141973754",
"reference": "urn:li:share:6430585633935742976",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"variables": {
"data": {
"": {}
"callToAction": {
"labelType": "LEARN_MORE",
"target": "urn:li:adForm:642134"
Call to Action Label Types
Type | Description |
APPLY_NOW | Call To Action button on the creative shows 'Apply Now'. |
DOWNLOAD | Call To Action button on the creative shows 'Download'. |
GET_QUOTE | Call To Action button on the creative shows 'Get Quote'. |
LEARN_MORE | Call To Action button on the creative shows 'Learn More'. |
SIGN_UP | Call To Action button on the creative shows 'Sign Up'. |
SUBSCRIBE | Call To Action button on the creative shows 'Subscribe'. |
REGISTER | Call To Action button on the creative shows 'Register'. |
Create a Message Ad
Message Ads make it easy to target audiences with relevant content delivered through LinkedIn messages. To create content for a Message Ad, you must create a Message Ad Content variable. See Message Ads for more on information.
You must specify the type
. Your adInMailContent
record should be included in SponsoredInMailCreativeVariables within the
Please note that creatives of SPONSORED_INMAILS type will default to being created in DRAFT
status, enabling you to test your creative before activating. This is true even if the status
is set to ACTIVE
during creation. You will need to make a subsequent call to update the status
when you have finished testing and finalizing your creative.
Field | Type | Description |
content | AdInMailContentUrn | Reference to the content of the InMail. For example, urn:li:adInMailContent:662673 . |
Sample Request
"campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:123456",
"status": "DRAFT",
"variables": {
"data": {
"": {
"content": "urn:li:adInMailContent:662673"
Create a Conversation Ad
Conversation Ads allow advertisers to deliver pre-determined messages to targeted Members' LinkedIn messaging inbox, offering an approachable and flexible chat-like experience.
You must specify the type
. Your adInMailContent
record should be included in SponsoredInMailCreativeVariables within the
Please note that creatives of SPONSORED_MESSAGE type will default to being created in DRAFT
status, enabling you to test your creative before activating. This is true even if the status
is set to ACTIVE
during creation. You will need to make a subsequent call to update the status
when you have finished testing and finalizing your creative.
Field | Type | Description |
content | AdInMailContentUrn | Reference to the content of the InMail. For example, urn:li:adInMailContent:720536 . |
Sample Request
"campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:342866155",
"variables": {
"data": {
"": {
"content": "urn:li:adInMailContent:720536"
Validations for Conversation Ads
Conversation Ads have the following validations on an adCreativesV2 endpoint:
- For SPONSORED_MESSAGE creatives in a campaign with the LEAD_GENERATION objective, there must be at least one SponsoredMessageContent that has a SponsoredMessageOption with a type of LEAD_GENERATION.
- For SPONSORED_MESSAGE creatives in a campaign with the WEBSITE_TRAFFIC objective, there must be at least one SponsoredMessageContent that has a SponsoredMessageOption with a type of EXTERNAL_WEBSITE.
Create a Video Ad
To create a Video Ad Creative, the UGC Post
associated with adDirectSponsoredContent
must be in the PUBLISHED
state. Video posts may be in the PROCESSING
state for several minutes after creation. Use the UGC Post endpoint to retrieve the post and check the lifecycleState
field. Do not create a Video Ad Creative until the associated video post's lifecycleState
field is PUBLISHED
The type
field must be set as SPONSORED_VIDEO
Field | Type | Description |
durationMicro | long | Duration of the video in microseconds. This field is read only and is filled after asset has been fully processed. |
mediaAsset | DigitalmediaAssetUrn | URN identifying the video asset. This field is read only and is derived from creative reference. For example, urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:C5w . |
userGeneratedContentPost | UserGeneratedContentPostUrn | URN identifying the sponsored user generated content post. This field is read only and is derived from creative reference. For example, urn:li:ugcPost:656704 . |
videoAspectRatio | AspectRatio | Aspect ratio data detailing the width and height aspects of the video asset. This field is read only and is derived from the mediaAsset. |
Field | Type | Description |
heightAspect | float | Aspect ratio's height. |
widthAspect | float | Aspect ratio's width. |
Sample Request
"campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:338554194",
"reference": "urn:li:ugcPost:6252170159696502784",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"variables": {
"data": {
"": {}
A successful response returns a 201 Created
HTTP status code and the ID in the x-linkedin-id
response header.
Create a Carousel Ad
To create a Carousel Ad Creative, set type
and include SponsoredUpdateCarouselCreativeVariables
within the
Carousel posts must be sponsored and are not intended to be a regular post.
Refer to the Vector Asset API API doc on how to create share with multiple images to use in reference field.
Field | Type | Description |
activity | ActivityUrn | URN identifying the sponsored activity. This field is read only and is derived from creative reference. This field is not set when the creative reference is not an activity. |
directSponsoredContent | Boolean | Indicate whether the creative is a direct sponsored content or not. The direct sponsored content allows an advertiser to sponsor content without first publishing the content on a Company Page or Showcase Page. The field is read only and defaults to false.optimization . |
share | ShareUrn | URN identifying the sponsored share. This field is read only and is derived from creative reference. This field is not set when the creative reference is not a share. |
Sample Request
"campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:1234",
"reference": "urn:li:share:5555",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"variables": {
"data": {
"": {}
A successful response returns a 201 Created
HTTP status code and the ID in the x-linkedin-id
response header.
Create a Dynamic Follower Ad
To create a Dynamic Follower Ad, set type
and include FollowCompanyCreativeVariablesV2
within the
Field | Type | Description |
callToAction | String | The call-to-action (CTA is what you want your target audience to do after seeing your ad. Possible values:
description | optional Union [String, String] | The description is text at the top of your ad. It provides more information to people who see your ad. You can specify a standard description that is internationalized and not subject to review, or use a custom description that will be subject to review. Custom Value Format: {"string" : "Custom description"} Standard Value Format: {"" : "STANDARD_VALUE_ENUM"} Standard values:
headline | Union [String, String] | The headline is bold text displayed right beneath your image or logo. It is the main message seen by your target audience. You can specify a standard headline that is internationalized and not subject to review, or use a custom description that will be subject to review. Custom Value Format: {"string" : "Custom headline"} Standard Value Format: {"" : "STANDARD_VALUE_ENUM"} Standard values:
| | OrganizationUrn | Organization sponsoring the ad. |
organizationLogo | DigitalMediaAssetUrn | Media urn of organization logo, Upload using assets API. This may differ from the logo on the official organization page. |
organizationName | String | Organization name to use in ad. This may differ from the name on the official organization page. |
Sample Request
The following sample uses standard enum values for description
and headline
"variables": {
"data": {
"": {
"organizationName": "Test Company Name",
"organization": {
"company": "urn:li:organization:11111"
"organizationLogo": "urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:ABcdeFGHIJklmOp",
"description": {
"headline": {
"callToAction": "VISIT_COMPANY"
"campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:12345",
"type": "FOLLOW_COMPANY_V2",
"status": "ACTIVE"
The sample below uses custom description
and headline
values. Note the keys for setting these values change to string
instead of
"variables": {
"data": {
"": {
"organizationName": "Test Company Name",
"organization": {
"company": "urn:li:organization:11111"
"organizationLogo": "urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:ABcdeFGHIJklmOp",
"description": {
"string": "Custom description"
"headline": {
"string": "Custom Headline"
"callToAction": "VISIT_COMPANY"
"campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:12345",
"type": "FOLLOW_COMPANY_V2",
"status": "ACTIVE"
On success, a response will be returned with 201 Created status. The ID of the creative is returned in the x-linkedin-id response header.
Create a Dynamic Spotlight Ad
To create a Dynamic Spotlight Ad, set type
equal to SPOTLIGHT_V2
and include SpotlightCreativeVariablesV2
within the
Field | Type | Description |
callToAction | String | The call-to-action (CTA) is what you want your target audience to do after seeing your ad. It is used for the button text. |
customBackground | optional DigitalmediaAssetUrn | Custom background image uploaded by the advertiser |
description | optional String | The description is text at the top of your ad. It provides more information to people who see your ad. Not used when customBackground is set. |
forumName | String | Name of the open forum being showcased. |
headline | String | The headline is bold text displayed right beneath your image or logo. It is the main message seen by your target audience. |
logo | DigitalmediaAssetUrn | Logo to use in the ad always provided by the advertiser. Upload using assets API |
showMemberProfilePhoto | boolean, default="true" | Whether or not to show member profile photo in the rendered ad creative |
Sample Request
"variables": {
"clickUri": "",
"data": {
"": {
"showMemberProfilePhoto": true,
"forumName": "Dev Test Co",
"logo": "urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:ABcdeFGHIJklmOp",
"headline": "Check out this spotlight ad",
"customBackground": "urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:klMnOPQRSTuvWxyZ",
"callToAction": "Submit",
"description": "This is a description for spotlight ad"
"campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:1234",
"type": "SPOTLIGHT_V2",
"status": "ACTIVE"
On success, a response will be returned with 201 Created status. The ID of the creative is returned in the x-linkedin-id response header.
Create a Dynamic Job Ad
To create a Dynamic Job Ad, set type
equal to JOBS_V2
and include JobsCreativeVariablesV2
within the
field. You may only create Dynamic Job Ads for campaigns with CPM cost type.
Field | Type | Description |
buttonLabel | Union [String, String] | The button label at the bottom of the ad when there are at least three jobs for the member. Not used for mobile job ads. Format: {"" : "{label}"} Allowed values:
companyName | String | Company name to use in the ad. This may differ from the name on the official company page. |
headline | Union [String, String] | The headline of the ad. It is the main message seen by your target audience. Not used for mobile job ads. Format: {"" : "{headline}"} You can specify a standard headline that is internationalized and not subject to review, or use a custom description that will be subject to review. Standard values:
logo | DigitalmediaAssetUrn | Media URN of the company logo. Upload using assets API. This may differ from the logo on the official company page. Not used for mobile job ads. |
organization | OrganizationUrn | Organization sponsoring the ad. |
Sample Request
"variables": {
"data": {
"": {
"companyName": "Test Company Name",
"organization": "urn:li:organization:11111",
"logo": "urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:ABcdeFGHIJklmOp",
"headline": {
"buttonLabel": {
"campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:12345",
"type": "JOBS_V2",
"status": "ACTIVE"
On success, a response will be returned with 201 Created status. The ID of the creative is returned in the x-linkedin-id response header.
Get a Creative
Sample Response
"campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:126719746",
"changeAuditStamps": {
"created": {
"time": 1504042943000
"lastModified": {
"time": 1504042943000
"id": 57138903,
"review": {
"reviewStatus": "PENDING"
"status": "ACTIVE",
"type": "TEXT_AD",
"test": "false",
"variables": {
"data": {
"": {
"text": "This is a test ad description that links to LinkedIn",
"title": "This is Test Ad!"
"version": {
"versionTag": "1"
Get a Creative Name
The subject
field within the SponsoredUpdateCreativeVariables
object maps to the creative name displayed in the Campaign Manager user interface. To retrieve a name for a creative for a Sponsored Content ad, issue the following request
Sample Response
"variables": {
"data": {
"": {
"share": "urn:li:share:12345",
"share~": {
"text": {
"text": "Check out our new products"
"subject": "Test Sponsored Content",
"content": {
"contentEntities": [
"description": "Description",
"entityLocation": "",
"title": "Headline"
"activity": "urn:li:activity:12345",
"directSponsoredContent": true
Text Ads Created With Campaign Manager
A Text Ad Creative created using Campaign Manager returns a Digital Media Asset URN in its response.
// Other fields hidden for example purposes
"variables": {
"clickUri": "poli:/company/2414183",
"data": {
"": {
"imageId": "",
"text": "Mosaic Tiles black and white colors",
"title": "Aweseom Ads Platform",
"vectorImage": "urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:C560EAQEyB_iV3M93-w"
Decoration can be used to resolve the digitalMediaAsset
URN in the vectorImage
field. The response returns a number of URLs that can be chosen at runtime based on your use case.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"variables": {
"data": {
"": {
"vectorImage": "urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:C560EAQEyB_iV3M93-w",
"vectorImage~": {
"elements": [
"artifact": "urn:li:digitalmediaMediaArtifact:(urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:C560EAQEyB_iV3M93-w,urn:li:digitalmediaMediaArtifactClass:rightRail-logo-shrink_200_200)",
"authorizationMethod": "PUBLIC",
"data": {
"com.linkedin.digitalmedia.mediaartifact.StillImage": {
"displayAspectRatio": {
"formatted": "1.14:1.00",
"heightAspect": 1,
"widthAspect": 1.1363636
"displaySize": {
"height": 176,
"uom": "PX",
"width": 200
"mediaType": "image/jpeg",
"rawCodecSpec": {
"name": "jpeg",
"type": "image"
"rawMetadataTags": [],
"storageAspectRatio": {
"formatted": "1.14:1.00",
"heightAspect": 1,
"widthAspect": 1.1363636
"storageSize": {
"height": 176,
"width": 200
"identifiers": [
"file": "urn:li:digitalmediaFile:(urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:C560EAQEyB_iV3M93-w,urn:li:digitalmediaMediaArtifactClass:rightRail-logo-shrink_200_200,0)",
"identifier": "",
"identifierExpiresInSeconds": 1523404800,
"index": 0,
"mediaType": "image/jpeg",
"size": 40764
"artifact": "urn:li:digitalmediaMediaArtifact:(urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:C560EAQEyB_iV3M93-w,urn:li:digitalmediaMediaArtifactClass:rightRail-logo-shrink_100_100)",
"authorizationMethod": "PUBLIC",
"data": {
"com.linkedin.digitalmedia.mediaartifact.StillImage": {
"displayAspectRatio": {
"formatted": "1.14:1.00",
"heightAspect": 1,
"widthAspect": 1.1363636
"displaySize": {
"height": 88,
"uom": "PX",
"width": 100
"mediaType": "image/jpeg",
"rawCodecSpec": {
"name": "jpeg",
"type": "image"
"rawMetadataTags": [],
"storageAspectRatio": {
"formatted": "1.14:1.00",
"heightAspect": 1,
"widthAspect": 1.1363636
"storageSize": {
"height": 88,
"width": 100
"identifiers": [
"file": "urn:li:digitalmediaFile:(urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:C560EAQEyB_iV3M93-w,urn:li:digitalmediaMediaArtifactClass:rightRail-logo-shrink_100_100,0)",
"identifier": "",
"identifierExpiresInSeconds": 1523404800,
"index": 0,
"mediaType": "image/jpeg",
"size": 28744
"paging": {
"count": 10,
"links": [],
"start": 0
Search for Creatives
You can search for creatives by ID, campaign URN, status, or reference URN. Search criteria can be chained together for increased granularity. If a search query is omitted, the response returns all creatives you have access to.
Field Name | Required | Description |
search.campaign.values | No | Searches for creatives associated with the provided sponsored campaign URN. | | No | Searches for creatives with the provided ID. |
search.reference.values | No | Searches for creatives with the provided share URN. |
search.status.values | No | Searches for creatives with the provided status. The possible values are:
search.test | no | Searches for creatives based on test or non-test.
sort | No | Query results can be ordered using the sort param. The sort param supports the following fields:
totals | No | Boolean to controls whether or not the total record count is displayed. The default is true. |
Sample Request
The following example searches for all creatives associated with campaign urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:117916841
status. The results are ordered by id
in descending order.
Sample Response
"elements": [
"campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:110901063",
"changeAuditStamps": {
"created": {
"time": 1413243006876
"lastModified": {
"time": 1413243006963
"test": "false",
"id": 21324443,
"reference": "urn:li:share:5927566794901454849",
"review": {
"reviewStatus": "PENDING"
"status": "ACTIVE",
"variables": {
"data": {
"": {
"directSponsoredContent": false,
"share": "urn:li:share:5927566794901454849"
"version": {
"versionTag": "2"
The above call may return both test and non-test creatives.
If you would like to search only non-test creatives, you can filter out the test creatives by specifying search.test=false. If you would like to search only test creatives, specify search.test=true.
Update a Creative
You can change the details of your creative such as headline, description, destination URL, and status during the ad campaign duration.
Sample Request
The following example call is for updating a Text Ad. Currently, editing Video Ads, Single Image Ads, and Carousel Ads via the /adCreativesV2
endpoint is not available.
POST{creative ID}
"patch": {
"$set": {
"variables": {
"clickUri": "",
"data": {
"": {
"text": "This is no longer a test ad description",
"title": "This is a REAL Ad!"
Preview an Ad Creative
You can preview what a share would look like as a Sponsored Content Ad Creative. To access the preview, you must be logged in to LinkedIn.
Preview URL for Web
Form the preview URL like this:{compound key Sponsored Content V2 Urn}
Sample Request
In the following example, the preview URL has a:
- Base URL =
- Sponsored Content V2 URN =
( urn:li:sponsoredContentV2:(urn:li:activity:6324822702993604608,urn:li:sponsoredCreative:57807654 ))
that is comprised of the following:- Constant part of Sponsored Content V2 URN =
- Activity URN =
- Sponsored Creative URN =
- Constant part of Sponsored Content V2 URN =
Sample preview URL,urn:li:sponsoredCreative:57807654)
Preview URL for Mobile
Preview URL for Mobile Preview{compound key Sponsored Content V2 Urn}/?_appName=core
Sample Request
Sample preview for mobile preview:,urn:li:sponsoredCreative:57807654)/?_appName=core
Archive, Cancel, or Pause a Creative
The status of a creative determines whether or not the ad is served. See status
under Creative Schema to understand active, paused, archived, and canceled statuses. You cannot pause an ad creative in review. This endpoint will return a 400 error if you attempt to change the status of an in-review ad creative to paused.
POST{creative ID}
"patch": {
"$set": {
"status": "ARCHIVED"
Delete a Creative
A Creative can be deleted. Use DELETE method to delete a creative that meets one of the following conditions. To start the process of deleting other creative, update the status to PENDING_DELETION
- Creative is in a DRAFT state.
- Creative is linked to a Campaign in a DRAFT state.
- Creative is a Video Ad creative and
Sample Request
To delete a creative that meets one of the above conditions:
DELETE{creative ID}
To delete any other creative:
POST{creative ID}
"patch": {
"$set": {
A successful response returns a 204 code.
Batch Operations
- Batch Create Ads Creatives
- Batch Get Ads Creatives
- Batch Partial Update Ads Creatives
- Batch Delete Ads Creatives
Batch operations may only be performed on entities that belong to the same Ad Account.
Batch Create Ad Creatives
When you perform a batch create, the header X-RestLi-Method
must be included in the request and set to BATCH_CREATE
"elements": [
"campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:127258096",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"type": "TEXT_AD",
"variables": {
"clickUri": "",
"data": {
"": {
"text": "This is a test ad description that links to LinkedIn 1 Batch 1 ",
"title": "This is Test Ad!"
"campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:127258096",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"type": "TEXT_AD",
"variables": {
"clickUri": "",
"data": {
"": {
"text": "This is a test ad description that links to LinkedIn 2 Batch 1",
"title": "This is Test Ad!"
Sample Response
"elements": [
"$URN": "urn:li:sponsoredCreative:47905676",
"id": "47905676",
"location": "/adCreativesV2/47905676",
"status": 201
"$URN": "urn:li:sponsoredCreative:47905686",
"id": "47905686",
"location": "/adCreativesV2/47905686",
"status": 201
Batch Get Ad Creatives
You can fetch a list of Ad Creatives with the associated IDs.
The request must include a header for Restli Protocol 2.0.0 as X-Restli-Protocol-Version: 2.0.0
Sample Request
Sample Response
"errors": {},
"results": {
"47771456": {
"account": "urn:li:sponsoredAccount:507557938",
"changeAuditStamps": {
"created": {
"time": 1506722181000
"lastModified": {
"time": 1506722181000
"id": 47771456,
"review": {
"reviewStatus": "PENDING"
"servingStatuses": [
"test": "false",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"type": "TEXT_AD",
"version": {
"versionTag": "1"
"47771492": {
"account": "urn:li:sponsoredAccount:507557938",
"changeAuditStamps": {
"created": {
"time": 1506722181000
"lastModified": {
"time": 1506722181000
"id": 47771492,
"review": {
"reviewStatus": "PENDING"
"servingStatuses": [
"test": "false",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"type": "TEXT_AD",
"version": {
"versionTag": "1"
"statuses": {}
Batch Partial Update Ad Creatives
When you perform a batch partial update, the header X-RestLi-Method
must be included in the request and set to BATCH_PARTIAL_UPDATE
. Additionally, the request must include a header for Restli Protocol 2.0.0 as X-Restli-Protocol-Version: 2.0.0
"entities": {
"47770196": {
"patch": {
"$set": {
"status": "ACTIVE"
"47770124": {
"patch": {
"$set": {
"status": "ACTIVE"
Batch Delete Ad Creatives
Multiple creatives can be deleted. Use DELETE method to delete creatives that meet one of the following conditions. To start the process of deleting other creatives, update the status to PENDING_DELETION
- Creative is in a DRAFT state.
- Creative is linked to a Campaign in a DRAFT state.
- Creative is a Video Ad creative and
Sample Request
To delete creatives that meet one of the above conditions:
DELETE{creative_ID1, creative_ID2})
To delete any creatives that don't meet the above conditions:
"entities": {
"creative_ID1": {
"patch": {
"$set": {
"creative_ID2": {
"patch": {
"$set": {
A successful response returns a 204 code.
Sample Response
The sample request attempted to delete two Ad Creatives. The sample response below shows that only Ad Creatives 1 was successfully updated.
"results": {
//error detail
Ad Creative Rejection Reasons
Ad creatives go through a review process before they can be served. The following table lists the possible reasons an ad could be rejected. The symbol column shows the values that are returned through the API.
Symbol | Description |
ADULT_CONTENT | Adult Content: LinkedIn does not allow ads related to sexual or adult content, products, or services, including images with nudity, escort services, erotic massage, pornography, sex toys, prostitution, sexual services, strip clubs, erotic dancing, or international bride services. |
AFFILIATE_ADVERTISING | Affiliate Advertising: LinkedIn does not allow affiliate ads and related programs. |
ALCOHOL | Alcohol: Ads for alcoholic beverages such as wine, beer and spirits are restricted on LinkedIn and may not be placed through our self-service tool. |
ANIMAL_OR_ANIMAL_PRODUCTS | Animal or Animal Products: LinkedIn does not allow ads for live animals or animal products, including sale of animals, furs or products made from furs, hides or body parts of animals included on any government endangered species lists. |
BACK_BUTTON_NOT_WORKING | Back button not working: The landing page must allow users to use the browser's 'Back' button to return to the page that the ad was displayed on. |
CHINA_POLICY_VIOLATION | Content does not comply with China Ads Policy. |
COPYRIGHTED_CONTENT | Copyrighted content: LinkedIn does not allow ads for products and services marketed for the purpose of (or that are primarily used for) the distribution of software, media and other content in violation of the intellectual property rights of others. |
COUNTERFEIT_GOODS | Counterfeit goods: LinkedIn does not allow ads that sell or promote counterfeit goods. |
CRYPTOCURRENCY | Cryptocurrency: LinkedIn does not allow ads related to the buying, selling or trading of cryptocurrencies. |
CURRENT_SENSITIVE_EVENTS | LinkedIn does not allow ads that could capitalize from, exploit or sensationalize the currently monitored sensitive event. |
DATA_COLLECTION_AND_PRIVACY | Data collection & privacy: Do not use an ad to facilitate collection of a member's data. If you collect sensitive information, we ask that you use HTTPs. Sensitive information includes, but is not limited to, financial, identification, medical, and login information. |
DECEPTIVE_BEHAVIOR | Deceptive Behavior: Behavior like cloaking or unicode manipulation. |
DIETARY_SUPPLEMENTS | LinkedIn does not allow ads related to dietary supplements with ephedrine group alkaloids targeted to members under the age of 18. |
EXCESSIVE_CAPITALIZATION | Excessive capitalization: Do not use excessive capitalization in your ad, with the exception of valid acronyms and trademarks. |
EXCESSIVE_CONTACT_INFORMATION | Excessive contact information: You may include a single link and either a single email address or phone number in your ad. A QR code is considered an extra link if it’s different from the landing page URL. |
EXCESSIVE_NEGATIVE_RESPONSE | Excessive negative response: Ensure that your ad does not continue the conversation after the member has declined your offer. |
FAKE_DOCUMENT | Fake document: LinkedIn does not allow ads for fake documents that could be used to trick or defraud. Examples include: (1) academic degrees, (2) professional licenses or certifications, (3) national IDs, (4) working permits (immigration status), (5) business licenses, (6) birth certificates, (7) passports, (8) invoices or receipts, (9) medical records, and (10) noble titles/status. |
GAMBLING_SWEEPSTAKES_AND_VIRTUAL_CURRENCY | Gambling and sweepstakes: LinkedIn does not allow ads related to gambling or sweepstakes. Ads related to the following are prohibited: sports betting, bingo, lotteries, gambling tours and tutoring, tools and software for gambling, scratch games. |
GENERAL_TRADEMARK_ISSUES | General trademark issues: Do not use trademarks that you don't have a legal right to use in your ad. Your ad must not include any text that may be deemed as infringing upon the trademarks of other parties unless permission has been granted by the trademark owner. |
HACKING_AND_CRACKING | Hacking, cracking, and circumvention: LinkedIn does not allow ads that promote products or services for hacking. This includes: instructions on how to illegally alter electronic equipment, bypass digital content management systems, or otherwise illegally tamper with software, servers, cell phones, or websites, or listen in or record conversations or information without proper consent. LinkedIn also does not allow products designed to interfere with the enforcement of traffic laws (radar detectors), surveillance products, encryption products/services, and de-encryption devices and services. |
HATE_VIOLENCE_DISCRIMINATION_AND_OPPOSITION | Hate speech and discrimination: LinkedIn does not allow ads that include hate speech or show, or promote violence or discrimination against others, or are personal attacks on any individual, group, company or organization, or otherwise advocating against or targeting any individual, group, company or organization. |
HEALTH_MATTERS | Health matters: Ads promoting unrealistic or misleading claims about health improvements, including related to diet and weight loss, are prohibited. Ads promoting unhealthy or unsafe behaviors, such as excessive consumption of an item, are also prohibited. LinkedIn reserves the right to restrict advertising related to any health matter. |
ILLICIT_OR_RECREATIONAL_DRUGS_AND_RELATED_PRODUCTS | Illicit or Recreational Drugs and Related Products: LinkedIn does not allow ads promoting the sale or use of illicit or recreational drugs, or any related products or services. Ads promoting illegal drugs, highs, herbal medicines and treatments, psychoactive effects of substances, or aids to pass drug tests are prohibited. |
IMPLIED_AFFILIATION | Implied affiliation: Do not imply you or your product is affiliated with or endorsed by others without their permission. |
INAPPROPRIATE_LANGUAGE_OR_IMAGE | Inappropriate language or image: Please use appropriate and acceptable language and images in your ad. Do not use language or images that could be considered offensive by any reasonable viewer of your ad. Even if legal in the applicable jurisdiction, LinkedIn does not allow ads that are indecent, violent, vulgar, suggestive or that, in the opinion of LinkedIn, may be offensive to good taste. |
INAPPROPRIATE_NAME | Inappropriate name: For Sponsored InMails, we require the sender's name to be of a natural person. Do not use a fake name, invalid profile name, or company name to send the Sponsored InMail. |
INCONSISTENT_DISPLAY_AND_LANDING_PAGE_URLS | Inconsistent display and landing page URLs: Your display URL must match your destination URL. All members who click on your ad must be sent to the same destination URL and landing page. |
JOB_POSTING_WITHOUT_LISTED_STATE | Job Posting Inactive: This ad promotes a job posting that has been deleted, closed, is in draft, etc. Ensure your ad promotes an active job posting. |
LEGITSCRIPT_APPROVAL_MISSING | Authorization Required: Ads promoting pharmacy or telehealth services are restricted and require prior authorization. Requirements for authorization include LegitScript certification and onboarding. |
LINKEDIN_MENTIONED_IN_AD_TEXT | LinkedIn in ad: Do not use LinkedIn in your ad unless it refers to a page or product on our site, such as ‘Find me on LinkedIn.’ Do not imply affiliation with or endorsement by LinkedIn. |
LOANS_AND_FINANCIAL_SERVICES | Loans & financial services: Ads for loan and financial services must fulfill a specific set of requirements. |
MALICIOUS_SOFTWARE_OR_BROWSER | Malicious Software/Browser: Do not use an ad to promote, install or distribute viruses, worms, spyware, malware or other malicious software. Software should only be installed with the permission of the user and should be readily removable by the user. |
MEDICAL_DEVICES_AND_TREATMENTS | Medical Devices and Medical Treatments: Ads for medical devices and medical treatments, including clinical trials, are restricted. Such ads must not target members under the age of 18, and can only target healthcare-related professionals. |
MISINFORMATION | Misinformation: Ads promoting confirmed false or substantially misleading claims in violation of LinkedIn’s Professional Community Policies are prohibited. |
MISLEADING_CLAIMS | Misleading claims: Your product or service must accurately match the text of your ad - don't lie, don't exaggerate and don't make false, misleading, or scientifically impossible claims. The claims you make in your ad should have factual support. |
MISMATCHED_AD_TEXT_AND_LANDING_PAGE_CONTENT | Mismatched ad text and landing page content: The photos and images in your ad should have a reasonable relationship to the product or service being advertised. |
MISSING_PRIVACY_POLICY | Missing privacy policy: The landing page associated with the URL for your privacy policy is missing the actual privacy policy statement. Please note a privacy policy is required if using a Lead Gen Form. |
MISSING_UK_FCA_FINANCIAL | UK FCA Authorisation: Ads promoting financial services or products targeting audiences in the United Kingdom may come from UK Financial Conduct Authority authorised advertisers only. Learn more. |
MISSING_URL_FOR_WEBSITE_OBJECTIVE | Missing URL: You must include URL links associated with the ad creative when your campaign objective is website visits or website conversion. |
NON_MATCHING_LANGUAGES | Non-matching languages: The language of your creative should match the language on the site and the language you are targeting. |
NON_STANDARD_TEXT | Non-standard text: Use correct spelling and grammar in the text of your ad. Do not use non-standard spelling, grammar, capitalization, and punctuation. Avoid excessive or inappropriate punctuation, or repeated punctuation (e.g. more than one single exclamation point). Do not use symbols (e.g. *, @) in a manner that differ from their standard meaning. Do not use symbols in place of a letter ("cl!ck"). Avoid repetitive words, text that is difficult to read because of how it is displayed (e.g. upside-down text), excessive or non-standard formatting, unsupported macro. Currently only %FIRSTNAME% and %FULLNAME% are supported in a Message Ad body. |
NONFUNCTIONAL_SITE | Non-functional site: Do not advertise if any of the following scenarios applies: the URL does not work; your site is under construction; the domain is for sale; visitors land on an error page (such as 404 or 405 error); the URL leads to an email address or a file that requires an additional application to open. |
OCCULT_PURSUITS | Occult pursuits: LinkedIn does not allow ads for fortune telling, dream interpretations and individual horoscopes. |
OFFENSIVE_LANGUAGE | Offensive language: LinkedIn does not allow ads that use language that could be considered offensive by any reasonable viewer. |
OFFENSIVE_TO_GOOD_TASTE | Offensive to good taste: LinkedIn does not allow for ads that are indecent, vulgar, suggestive or that, in the opinion of LinkedIn, may be offensive to good taste. Ads that depict violent or degrading behavior are not acceptable. In special circumstances, LinkedIn may determine that an ad that was acceptable, is no longer appropriate given current events. |
OFFER_NOT_FOUND | Offer not found: Do not advertise prices or offers that are inaccurate - any advertised discount, offer, or price must be easily discoverable from the URL in your ad. |
OVER_THE_COUNTER_DRUGS | Over-the-counter drugs: Ads promoting over-the-counter drugs are restricted and require prior authorization. Ads may only promote over-the-counter drugs in jurisdictions where it is legal and must adhere to all applicable laws and regulations. Such ads must not target members under 18 years of age. Ads targeting jurisdictions outside the United States or Canada may target healthcare-related professionals only. |
PHARMACY_AND_TELEHEALTH | Pharmacy and Telehealth: Ads promoting pharmacy or telehealth services are restricted and require prior authorization. Requirements for authorization include LegitScript certification. Ads may only promote pharmacy and telehealth services in the following jurisdictions: the United States. Such ads must not target members under 18 years of age. Learn more. |
PHISHING | Phishing: Do not use ads to promote websites that trick users into providing personal or other information. |
POP_UP_OR_POP_UNDER | Pop-up or pop-under: Do not send members to a landing page that generates a pop-up or pop-under. |
PRESCRIPTION_DRUGS | Prescription drugs: Ads promoting prescription drugs are restricted and require prior authorization. Ads may only promote prescription drugs in the following jurisdictions: the United States and Canada. Such ads must not target members under 18 years of age. Learn more. |
PROHIBITED_DATING_SERVICES | Prohibited dating services: LinkedIn does not allow targeting of dating services to persons who are under 18. The dating services must not be sexually themed or engage in 'escort type' services where any person is compensated to participate in the date. |
PROHIBITED_POLITICAL_CONTENT | Political: LinkedIn does not allow political advertisements including those ads advocating for or against a particular candidate, party, or ballot proposition or otherwise intended to influence an election outcome; ads fundraising for or by political candidates, parties, political action committees or similar organizations, or ballot propositions; and or ads exploiting a sensitive political issue even if the advertiser has no explicit political agenda. |
QUESTIONABLE_DOWNLOADS | Questionable downloads: LinkedIn does not allow ads and sites that promote automatic downloads without user consent, or downloads that might harm members. |
RESALE_OF_EVENT_TICKETS | Resale of event tickets: LinkedIn does not allow ads for resale of event tickets. |
RINGTONES_AND_INAPPROPRIATE_VIDEO_GAMES | Ringtones and video games: LinkedIn does not allow ads for downloadable ring tones and/or video games with inappropriate content, such as violence or adult content. |
SCAMS | Fraud and Deception: Ads must not be fraudulent or deceptive. |
SOLICITATION_OF_FUNDS | Solicitation of funds: Ads that solicit funds are allowed only if they comply with applicable law and would qualify as tax deductible in the applicable jurisdiction. In the U.S., ads soliciting funds and donations must present tax exempt ID on the site. |
TEST_ADS | Incomplete ad: Your ad appears to be a test ad. Please resubmit when the ad is final. |
TEST_TAKING_SERVICES | Test taking services: LinkedIn does not allow ads for test-taking services that offer to take tests for others, including but not limited to, academic tests, professional exams, certificates, etc. |
TOBACCO | Tobacco products or cigarettes: LinkedIn does not allow ads related to cigarettes, pipes, cigars, tobacco, e-cigarettes, and related products. |
UNCLEAR_BILLING_PRACTICES | Unclear billing practices: The products and services advertised in your ad should have fair and legal billing practices. Pricing and payment terms should be clear and easily findable and understandable by your customers prior to purchase, including explaining the rights to refunds and termination. |
UNSUPPORTED_COMPETITIVE_CLAIMS | Unsupported competitive claims: Do not make deceptive or inaccurate claims about competitive products or services. |
UNSUPPORTED_LANGUAGE | Unsupported language: LinkedIn does not currently support the language used in your creative. |
WEAPONS_AND_FIREWORKS | Weapons, firearms, ammunition, fireworks, or any other violent products or services: LinkedIn does not allow ads related to weapons, firearms, ammunition, fireworks, stun guns, air rifles, pyrotechnical devices or other violent products or services. |