ErrorCode enum
Error code to trace the error types.
AuthorizationInfoAlreadyExists | Authentication info already exists error. |
CannotFindCommand | Cannot find command |
ChannelNotSupported | Channel is not supported error. |
ConsentFailed | User failed to finish the AAD consent flow failed. |
FailedOperation | Operation failed. |
FailedToProcessSsoHandler | Failed to process sso handler |
FailedToRetrieveSsoToken | Failed to retrieve sso token |
FailedToRunDedupStep | Failed to run dedup step |
FailedToRunSsoStep | Failed to run sso step |
InternalError | Internal error. |
InvalidCertificate | Invalid certificate error. |
InvalidConfiguration | Invalid configuration error. |
InvalidParameter | Invalid parameter error. |
InvalidResponse | Invalid response error. |
RuntimeNotSupported | Runtime is not supported error. |
ServiceError | Call service (AAD or simple authentication server) failed. |
SsoActivityHandlerIsUndefined | Sso activity handler is undefined |
TokenExpiredError | Token is not within its valid time range error. |
UiRequiredError | The user or administrator has not consented to use the application error. |