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ImportManifestMetadata interface

Metadata describing the import manifest, a document which describes the files and other metadata about an update version.



A JSON object containing the hash(es) of the file. At least SHA256 hash is required. This object can be thought of as a set of key-value pairs where the key is the hash algorithm, and the value is the hash of the file calculated using that algorithm.


File size in number of bytes.


Azure Blob location from which the import manifest can be downloaded by Device Update for IoT Hub. This is typically a read-only SAS-protected blob URL with an expiration set to at least 4 hours.

Property Details


A JSON object containing the hash(es) of the file. At least SHA256 hash is required. This object can be thought of as a set of key-value pairs where the key is the hash algorithm, and the value is the hash of the file calculated using that algorithm.

hashes: {[propertyName: string]: string}

Property Value

{[propertyName: string]: string}


File size in number of bytes.

sizeInBytes: number

Property Value



Azure Blob location from which the import manifest can be downloaded by Device Update for IoT Hub. This is typically a read-only SAS-protected blob URL with an expiration set to at least 4 hours.

url: string

Property Value
