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Xbox and Desktop include native Broadcasting experiences each with their own rules on which applications can be broadcasted by a user. These APIs will allow the developer to bring up the broadcasting UI as well as detect when the user is broadcasting. The app developer can provide metadata events and states to be saved or broadcasted with the captured video and audio file/stream.


Function Description
XAppBroadcastGetStatus Retrieves the current status for broadcasting for the device and current app.
XAppBroadcastIsAppBroadcasting Determines whether the app is currently broadcasting.
XAppBroadcastMonitorCallback Sets the callback function for XAppBroadcastRegisterIsAppBroadcastingChanged. The function set here will be called each time the broadcast status changes.
XAppBroadcastRegisterIsAppBroadcastingChanged Register an app broadcast status change event handler.
XAppBroadcastShowUI Show broadcast UI to app user so that they may start broadcasting activity.
XAppBroadcastUnregisterIsAppBroadcastingChanged Remove an app broadcast status change event handler.
XAppCaptureCloseLocalStream Closes and deletes the specified recording stream.
XAppCaptureCloseScreenshotStream Closes a screenshot stream.
XAppCaptureDisableRecord Disables video recording for the player.
XAppCaptureEnableRecord Enables recording / screenshot for the current user.
XAppCaptureGetVideoCaptureSettings Queries the device's GameDVR settings that include encoding type, color format, resolution, maximum possible recording length, and whether the current user allows captures by games.
XAppCaptureMetadataAddDoubleEvent Add a metadata event with a double value to your app capture.
XAppCaptureMetadataAddInt32Event Add a metadata event with an Int32 value to your app capture.
XAppCaptureMetadataAddStringEvent Add a metadata event with a string value to your app capture.
XAppCaptureMetadataPurgedCallback Set the callback function to be called when a metadata purge occurs.
XAppCaptureMetadataRemainingStorageBytesAvailable Returns the remaining storage available for app capture metadata. Measured in bytes.
XAppCaptureMetadataStartDoubleState Add a metadata state with a double value to your app capture.
XAppCaptureMetadataStartInt32State Add a metadata state with an Int32 value to your app capture.
XAppCaptureMetadataStartStringState Add a metadata state with a string value to your app capture.
XAppCaptureMetadataStopAllStates Stops all state events currently active.
XAppCaptureMetadataStopState Add a state stop for a particular named state to the app capture metadata.
XAppCaptureOpenScreenshotStream Opens a screenshot stream.
XAppCaptureReadLocalStream Reads the contents of the .mp4 file generated by an earlier call to XAppCaptureRecordTimespan.
XAppCaptureReadScreenshotStream Reads a screenshot stream.
XAppCaptureRecordDiagnosticClip Records a diagnostic clip from your app.
XAppCaptureRecordTimespan Makes a GameDVR recording.
XAppCaptureRegisterMetadataPurged Register an event handler for meta data purge events.
XAppCaptureStartUserRecord Start a recording as if the user had triggered it.
XAppCaptureStopUserRecord Stop an ongoing user recording started via XAppCaptureStartUserRecord and specified by the inputted ID.
XAppCaptureTakeDiagnosticScreenshot Takes a diagnostic screenshot from your app.
XAppCaptureTakeScreenshot Takes a screenshot.
XAppCaptureUnRegisterMetadataPurged Remove an event handler for meta data purge events.


Structure Description
XAppBroadcastStatus Describes the state of broadcasting abilities for an app/game.
XAppCaptureDiagnosticScreenshotResult App capture screenshot and descriptive information.
XAppCaptureLocalResult Contains the result from calling XAppCaptureRecordTimespan.
XAppCaptureRecordClipResult Captured video clip and descriptive information.
XAppCaptureScreenshotFile Captured screenshot and descriptive information.
XAppCaptureScreenshotStream Represents a screenshot stream.
XAppCaptureTakeScreenshotResult Represents the results of taking a screenshot.
XAppCaptureUserRecordingResult Contains the result from calling XAppCaptureStopUserRecord.
XAppCaptureVideoCaptureSettings GameDVR video capture settings.


Enumeration Description
XAppCaptureMetadataPriority Levels of priority for app capture meta data. Used to determine what data is most important when storage constraints are implemented and some meta data must be deleted.
XAppCaptureScreenshotFormatFlag Determines the definition quality of the screenshot capture.
XAppCaptureVideoColorFormat The color format used in GameDVR recordings.
XAppCaptureVideoEncoding Determines the video encoding type video capture.

See also

XAppCapture Error Codes
System API reference