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Begins a hypothesis and displays its string in a text overlay.


HRESULT XSpeechToTextBeginHypothesisString(  
         const char* speakerName,  
         const char* content,  
         XSpeechToTextType type,  
         uint32_t* hypothesisId  


speakerName   _In_z_
Type: char*

The name of the speaker to be displayed with the hypothesis string.

content   _In_z_
Type: char*

The initial hypothesis string.

type   _In_
Type: XSpeechToTextType

The source type of the hypothesis string.

hypothesisId   _Out_
Type: uint32_t*

The ID of the hypothesis.

Return value


HRESULT success or error code.


A hypothesis is a guess at what a speaker is saying, typically produced by a speech recognizer while the speaker is in mid-phrase. The speech-to-text overlay API can display a hypothesis string over a game surface.

The speech-to-text overlay API also supports typed text. The type parameter identifies the source of the hypothesis string.

The app is responsible for retaining the value of hypothesisId until the hypothesis is either finalized or canceled.

To update a hypothesis string in the overlay, use XSpeechToTextUpdateHypothesisString.

To cancel a hypothesis and remove it from the overlay, use XSpeechToTextCancelHypothesisString.

To finalize a hypothesis, use XSpeechToTextFinalizeHypothesisString.

On some platforms, the hypothesis string is not displayed until the app calls XSpeechToTextFinalizeHypothesisString. Unless the hypothesis is canceled, your app must always call XSpeechToTextFinalizeHypothesisString to ensure that the string is displayed.

The following code example shows an app creating a hypothesis, updating it, and then finalizing it.

void RowanHypothesisSample() 
    UINT32 hypothesisId; 
    XSpeechToTextBeginHypothesisString("Rowan", "I am typing some text.", XSpeechToTextType::Text, &hypothesisId); 
    // Some time passes. 
    XSpeechToTextUpdateHypothesisString(hypothesisId, "I am still typing some text."); 
    // Some time passes. 
    XSpeechToTextFinalizeHypothesisString(hypothesisId, "I typed some text. I am done typing."); 

The following code example shows an app creating a hypothesis, updating it, and then canceling it.

void QuincyHypothesisSample() 
    UINT32 hypothesisId; 
    XSpeechToTextBeginHypothesisString("Quincy", "I am speaking some text.", XSpeechToTextType::Voice, &hypothesisId); 
    // Some time passes. 
    XSpeechToTextUpdateHypothesisString(hypothesisId, "I am still speaking some text."); 
    // Some time passes. 


Header: XAccessibility.h

Library: xgameruntime.lib

Supported platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles

See also
