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Sets the value of a custom property for the lobby session, using XblMultiplayerSessionWriteMode::SynchronizedUpdate.


HRESULT XblMultiplayerManagerLobbySessionSetSynchronizedProperties(  
         const char* name,  
         const char* valueJson,  
         void* context  


name   _In_z_
Type: char*

The name of the custom property to set.

valueJson   _In_z_
Type: char*

The value to assign to the property, as a JSON string.

context   _In_opt_
Type: void*

Optional. The application-defined data to correlate the XblMultiplayerEvent to the initiating call.

Return value


HRESULT return code for this API operation.


This function sets the value, represented as a JSON string, of a custom property for the lobby session. Custom properties can be changed at any time. If custom properties are shared between devices, or may be updated by several devices at the same time, use this function to ensure atomicity and resolve any conflicts between devices while changing the values of those cusotm properties. If a custom property isn't shared across devices, use the XblMultiplayerManagerLobbySessionSetProperties function instead to change the value of that custom property.
The service may reject the request to change the custom property if a race condition occurs due to a conflict. If the request is rejected, the service returns HTTP_E_STATUS_PRECOND_FAILED. If a conflict occurs, re-evaluate the need to change the custom property and, if needed, call this function again to re-submit the request.
The result of this function is delivered as a multiplayer event with an event type set to XblMultiplayerEventType::SessionSynchronizedPropertyWriteCompleted. You can call XblMultiplayerManagerDoWork to retrieve multiplayer events.


Header: multiplayer_manager_c.h

Library: Microsoft.Xbox.Services.14x.GDK.C.lib

See also
