The access rights the caller has to the origin session are extended to the target session.
HRESULT XblMultiplayerSetTransferHandleAsync(
XblContextHandle xblContext,
XblMultiplayerSessionReference targetSessionReference,
XblMultiplayerSessionReference originSessionReference,
XAsyncBlock* async
xblContext _In_
Type: XblContextHandle
Xbox live context for the local user.
targetSessionReference _In_
Type: XblMultiplayerSessionReference
Target XblMultiplayerSessionReference for the session you want to extend the access rights for.
originSessionReference _In_
Type: XblMultiplayerSessionReference
Origin XblMultiplayerSessionReference for the session that grants access to the target session.
async _In_
Type: XAsyncBlock*
The AsyncBlock for this operation.
Return value
HRESULT return code for this API operation.
For example, in a title with a lobby session and a game session, the title could put a transfer handle linking the lobby to the game inside the lobby session. Users invited to the lobby can use the handle to join the game session as well. The transfer handle is deleted once the target session is deleted.
Header: multiplayer_c.h
Library: Microsoft.Xbox.Services.14x.GDK.C.lib