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Gets an instance of the IGameInput interface.


HRESULT GameInputCreate(  
         IGameInput** gameInput  


gameInput   _COM_Outptr_
Type: IGameInput**

An instance of the underlying per-process singleton returned by the call.

Return value


Function result.


The GameInputCreate function is the Nano-COM factory for getting instances of the IGameInput interface. The IGameInput interface is implemented on a per-process singleton that is created the first time this function is called. Therefore, the first call to this function can take a short time to return — short enough that it is generally safe to call from a UI thread, but not from time-sensitive contexts such as a game loop. Subsequent calls to this function from the same process merely add another reference to the underlying singleton and return quickly.

Applications should call the GameInputCreate function once during startup and retain the IGameInput object reference until the application is ready to shut down. This is true even for Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps responding to process lifetime management (PLM) suspend events because the cost of reinitializing the GameInput singleton (when the app resumes) typically outweighs the benefits of freeing a small amount of memory in the application.


Header: GameInput.h

Library: xgameruntime.lib

Supported platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles

See also

Advanced GameInput topics
Overview of GameInput