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XR-131: Display Mode Support for Game DVR and Screenshots *

Version 1.0, 3/1/2020

Titles must ensure that Game DVR and screenshots work properly across display modes and types. Titles that display in HDR do this by rendering both the SDR and HDR swap chains, because the SDR swap chain is used for SDR screenshots, broadcasting, and Game DVR.

More Information

Starting in 1706 XDK QFE 2, titles that display in HDR may choose to have the Xbox console platform perform automatic tone mapping for the SDR swap chain by setting the DXGIX_SWAP_CHAIN_FLAG_AUTOMATIC_GAMEDVR_TONEMAP flag. While this option satisfies XR-131, we recommend that titles perform tone mapping manually for the highest image quality and best performance.


Ensure that, when users are using 4K or HDR, their screenshots or game clips appear correctly on non-4K and/or non-HDR displays.

Certification Test Cases

131-01 Game DVR and Screenshots

Tools Needed:

  • 1 x Xbox One S
  • 1 x Xbox One X
  • 1 x Xbox Series X Dev Kit (using Xbox Series X|S retail console mode)
  • 1 4k/HDR Display

Test Steps

  1. Sign in to an Xbox One S and Xbox Series S console set to 1080p with an HDR display attached and HDR output configured in the console's settings.
  2. Launch the title.
  3. Disable HDR in the console settings while the title is still running.
  4. Return to the title and validate there are no defects in the displayed graphics.
  5. Repeat steps [1] - [4] in 4K on an Xbox One X and Xbox Series X.

Expected Result
No graphical defects are displayed when the HDR/4K output is switched to SDR.

Pass Examples

  1. There are no black screens, no black bars and no obvious visual defects.

Fail Examples

  1. The SDR image is significantly lighter or darker than the HDR image.
  2. The SDR image is smaller than the HDR image.
  3. Significant black bars or borders are displayed on the SDR image.