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The Xbox Console Required Terminology List provides developers and publishers with the official terminology required of their games, titles, and applications for Xbox consoles. Branding and marketing guidelines (for example, fonts, packaging templates, standard iconography, and logos) are available on the Branding and Marketing site.

Related terminology documents:

Xbox Console Required Terminology

Term (U.S. English) Description Area Usage notes Arabic Chinese Simplified Chinese Traditional Czech Danish Dutch English (UK) Finnish French German Greek Italian Hebrew Hungarian Japanese Korean Norwegian Polish Portuguese (Brazil) Portuguese (Portugal) Russian Slovak Spanish (Mexico) Spanish (Spain) Swedish Turkish
achievement An accomplishment as defined by Xbox or a game. Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PC "Unlock" is the standard Xbox term for earning an achievement. إنجازات 成就 成就 herní úspěch gennemførelse achievement achievement saavutus succès Erfolg επίτευγμα obiettivo הישג eredmény 実績 도전 과제 prestasjon osiągnięcie conquista conquista достижение výsledok logro logro achievement başarı
add-ons Additional content for games or apps, such as new levels, characters, and maps. Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PC المحتويات الإضافية 附加内容 附加內容 doplňky udvidelser (add-ons) uitbreidingen add-ons lisäosat extensions Add-Ons πρόσθετα add-on תוספים bővítmények 追加コンテンツ 추가 콘텐츠 tillegg dodatki complementos suplementos дополнения doplnky complementos complementos tillägg eklentiler
code Any license code purchased at a retailer that's redeemed online to start a membership or get content or Microsoft currency. Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PC "Redeem" is the standard term for purchasing something with a code. الرمز 代码 代碼 kód kode code code koodi code Code κωδικός codice קוד kód ご利用コード 코드 kode kod código código код kód código código kod kod
console Generic term for the Xbox device. Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S "Console" is often used when referring directly to the hardware component(s) of the device, but for general reference, "Xbox" is usually acceptable. وحدة التشغيل 主机 主機 konzole konsol console console konsoli console Konsole κονσόλα console קונסולה konzol 本体 본체 konsoll konsola console consola консоль konzola consola consola konsol konsol
controller Generic term for the Xbox wired and wireless gamepad. Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PC Generally it's not necessary to refer to the controller model unless calling out specific functionality. وحدة التحكم 控制器 控制器 ovladač controller controller controller ohjain manette Controller χειριστήριο controller בקר vezérlő コントローラー 컨트롤러 kontroller kontroler controle comando геймпад ovládač control mando handkontroll oyun kumandası
downloadable content Any content that is transferable from the service to the console. Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PC "DLC" can be used after first mention المحتوى القابل للتنزيل 可下载内容 可下載內容 obsah ke stažení indhold, der kan hentes downloadable content downloadable content ladattava sisältö contenu téléchargeable Inhalte zum Herunterladen περιεχόμενο με δυνατότητα download contenuto scaricabile תוכן שניתן להוריד letölthető tartalom ダウンロード コンテンツ 다운로드 가능한 콘텐츠 nedlastbart innhold zawartość do pobrania conteúdo para baixar conteúdo transferível загружаемый контент obsah na stiahnutie contenido descargable contenido descargable nedladdningsbart innehåll indirilebilir içerik
game clip A recorded section of video from a game. Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PC مقطع لعبة 游戏剪辑 遊戲短片 herní klip gameklip gameclip game clip pelileike Extrait de jeu Spielclip απόσπασμα παιχνιδιού clip di gioco סרטון של משחק játékklip ゲーム クリップ 게임 클립 spillklipp klip z gry clipe do jogo clip de jogo игровой клип herný klip clip de juego clip de juego spelklipp oyun klibi
Game Bar The Windows PC overlay that lets you access Xbox gaming activities like broadcasting, recording game clips, and sharing to social networks. PC Game Bar Game Bar Game Bar Game Bar Game Bar Game Bar Game Bar Game Bar Game Bar Game Bar Game Bar Game Bar Game Bar Game Bar Game Bar Game Bar Game Bar Game Bar Game Bar Game Bar Game Bar Game Bar Game Bar Game Bar Game Bar Game Bar
gamerscore A player's cumulative achievement score. Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PC "Gamerscore" can also be used in reference to the score earned for a single achievement. ‏‏نتيجة اللاعب 玩家分数 玩家分數 skóre hráče gamerscore gamerscore gamerscore pelaajapisteet score du joueur Gamerscore βαθμολογία παίκτη punteggio giocatore ניקוד במשחק játékos pontszáma ゲーマースコア 게이머 점수 poengsum wynik gracza pontuação do jogador pontuação do jogador счет игрока skóre hráča puntuación puntuación de jugador gamerscore oyuncu puanı
gamertag A person's unique name on the Xbox network. Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PC اسم اللاعب 玩家代号 玩家代號 jmenovka hráče gamertag gamertag gamertag pelaajatunnus gamertag Gamertag ετικέτα παίκτη gamertag תג שחקן becenév ゲーマータグ 게이머태그 gamertag tag gracza gamertag gamertag тег игрока gamertag gamertag gamertag gamertag oyuncu etiketi
guide The Xbox screen overlay that provides quick access to things like profile, friends, and messages. Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PC الدليل 指南 快顯功能表 přehled guide guide guide opas guide Guide οδηγός Pannello מדריך útmutató ガイド 가이드 메뉴 guide przewodnik painel painel гид sprievodca guía guía guide kılavuz
Home The home screen on Xbox, personalized for each profile associated with the console. Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PC الصفحة الرئيسية 主页 首頁 Domů Start Home Home Aloitus Accueil Startseite Αρχική οθόνη Home בית Kezdőlap ホーム Hjem Start Início Início Главная Domov Inicio Inicio Startsidan Giriş
matchmaking The Xbox method of matching players with other players and games. Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PC عثور على لاعبين (matchmaking) 匹配 配對 vytváření hry matchmaking matchmaking matchmaking vastuksenhaku matchmaking Spielersuche εύρεση συμπαίκτη matchmaking התאמה párosítás マッチメイキング 매치 메이킹 finn medspiller matchmaking organizar partida emparelhamento подбор игроков priraďovanie hráčov matchmaking matchmaking matchning eşleştirme
Microsoft Store The online store where Xbox merchandise can be purchased. Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PC 'The Microsoft Store' may also be appropriate depending on usage. Microsoft Store Microsoft Store Microsoft Store Microsoft Store Microsoft Store Microsoft Store Microsoft Store Microsoft Store Microsoft Store Microsoft Store Microsoft Store Microsoft Store Microsoft Store Microsoft Store Microsoft Store Microsoft Store Microsoft Store Microsoft Store Microsoft Store Microsoft Store Microsoft Store Microsoft Store Microsoft Store Microsoft Store Microsoft Store Microsoft Store
screenshot A still image captured from a moment of gameplay. Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PC لقطة شاشة 屏幕截图 螢幕擷取畫面 screenshot skærmbillede schermopname screenshot näyttökuva capture d'écran Screenshot στιγμιότυπο οθόνης screenshot צילום מסך képernyőkép スクリーンショット 스크린샷 skjermbilde zrzut ekranu captura de tela captura de ecrã снимок экрана snímka obrazovky captura de pantalla captura de pantalla skärmbild ekran görüntüsü
Xbox Assist The help app on the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S consoles. Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S مساعد Xbox Xbox 助手 Xbox 小幫手 Pomocník pro Xbox Xbox Assistent Xbox Hulp Xbox Assist Xbox-avustaja Assistant Xbox Xbox Hilfe Βοηθός Xbox Assistenza Xbox מסייע Xbox Xbox segítségnyújtás Xbox アシスト Xbox Assist Xbox-assistent Asystent Xbox Assistência do Xbox Assistência Xbox Помощник Xbox Asistent pre Xbox Asistencia de Xbox Asistencia de Xbox Xbox-assistans Xbox Yardımı
Xbox Game Pass The Xbox gameplay subscription service that includes plans for either console or PC. Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PC Xbox Game Pass Xbox Game Pass Xbox Game Pass Xbox Game Pass Xbox Game Pass Xbox Game Pass Xbox Game Pass Xbox Game Pass Xbox Game Pass Xbox Game Pass Xbox Game Pass Xbox Game Pass Xbox Game Pass Xbox Game Pass Xbox Game Pass Xbox Game Pass Xbox Game Pass Xbox Game Pass Xbox Game Pass Xbox Game Pass Xbox Game Pass Xbox Game Pass Xbox Game Pass Xbox Game Pass Xbox Game Pass Xbox Game Pass
Xbox Game Pass Ultimate The premium online gameplay subscription service for both console and PC. Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PC Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Xbox Game Pass Ultimate
Xbox network The Xbox online game and entertainment network. Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PC شبكة Xbox Xbox 网络 Xbox 網路 Síť Xbox Xbox-netværk Xbox-netwerk Xbox network Xbox-verkko Réseau Xbox Xbox-Netzwerk δίκτυο Xbox Rete Xbox רשת Xbox Xbox-hálózat Xbox ネットワーク Xbox 네트워크 Xbox-nettverk Sieć Xbox Rede Xbox Rede Xbox Сеть Xbox Sieť Xbox Red Xbox Red Xbox Xbox-nätverk Xbox ağı
Xbox Game Pass Core The premium paid online service from Xbox. Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PC Xbox Game Pass Core Xbox Game Pass Core Xbox Game Pass Core Xbox Game Pass Core Xbox Game Pass Core Xbox Game Pass Core Xbox Game Pass Core Xbox Game Pass Core Xbox Game Pass Core Xbox Game Pass Core Xbox Game Pass Core Xbox Game Pass Core Xbox Game Pass Core Xbox Game Pass Core Xbox Game Pass Core Xbox Game Pass Core Xbox Game Pass Core Xbox Game Pass Core Xbox Game Pass Core Xbox Game Pass Core Xbox Game Pass Core Xbox Game Pass Core Xbox Game Pass Core Xbox Game Pass Core Xbox Game Pass Core Xbox Game Pass Core
PC Game Pass The gaming subscription for PC games. PC PC Game Pass PC Game Pass PC Game Pass PC Game Pass PC Game Pass PC Game Pass PC Game Pass PC Game Pass PC Game Pass PC Game Pass PC Game Pass PC Game Pass PC Game Pass PC Game Pass PC Game Pass PC Game Pass PC Game Pass PC Game Pass PC Game Pass PC Game Pass PC Game Pass PC Game Pass PC Game Pass PC Game Pass PC Game Pass PC Game Pass
Xbox One The Xbox One brand name. Xbox One Xbox One Xbox One Xbox One Xbox One Xbox One Xbox One Xbox One Xbox One Xbox One Xbox One Xbox One Xbox One Xbox One Xbox One Xbox One Xbox One Xbox One Xbox One Xbox One Xbox One Xbox One Xbox One Xbox One Xbox One Xbox One Xbox One
Xbox One S The Xbox One value console model. Xbox One Xbox One S Xbox One S Xbox One S Xbox One S Xbox One S Xbox One S Xbox One S Xbox One S Xbox One S Xbox One S Xbox One S Xbox One S Xbox One S Xbox One S Xbox One S Xbox One S Xbox One S Xbox One S Xbox One S Xbox One S Xbox One S Xbox One S Xbox One S Xbox One S Xbox One S Xbox One S
Xbox One X The Xbox One ultimate console model. Xbox One Xbox One X Xbox One X Xbox One X Xbox One X Xbox One X Xbox One X Xbox One X Xbox One X Xbox One X Xbox One X Xbox One X Xbox One X Xbox One X Xbox One X Xbox One X Xbox One X Xbox One X Xbox One X Xbox One X Xbox One X Xbox One X Xbox One X Xbox One X Xbox One X Xbox One X Xbox One X
Xbox One X Enhanced Games that have been updated or built specifically to take full advantage of the Xbox One X. Xbox One محسن لـ Xbox One X Xbox One X 效果强化 Xbox One X 效果強化 Vylepšeno pro Xbox One X Xbox One X Forbedret Beter op Xbox One X Xbox One X Enhanced Xbox One X:lle paranneltu Optimisé pour Xbox One X Optimiert für Xbox One X Βελτιωμένο στο Xbox One X Ottimizzato per Xbox One X מיוחד עבור Xbox One X Xbox One X konzolra feljavítva Xbox One X Enhanced Xbox One X Enhanced Xbox One X-forbedret Ulepszone dla Xbox One X Otimizado para Xbox One X Otimizado para a Xbox One X Лучше на Xbox One X Vylepšené pre Xbox One X Mejorado para Xbox One X Mejorado para Xbox One X Xbox One X-optimerat Xbox One X ile Güçlendirildi
Xbox Wireless Controller The full name of the controller bundled with Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S consoles Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S وحدة تحكم Xbox اللاسلكية Xbox 无线控制器 Xbox 無線控制器 Bezdrátový ovladač pro Xbox Trådløs Xbox-controller Xbox draadloze controller Xbox Wireless Controller Langaton Xbox-ohjain Manette sans fil Xbox Xbox Wireless Controller Ασύρματο χειριστήριο Xbox Controller Wireless per Xbox בקר אלחוטי של Xbox Vezeték nélküli Xbox-kontroller Xbox ワイヤレス コントローラー Xbox 무선 컨트롤러 Xbox trådløs kontroller Kontroler bezprzewodowy Xbox Controle sem Fio Xbox Comando Sem Fios Xbox Беспроводной геймпад Xbox Bezdrôtový ovládač pre Xbox Control inalámbrico Xbox Mando inalámbrico Xbox Trådlös Xbox-handkontroll Xbox Kablosuz Oyun Kumandası
Xbox Series X|S The name of the series of Generation 9 Xbox consoles Xbox Series X|S Xbox Series X|S Xbox Series X|S Xbox Series X|S Xbox Series X|S Xbox Series X|S Xbox Series X|S Xbox Series X|S Xbox Series X|S Xbox Series X|S Xbox Series X|S Xbox Series X|S Xbox Series X|S Xbox Series X|S Xbox Series X|S Xbox Series X|S Xbox Series X|S Xbox Series X|S Xbox Series X|S Xbox Series X|S Xbox Series X|S Xbox Series X|S Xbox Series X|S Xbox Series X|S Xbox Series X|S Xbox Series X|S Xbox Series X|S
Xbox Series X The Xbox Series X|S ultimate console model Xbox Series X|S Xbox Series X Xbox Series X Xbox Series X Xbox Series X Xbox Series X Xbox Series X Xbox Series X Xbox Series X Xbox Series X Xbox Series X Xbox Series X Xbox Series X Xbox Series X Xbox Series X Xbox Series X Xbox Series X Xbox Series X Xbox Series X Xbox Series X Xbox Series X Xbox Series X Xbox Series X Xbox Series X Xbox Series X Xbox Series X Xbox Series X
Xbox Series S The Xbox Series X|S value console model Xbox Series X|S Xbox Series S Xbox Series S Xbox Series S Xbox Series S Xbox Series S Xbox Series S Xbox Series S Xbox Series S Xbox Series S Xbox Series S Xbox Series S Xbox Series S Xbox Series S Xbox Series S Xbox Series S Xbox Series S Xbox Series S Xbox Series S Xbox Series S Xbox Series S Xbox Series S Xbox Series S Xbox Series S Xbox Series S Xbox Series S Xbox Series S
Storage Expansion Card for Xbox Series X|S The expandable memory option for Xbox Series X|S consoles Xbox Series X|S بطاقة توسيع وحده التخزين لـ Xbox Series X|S 适用于 Xbox Series X|S 的存储扩展卡 適用於 Xbox Series X|S 的儲存擴充卡 Rozšiřující karta úložiště pro Xbox Series X|S Lagerudvidelseskort til Xbox Series X|S Opslaguitbreidingskaart voor Xbox Series X|S Storage Expansion Card for Xbox Series X|S Xbox Series X|S -laajennuskortti Carte d'extension de stockage pour Xbox Series X|S Speichererweiterungskarte für Xbox Series X|S Κάρτα επέκτασης χώρου αποθήκευσης για Xbox Series X|S Scheda di espansione di archiviazione per Xbox Series X|S כרטיס הרחבה של אחסון עבור Xbox Series X|S Tárterület-bővítőkártya - Xbox Series X|S Xbox Series X|S 用ストレージ拡張カード Xbox Series X|S 용 스토리지 확장 카드 Lagringsutvidelseskort for Xbox Series X|S Karta rozszerzenia magazynu dla konsoli Xbox Series X|S Placa de expansão de armazenamento do Xbox Series X|S Cartão de Expansão de Armazenamento para a Xbox Series X|S Плата расширения хранилища для Xbox Series X|S Rozširujúca karta úložiska pre Xbox Series X|S Tarjeta de expansión de almacenamiento para Xbox Series X|S Tarjeta de expansión de almacenamiento para Xbox Series X|S Expansionskort för lagring för Xbox Series X|S Xbox Series X|S için Depolama Genişletme Kartı
Quick Resume The Xbox Series X|S feature that allows players to immediately jump back into a game where they left off Xbox Series X|S Quick Resume Quick Resume Quick Resume Quick Resume Quick Resume Quick Resume Quick Resume Quick Resume Quick Resume Quick Resume Quick Resume Quick Resume Quick Resume Quick Resume Quick Resume Quick Resume Quick Resume Quick Resume Quick Resume Quick Resume Quick Resume Quick Resume Quick Resume Quick Resume Quick Resume Quick Resume
Xbox Smart Delivery The Microsoft store feature that delivers the best version of a game when the game supports both Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S consoles Xbox Series X|S Can be shortened to "Smart Delivery" after first use توافق ذكي Xbox Xbox 智能分发 Xbox 智慧分發 Xbox Smart Delivery Xbox Smart Delivery Xbox Smart Delivery Xbox Smart Delivery Xbox Smart Delivery Xbox Smart Delivery Xbox Smart Delivery Xbox Smart Delivery Consegna intelligente Xbox אספקה חכמה-Xbox Xbox Intelligens kézbesítés Xbox スマート デリバリー Xbox 스마트 딜리버리 Xbox Smart Delivery Inteligentne pobieranie Xbox Entrega inteligente do Xbox Xbox Smart Delivery Технология Xbox Smart Delivery Inteligentné doručovanie pre Xbox Entrega inteligente Xbox Xbox Smart Delivery Xbox Smart Delivery Xbox Akıllı Teslimat
Optimized for Xbox Series X|S Games which have been specifically built to take advantage of the Xbox Series X|S hardware. Xbox Series X|S محسن لـ Xbox Series X|S Xbox Series X|S 专属强化 Xbox Series X|S 專屬強化 Optimalizováno pro Xbox Series X|S Optimeret til Xbox Series X|S Geoptimaliseerd voor Xbox Series X|S Optimised for Xbox Series X|S Optimoitu Xbox Series X|S -konsoleille Optimisé pour Xbox Series X|S Optimiert für Xbox Series X|S Βελτιστοποιημένο για Xbox Series X|S Ottimizzato per Xbox Series X|S ממוטב עבור Xbox Series X|S Xbox Series X|S modellekre optimalizálva Xbox Series X|S に最適化 Xbox Series X|S 최적화 Optimalisert for Xbox Series X|S Zoptymalizowano pod kątem konsol Xbox Series X|S Otimizado para Xbox Series X|S Otimizado para Xbox Series X|S Оптимизировано для Xbox Series X|S Optimalizované pre Xbox Series X|S Optimizado para Xbox Series X|S Optimizado para Xbox Series X|S Optimerad för Xbox Series X|S Xbox Series X|S için İyileştirilmiş
cross generational / cross-gen gaming Games from previous console generations running on later consoles. Xbox Series X|S ألعاب عبر الأجيال 跨世代游戏 跨世代遊戲 Hry pro více generací konzolí Spil på tværs af forskellige generationer af udgivelser Games voor meerdere generaties Cross Generational Gaming Sukupolvien välinen pelaaminen Jeux cross-gen Generationenübergreifendes/Cross-Gen-Gaming Παιχνίδι μεταξύ γενεών giochi transgenerazionali משחקים חוצים דורות Többgenerációs játék クロス ジェネレーション ゲーム 교차 세대 게임 Kryssgenerasjonsspill Granie w gry pochodzące z konsol różnych generacji Jogos de geração cruzada/entre gerações Jogos Intergeracionais Игры для разных поколений платформ Hry pre rôzne generácie Juegos intergeneracionales Juegos intergeneracionales Spelande över flera generationer Nesiller Arası Oyunlar
backward compatible Games from previous console generations running on later consoles. Xbox Series X|S موافق للإصدارات السابقة 后向兼容 與舊版相容 zpětně kompatibilní bagudkompatibel compatibel met eerdere versies backward compatible yhteensopivuus aikaisempien versioiden kanssa à compatibilité descendante abwärtskompatibel συμβατός με προηγούμενες εκδόσεις compatibile con le versioni precedenti תואם לאחור kompatibilis az előző verziókkal 下位互換性のある 이전 버전과 호환되는 bakoverkompatibel zgodny z poprzednimi wersjami compatível com versões anteriores retrocompatível обратно совместимый spätne kompatibilný compatible con versiones anteriores compatible con versiones anteriores bakåtkompatibel geriye dönük olarak uyumlu

Controller Hardware

Term (U.S. English) Description Device Usage notes Arabic Chinese Simplified Chinese Traditional Czech Danish Dutch English (UK) Finnish French German Greek Italian Hebrew Hungarian Japanese Korean Norwegian Polish Portuguese (Brazil) Portuguese (Portugal) Russian Slovak Spanish (Mexico) Spanish (Spain) Swedish Turkish
A button The A button on the wireless controller. Controller "A" is also OK. الزر A A 按钮 A 按鈕 tlačítko A A-knap A-knop A button A-painike touche A A-Taste Κουμπί A pulsante A כפתור A A gomb A ボタン A 버튼 A-knapp przycisk A botão A botão A кнопка A tlačidlo A botón A botón A A-knapp A düğmesi
B button The B button on the wireless controller. Controller "B" is also OK. الزر B B 按钮 B 按鈕 tlačítko B B-knap B-knop B button B-painike touche B B-Taste Κουμπί B pulsante B כפתור B B gomb B ボタン B 버튼 B-knapp przycisk B botão B botão B кнопка B tlačidlo B botón B botón B B-knapp B düğmesi
X button The X button on the wireless controller. Controller "X" is also OK. الزر X X 按钮 X 按鈕 tlačítko X X-knap X-knop X button X-painike touche X X-Taste Κουμπί X pulsante X כפתור X X gomb X ボタン X 버튼 X-knapp przycisk X botão X botão X кнопка X tlačidlo X botón X botón X X-knapp X düğmesi
Y button The Y button on the wireless controller. Controller "Y" is also OK. الزر Y Y 按钮 Y 按鈕 tlačítko Y Y-knap Y-knop Y button Y-painike touche Y Y-Taste Κουμπί Y pulsante Y כפתור Y Y gomb Y ボタン Y 버튼 Y-knapp przycisk Y botão Y botão Y кнопка Y tlačidlo Y botón Y botón Y Y-knapp Y düğmesi
Xbox button The button on the wireless controller and remote control that opens the guide. Controller زر Xbox Xbox 按钮 Xbox 按鈕 tlačítko Xbox Xbox-knap Xbox-knop Xbox button Xbox-painike Touche Xbox Xbox-Taste Κουμπί Xbox pulsante Xbox לחצן Xbox‏ Xbox gomb Xbox ボタン Xbox 버튼 Xbox-knapp przycisk Xbox botão Xbox botão Xbox Кнопка "Xbox" tlačidlo Xbox botón Xbox Botón Xbox Xbox-knapp Xbox düğmesi
Menu button The button on the wireless controller and remote control that invokes a menu from within an app or game. Controller ‏‏زر القائمة "菜单"按钮 選項按鈕 tlačítko Menu Menuknap Menuknop Menu button Valikkopainike Touche Menu Menü-Taste Κουμπί μενού pulsante Menu הלחצן 'תפריט' Menü gomb メニュー ボタン 메뉴 버튼 menyknapp przycisk Menu botão Menu botão Menu Кнопка "Меню" tlačidlo ponuky botón menú Botón Menú Menyknapp Menü düğmesi
View button The button on the wireless controller and remote control that provides a different view or perspective in a game or app, such as a map view or health status. Controller زر العرض "视图"按钮 視圖按鈕 tlačítko Zobrazení Vis-knap View-knop View button Näkymäpainike Touche Affichage Ansicht-Taste Κουμπί προβολής pulsante Visualizza הלחצן 'תצוגה' Megtekintés gomb ビュー ボタン 보기 버튼 visningsknapp przycisk Podglądu botão visão botão Ver Кнопка "Просмотр" tlačidlo Zobraziť botón vista Botón Vista Knappen Visa Görünüm düğmesi
D-pad The directional pad on the wireless controller and remote control. Controller زر الاتجاهات 方向键 方向鍵 směrový ovladač D-blok navigatiepad D-pad suuntaohjain BMD Steuerkreuz Πληκτρολόγιο κατεύθυνσης croce direzionale D-pad I-választó 方向パッド 방향 패드 D-pad pad kierunkowy direcional botão direcional крестовина smerový ovládač pad direccional cruceta styrknapp yön düğmesi
left bumper The left bumper on the wireless controller. Controller "LB" is also OK. المصد الأيسر 左缓冲键 LB鍵 levé horní tlačítko venstre kantknap (LB) linker-bumper left bumper vasen bumper-painike gâchette haute gauche Linker Bumper αριστερό μπροστινό κουμπί pulsante dorsale sinistro קצה שמאלי bal ütköző L ボタン 왼쪽 범퍼 venstre skulderknapp/LB lewy bumper botão superior esquerdo botão superior esquerdo левый бампер ľavé predné tlačidlo bumper izquierdo botón superior izquierdo vänster kantknapp sol yassı düğme (LB)
left stick The left thumbstick on the wireless controller. Controller "LS" is also OK. العصا اليسرى 左摇杆 左搖桿 levá páčka venstre styrepind linker-stick left stick vasen sauva stick analogique gauche Linker Stick αριστερός μοχλός levetta sinistra מוט שמאלי bal kar 左スティック 왼쪽 스틱 venstre styrespak lewy drążek direcional analógico esquerdo manípulo esquerdo левый мини-джойстик ľavá páčka stick izquierdo stick izquierdo vänster styrspak sol analog stick (LS)
left trigger The left trigger on the wireless controller. Controller "LT" is also OK. المشغل الأيسر 左扳机键 LT鍵 levá spoušť venstre udløser (LT) linker-trigger left trigger vasen liipaisin gâchette gauche Linker Trigger αριστερή σκανδάλη grilletto sinistro הדק שמאלי bal ravasz 左トリガー 왼쪽 트리거 venstre trigger/LT lewy spust gatilho esquerdo gatilho esquerdo левый триггер ľavá spúšť gatillo izquierdo gatillo izquierdo vänster avtryckare sol tetik düğmesi (LT)
right bumper The right bumper on the wireless controller. 'RB' as an abbreviation is OK. Controller "RB" is also OK. المصد الأيمن 右缓冲键 RB鍵 pravé horní tlačítko højre kantknap (RB) rechter-bumper right bumper oikea bumper-painike gâchette haute droite Rechter Bumper δεξιό μπροστινό κουμπί pulsante dorsale destro קצה ימני jobb ütköző R ボタン 오른쪽 범퍼 høyre skulderknapp/RB prawy bumper botão superior direito botão superior direito правый бампер pravé predné tlačidlo bumper derecho botón superior derecho höger kantknapp sağ yassı düğme (RB)
right stick The right thumbstick on the wireless controller. Controller "RS" is also OK. العصا اليمنى 右摇杆 右搖桿 pravá páčka højre styrepind rechter-stick right stick oikea sauva stick analogique droit Rechter Stick δεξιός μοχλός levetta destra מוט ימני jobb kar 右スティック 오른쪽 스틱 høyre styrespak prawy drążek direcional analógico direito manípulo direito правый мини-джойстик pravá páčka stick derecho stick derecho höger styrspak sağ analog stick (RS)
right trigger The right trigger on the wireless controller. 'RT' as an abbreviation is OK. Controller "RT" is also OK. المشغل الأيمن 右扳机键 RT鍵 pravá spoušť højre udløser (RT) rechter-trigger right trigger oikea liipaisin gâchette droite Rechter Trigger δεξιά σκανδάλη grilletto destro הדק ימני jobb ravasz 右トリガー 오른쪽 트리거 høyre trigger/RT prawy spust gatilho direito gatilho direito правый триггер pravá spúšť gatillo derecho gatillo derecho höger avtryckare sağ tetik düğmesi (RT)
vibration Gameplay feedback produced by the controller motor. Controller الاهتزاز 振动 震動 vibrace vibration vibratie vibration värähtely vibration Vibration δόνηση vibrazione רטט vibrálás 振動 진동 vibrering wibracje vibração vibração вибрация vibrácie vibración vibración vibration titreşim
Share button The button on the Xbox Wireless Controller that allows sharing / screenshot / capture functionality. Controller 'Share' is also OK زر المشاركة 分享按钮 分享按鈕 Tlačítko pro sdílení Knappen Del Knop Delen Share button Jaa-painike Bouton Partager Share-Taste Κουμπί κοινής χρήσης Pulsante Condividi לחצן שיתוף Megosztás gomb シェア ボタン 공유 버튼 Deleknapp Przycisk udostępniania Botão Compartilhar Botão Partilhar Кнопка "Поделиться" Tlačidlo Zdieľať Botón Compartir Botón Compartir Knappen Dela Paylaş düğmesi

xCloud Terminology

Term (U.S. English) Description Usage notes Arabic Chinese Simplified Chinese Traditional Czech Danish Dutch English (UK) Finnish French German Greek Italian Hebrew Hungarian Japanese Korean Norwegian Polish Portuguese (Brazil) Portuguese (Portugal) Russian Slovak Spanish (Mexico) Spanish (Spain) Swedish Turkish
Xbox Cloud Gaming The Xbox technology that allows people to play games from a cloud-based datacenter. Xbox Cloud Gaming Xbox Cloud Gaming Xbox Cloud Gaming Xbox Cloud Gaming Xbox Cloud Gaming Xbox Cloud Gaming Xbox Cloud Gaming Xbox Cloud Gaming Xbox Cloud Gaming Xbox Cloud Gaming Xbox Cloud Gaming Xbox Cloud Gaming Xbox Cloud Gaming Xbox Cloud Gaming Xbox Cloud Gaming Xbox Cloud Gaming Xbox Cloud Gaming Xbox Cloud Gaming Xbox Cloud Gaming Xbox Cloud Gaming Xbox Cloud Gaming Xbox Cloud Gaming Xbox Cloud Gaming Xbox Cloud Gaming Xbox Cloud Gaming Xbox Cloud Gaming
Xbox Remote Play The ability to play a game from your console on a separate device. لعب Xbox عن بُعد Xbox 远程游戏 Xbox 遠端遊玩 Vzdálené hraní na Xboxu Xbox Remote Play Xbox extern afspelen Xbox Remote Play Xbox-etäpelaaminen Jeu à distance Xbox Xbox Remote Play Απομακρυσμένο παιχνίδι Xbox Riproduzione del gioco in remoto di Xbox משחק מרחוק ב- Xbox Távoli Xbox-játék Xbox リモート プレイ Xbox 원격 재생 Xbox Remote Play Granie zdalne na konsoli Xbox Remote Play do Xbox Reprodução Remota Xbox Удаленная игра на Xbox Vzdialené hranie na Xboxe Juego remoto de Xbox Juego remoto de Xbox Xbox Remote Play Xbox Uzaktan Oynama
Cloud Enabled Descriptor for a game that supports cloud gaming. ممكّن على السحابة 支持云游戏 支持雲端遊戲 S podporou cloudu Cloudaktiveret Cloud ingeschakeld Cloud Enabled Pilvipalvelu käytössä Disponible sur le cloud Cloudfähig Δυνατότητα cloud Abilitato per il cloud הענן מופעל Felhőbarát クラウド対応 클라우드 사용 Skyaktivert Z obsługą chmury Habilitado para Nuvem Ligação à nuvem С поддержкой облака S podporou cloudu Habilitado en la nube Nube habilitada Molnaktiverat Bulut Etkin

Change history for Terminology

Date Change description
May 15, 2024 Updates to the localization of Xbox network for Czech, French, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), and Portuguese (Portugal).
April 22, 2024 Added PC Game Pass for all languages.
February 13, 2024 Updates to Xbox Live Gold (Xbox Game Pass Core) and Xbox Live Gold subscription (PC Game Pass) branding, updates to the localizations of Quick Resume and Xbox Cloud Gaming, update to the Czech localization of right bumper, updated the gamertag description, updated the Xbox Game Pass Ultimate description, and updates to the Japanese localization of Xbox Smart Delivery.
September 1, 2021 Updates to Xbox network branding and several minor description and term changes.
November 16, 2020 Updated to add missing localizations.
October 1, 2020 Updated to remove spacing in Xbox Series X|S.
September 1, 2020 Added Xbox Series X|S and xCloud terminology.
August 5, 2020 Hotfix game bar/game clip errors.
August 1, 2020 Added localizations for Arabic, Czech, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, and Slovak.