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Tutorial: Call Microsoft Graph API from a Python Flask web app

Applies to: Green circle with a white check mark symbol. Workforce tenants Green circle with a white check mark symbol. External tenants (learn more)

In this tutorial, you call Microsoft Graph API from a Python Flask web app. In the previous tutorial, you added the sign-in and sign-out experiences to the application. Once a user signs in, the app acquires an access token to call Microsoft Graph API.

In this tutorial, you:

  • Update an existing Python Flask web app to acquire an access token
  • Use the access token to call Microsoft Graph API.


Complete the steps in Tutorial: Add add sign-in to a Python Flask web app by using Microsoft identity platform.

Define scopes and API endpoint

In this example, we call the Microsoft Graph API to get the signed-in user's profile information. If your app is in a workforce tenant, on sign-in, the user consents to the scopes required by the app to access the Microsoft Graph API. If your app is in an external tenant, ensure you grant admin consent on behalf of users in your tenant. The app then uses the access token to call the API and display the results.

In your .env file, add the endpoint we're calling and the scopes required to call the Microsoft Graph API:


Read the new configs in your app by updating the app_config.py file.

# other configs go here
SCOPE = os.getenv("SCOPE")
ENDPOINT = os.getenv("ENDPOINT")

Call a protected API

  1. Pass the API endpoint to the homepage. This enables you to call your endpoint. Update the / route to look like shown in the following code snippet:

    def index(*, context):
        return render_template(
            title="Flask Web App Sample",
            api_endpoint=os.getenv("ENDPOINT") # added this line
  2. Call the protected Microsoft Graph API as shown in the following code snippet. We pass the list of scopes that our app needs to use. If scopes are present, the context contains an access token. The access token is used to call the downstream API. Add this code to the app.py file:

    @auth.login_required(scopes=os.getenv("SCOPE", "").split())
    def call_downstream_api(*, context):
        api_result = requests.get(  # Use access token to call a web api
            headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + context['access_token']},
        ).json() if context.get('access_token') else "Did you forget to set the SCOPE environment variable?"
        return render_template('display.html', title="API Response", result=api_result)

    If the app successfully obtains an access token, it makes an HTTP request to the downstream API using the requests.get(...) method. In the request, our downstream API URL is specified in app_config.ENDPOINT and the access token passed in the Authorization field of the request header.

    A successful request to the downstream API (Microsoft Graph API) returns a JSON response stored in an api_result variable and passed to the display.html template for rendering.

Display API results

Create a file called display.html in the templates folder. This page displays the result of the call to the Microsoft Graph endpoint. Add the following code to the display.html file:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Microsoft Identity Python Web App: API</title>
    <a href="javascript:window.history.go(-1)">Back</a> <!-- Displayed on top of a potentially large JSON response, so it will remain visible -->
    <pre>{{ result |tojson(indent=4) }}</pre> <!-- Just a generic json viewer -->

Run and test the sample web app

  1. In your terminal, run the following command:

    python3 -m flask run --debug --host=localhost --port=3000

    You can use the port of your choice. This port should be similar to the port of the redirect URI you registered earlier.

  2. Open your browser, then go to http://localhost:3000. You see a sign-in page.

  3. Sign in with your Microsoft account by following the steps. You're requested to provide an email address and password to sign in.

  4. If there are any scopes needed by the application, a consent screen is presented. The application requests permission to maintain access to data you allow access to and to sign you in. Select Accept. This screen doesn't appear if no scopes are defined.

Call API

  1. Select the Call an API link on the home page. The app calls the Microsoft Graph API to get the signed-in user's profile information. The app displays the result of the call to the API.

  2. Select Logout to sign out of the app. You're prompted to pick an account to sign out from. Select the account you used to sign in.

Reference material

The ms_identity_python abstracts the details of the MSAL library. For more information, see MSAL Python documentation. This reference material helps you understand how you initialize an app and acquire tokens using MSAL Python.