Asignaciones de funciones del proveedor de SQLite EF Core
En esta página se muestran los miembros de .NET que se traducen en qué funciones SQL al usar el proveedor de SQLite.
Funciones de agregado
.NET | SQL | Agregado en |
group.Average(x => x.Property) | AVG(Property) | |
group.Average(x => x.DecimalProperty) | ef_avg(DecimalProperty) | EF Core 9.0 |
group.Count() | COUNT(*) | |
group.LongCount() | COUNT(*) | |
group.Max(x => x.Property) | MAX(Property) | |
group.Min(x => x.Property) | MIN(Property) | |
group.Sum(x => x.Property) | SUM(Property) | |
group.Sum(x => x.DecimalProperty) | ef_sum(DecimalProperty) | EF Core 9.0 |
string.Concat(group.Select(x => x.Property)) | group_concat(Property, '') | EF Core 7.0 |
string.Join(separator, group.Select(x => x.Property)) | group_concat(Property, @separator) | EF Core 7.0 |
Funciones binarias
.NET | SQL | Agregado en |
bytes.Contains(value) | instr(@bytes, char(@value)) > 0 | |
bytes.Length | length(@bytes) | |
bytes.SequenceEqual(second) | @bytes = @second | |
EF.Functions.Hex(bytes) | hex(@bytes) | |
EF.Functions.Substr(bytes, startIndex) | substr(@bytes, @startIndex) | |
EF.Functions.Substr(bytes, startIndex, length) | substr(@bytes, @startIndex, @length) | |
EF.Functions.Unhex(value) | unhex(@value) | EF Core 8.0 |
EF.Functions.Unhex(value, ignoreChars) | unhex(@value, @ignoreChars) | EF Core 8.0 |
Funciones de conversión
.NET | SQL |
boolValue.ToString() | CAST(@boolValue AS TEXT) |
byteValue.ToString() | CAST(@byteValue AS TEXT) |
bytes.ToString() | CAST(@bytes AS TEXT) |
charValue.ToString() | CAST(@charValue AS TEXT) |
dateTime.ToString() | CAST(@dateTime AS TEXT) |
dateTimeOffset.ToString() | CAST(@dateTimeOffset AS TEXT) |
decimalValue.ToString() | CAST(@decimalValue AS TEXT) |
doubleValue.ToString() | CAST(@doubleValue AS TEXT) |
floatValue.ToString() | CAST(@floatValue AS TEXT) |
guid.ToString() | CAST(@guid AS TEXT) |
intValue.ToString() | CAST(@intValue AS TEXT) |
longValue.ToString() | CAST(@longValue AS TEXT) |
sbyteValue.ToString() | CAST(@sbyteValue AS TEXT) |
shortValue.ToString() | CAST(@shortValue AS TEXT) |
timeSpan.ToString() | CAST(@timeSpan AS TEXT) |
uintValue.ToString() | CAST(@uintValue AS TEXT) |
ushortValue.ToString() | CAST(@ushortValue AS TEXT) |
Funciones de fecha y hora
.NET | SQL | Agregado en |
dateOnly.AddDays(value) | date(@dateOnly, @value || ' days') | |
dateOnly.AddMonths(months) | date(@dateOnly, @months || ' months') | |
dateOnly.AddYears(value) | date(@dateOnly, @value || ' years') | |
dateOnly.Day | strftime('%d', @dateOnly) | |
dateOnly.DayOfWeek | strftime('%w', @dateOnly) | |
dateOnly.DayOfYear | strftime('%j', @dateOnly) | |
DateOnly.FromDateTime(dateTime) | date(@dateTime) | EF Core 8.0 |
dateOnly.Month | strftime('%m', @dateOnly) | |
dateOnly.Year | strftime('%Y', @dateOnly) | |
DateTime.Now | datetime('now', 'localtime') | |
DateTime.Today | datetime('now', 'localtime', 'start of day') | |
DateTime.UtcNow | datetime('now') | |
dateTime.AddDays(value) | datetime(@dateTime, @value || ' days') | |
dateTime.AddHours(value) | datetime(@dateTime, @d || ' hours') | |
dateTime.AddMilliseconds(value) | datetime(@dateTime, (@value / 1000.0) || ' seconds') | |
dateTime.AddMinutes(value) | datetime(@dateTime, @value || ' minutes') | |
dateTime.AddMonths(months) | datetime(@dateTime, @months || ' months') | |
dateTime.AddSeconds(value) | datetime(@dateTime, @value || ' seconds') | |
dateTime.AddTicks(value) | datetime(@dateTime, (@value / 10000000.0) || ' seconds') | |
dateTime.AddYears(value) | datetime(@dateTime, @value || ' years') | |
dateTime.Date | datetime(@dateTime, 'start of day') | |
dateTime.Day | strftime('%d', @dateTime) | |
dateTime.DayOfWeek | strftime('%w', @dateTime) | |
dateTime.DayOfYear | strftime('%j', @dateTime) | |
dateTime.Hour | strftime('%H', @dateTime) | |
dateTime.Millisecond | (strftime('%f', @dateTime) * 1000) % 1000 | |
dateTime.Minute | strftime('%M', @dateTime) | |
dateTime.Month | strftime('%m', @dateTime) | |
dateTime.Second | strftime('%S', @dateTime) | |
dateTime.Ticks | (julianday(@dateTime) - julianday('0001-01-01 00:00:00')) * 864000000000 | |
dateTime.TimeOfDay | time(@dateTime) | |
dateTime.Year | strftime('%Y', @dateTime) |
Se ha simplificado parte del SQL con fines ilustrativos. El SQL actual es más complejo para manipular una gama más amplia de valores.
Funciones numéricas
.NET | SQL | Agregado en |
-decimalValue | ef_negate(@decimalValue) | |
decimalValue - d | ef_add(@decimalValue, ef_negate(@d)) | |
decimalValue * d | ef_multiply(@decimalValue, @d) | |
decimalValue / d | ef_divide(@decimalValue, @d) | |
decimalValue % d | ef_mod(@decimalValue, @d) | |
decimalValue + d | ef_add(@decimalValue, @d) | |
decimalValue < d | ef_compare(@decimalValue, @d)< 0 | |
decimalValue <= d | ef_compare(@decimalValue, @d)<= 0 | |
decimalValue > d | ef_compare(@decimalValue, @d)> 0 | |
decimalValue >= d | ef_compare(@decimalValue, @d)>= 0 | |
double.DegreesToRadians(degrees) | radians(@degrees) | EF Core 8.0 |
double.RadiansToDegrees(radians) | degrees(@dradians) | EF Core 8.0 |
doubleValue % d | mod(@doubleValue, @d) | |
EF.Functions.Random() | abs(random() / 9223372036854780000.0) | |
Math.Abs(value) | abs(@value) | |
Math.Acos(value) | acos(@value) | EF Core 8.0 |
Math.Acosh(d) | acosh(@d) | EF Core 8.0 |
Math.Asin(d) | asin(@d) | EF Core 8.0 |
Math.Asinh(d) | asinh(@d) | EF Core 8.0 |
Math.Atan(d) | atan(@d) | EF Core 8.0 |
Math.Atan2(y, x) | atan2(@y, @x) | EF Core 8.0 |
Math.Atanh(d) | atanh(@d) | EF Core 8.0 |
Math.Ceiling(d) | ceiling(@d) | EF Core 8.0 |
Math.Cos(d) | cos(@d) | EF Core 8.0 |
Math.Cosh(value) | cosh(@value) | EF Core 8.0 |
Math.Exp(d) | exp(@d) | EF Core 8.0 |
Math.Floor(d) | floor(@d) | EF Core 8.0 |
Math.Log(d) | ln(@d) | EF Core 8.0 |
Math.Log(a, newBase) | log(@newBase, @a) | EF Core 8.0 |
Math.Log2(x) | log2(@x) | EF Core 8.0 |
Math.Log10(d) | log10(@d) | EF Core 8.0 |
Math.Max(val1, val2) | max(@val1, @val2) | |
Math.Min(val1, val2) | min(@val1, @val2) | |
Math.Pow(x, y) | pow(@x, @y) | EF Core 8.0 |
Math.Round(d) | round(@d) | |
Math.Round(d, digits) | round(@d, @digits) | |
Math.Sign(d) | sign(@d) | EF Core 8.0 |
Math.Sin(a) | sin(@a) | EF Core 8.0 |
Math.Sinh(value) | sinh(@value) | EF Core 8.0 |
Math.Sqrt(d) | sqrt(@d) | EF Core 8.0 |
Math.Tan(a) | tan(@a) | EF Core 8.0 |
Math.Tanh(value) | tanh(@value) | EF Core 8.0 |
Math.Truncate(d) | trunc(@d) | EF Core 8.0 |
Además de los métodos enumerados aquí, también se traducen las implementaciones genéricas matemáticas y los métodos correspondientes y MathF. Por ejemplo, Math.Sin
, MathF.Sin
, double.Sin
y float.Sin
todos se asignan a la función sin
en SQL.
Funciones SQL con el prefijo ef_
son creadas por EF Core.
Funciones de cadena
.NET | SQL |
char.ToLower(c) | lower(@c) |
char.ToUpper(c) | upper(@c) |
EF.Functions.Collate(operand, collation) | @operand COLLATE @collation |
EF.Functions.Glob(matchExpression, pattern) | @matchExpression GLOB @pattern |
EF.Functions.Like(matchExpression, pattern) | @matchExpression LIKE @pattern |
EF.Functions.Like(matchExpression, pattern, escapeCharacter) | @matchExpression LIKE @pattern ESCAPE @escapeCharacter |
Regex.IsMatch(input, pattern) | @input REGEXP @pattern |
string.Compare(strA, strB) | CASE WHEN @strA = @strB THEN 0 ... FIN |
string.Concat(str0, str1) | @str0 || @str1 |
string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) | @value IS NULL OR @value = '' |
string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value) | @value IS NULL OR trim(@value) = '' |
stringValue.CompareTo(strB) | CASE WHEN @stringValue = @strB THEN 0 ... FIN |
stringValue.Contains(value) | instr(@stringValue, @value)> 0 |
stringValue.EndsWith(value) | @stringValue LIKE '%' || @value |
stringValue.FirstOrDefault() | substr(@stringValue, 1, 1) |
stringValue.IndexOf(value) | instr(@stringValue, @value) - 1 |
stringValue.LastOrDefault() | substr(@stringValue, length(@stringValue), 1) |
stringValue.Length | length(@stringValue) |
stringValue.Replace(oldValue, newValue) | replace(@stringValue, @oldValue, @newValue) |
stringValue.StartsWith(value) | @stringValue LIKE @value || '%' |
stringValue.Substring(startIndex) | substr(@stringValue, @startIndex + 1) |
stringValue.Substring(startIndex, length) | substr(@stringValue, @startIndex + 1, @length) |
stringValue.ToLower() | lower(@stringValue) |
stringValue.ToUpper() | upper(@stringValue) |
stringValue.Trim() | trim(@stringValue) |
stringValue.Trim(trimChar) | trim(@stringValue, @trimChar) |
stringValue.TrimEnd() | rtrim(@stringValue) |
stringValue.TrimEnd(trimChar) | rtrim(@stringValue, @trimChar) |
stringValue.TrimStart() | ltrim(@stringValue) |
stringValue.TrimStart(trimChar) | ltrim(@stringValue, @trimChar) |
Se ha simplificado parte del SQL con fines ilustrativos. El SQL actual es más complejo para manipular una gama más amplia de valores.
Funciones varias
.NET | SQL |
collection.Contains(item) | @item EN @collection |
enumValue.HasFlag(flag) | @enumValue & @flag = @flag |
nullable.GetValueOrDefault() | coalesce(@nullable, 0) |
nullable.GetValueOrDefault(defaultValue) | coalesce(@nullable, @defaultValue) |