Procedimiento para enumerar los descodificadores instalados
Es posible que quiera enumerar los descodificadores de imágenes disponibles en un equipo para determinar si la aplicación puede leer un formato de archivo de imagen determinado. La clase ImageCodecInfo proporciona los métodos estáticos GetImageDecoders para que pueda determinar qué descodificadores de imagen están disponibles. GetImageDecoders devuelve una matriz de objetos ImageCodecInfo.
En el ejemplo de código siguiente se muestra la lista de descodificadores instalados y sus valores de propiedad.
private void GetImageDecodersExample(PaintEventArgs e)
// Get an array of available decoders.
ImageCodecInfo[] myCodecs;
myCodecs = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageDecoders();
int numCodecs = myCodecs.GetLength(0);
// Set up display variables.
Color foreColor = Color.Black;
Font font = new Font("Arial", 8);
int i = 0;
// Check to determine whether any codecs were found.
if (numCodecs > 0)
// Set up an array to hold codec information. There are 9
// information elements plus 1 space for each codec, so 10 times
// the number of codecs found is allocated.
string[] myCodecInfo = new string[numCodecs * 10];
// Write all the codec information to the array.
for (i = 0; i < numCodecs; i++)
myCodecInfo[i * 10] = "Codec Name = " + myCodecs[i].CodecName;
myCodecInfo[(i * 10) + 1] = "Class ID = " +
myCodecInfo[(i * 10) + 2] = "DLL Name = " + myCodecs[i].DllName;
myCodecInfo[(i * 10) + 3] = "Filename Ext. = " +
myCodecInfo[(i * 10) + 4] = "Flags = " +
myCodecInfo[(i * 10) + 5] = "Format Descrip. = " +
myCodecInfo[(i * 10) + 6] = "Format ID = " +
myCodecInfo[(i * 10) + 7] = "MimeType = " + myCodecs[i].MimeType;
myCodecInfo[(i * 10) + 8] = "Version = " +
myCodecInfo[(i * 10) + 9] = " ";
int numMyCodecInfo = myCodecInfo.GetLength(0);
// Render all of the information to the screen.
int j = 20;
for (i = 0; i < numMyCodecInfo; i++)
new SolidBrush(foreColor),
j += 12;
e.Graphics.DrawString("No Codecs Found",
new SolidBrush(foreColor),
Private Sub GetImageDecodersExample(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs)
' Get an array of available decoders.
Dim myCodecs() As ImageCodecInfo
myCodecs = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageDecoders()
Dim numCodecs As Integer = myCodecs.GetLength(0)
' Set up display variables.
Dim foreColor As Color = Color.Black
Dim font As New Font("Arial", 8)
Dim i As Integer = 0
' Check to determine whether any codecs were found.
If numCodecs > 0 Then
' Set up an array to hold codec information. There are 9
' information elements plus 1 space for each codec, so 10 times
' the number of codecs found is allocated.
Dim myCodecInfo(numCodecs * 10) As String
' Write all the codec information to the array.
For i = 0 To numCodecs - 1
myCodecInfo((i * 10)) = "Codec Name = " + myCodecs(i).CodecName
myCodecInfo((i * 10 + 1)) = "Class ID = " + myCodecs(i).Clsid.ToString()
myCodecInfo((i * 10 + 2)) = "DLL Name = " + myCodecs(i).DllName
myCodecInfo((i * 10 + 3)) = "Filename Ext. = " + myCodecs(i).FilenameExtension
myCodecInfo((i * 10 + 4)) = "Flags = " + myCodecs(i).Flags.ToString()
myCodecInfo((i * 10 + 5)) = "Format Descrip. = " + myCodecs(i).FormatDescription
myCodecInfo((i * 10 + 6)) = "Format ID = " + myCodecs(i).FormatID.ToString()
myCodecInfo((i * 10 + 7)) = "MimeType = " + myCodecs(i).MimeType
myCodecInfo((i * 10 + 8)) = "Version = " + myCodecs(i).Version.ToString()
myCodecInfo((i * 10 + 9)) = " "
Next i
Dim numMyCodecInfo As Integer = myCodecInfo.GetLength(0)
' Render all of the information to the screen.
Dim j As Integer = 20
For i = 0 To numMyCodecInfo - 1
e.Graphics.DrawString(myCodecInfo(i), _
font, New SolidBrush(foreColor), 20, j)
j += 12
Next i
e.Graphics.DrawString("No Codecs Found", _
font, New SolidBrush(foreColor), 20, 20)
End If
End Sub
Compilar el código
Para este ejemplo se necesita:
Una aplicación de Windows Forms.
Un elemento PaintEventArgs, que es un parámetro de PaintEventHandler.
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.NET Desktop feedback