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UdpDiscoveryEndpointElement.MaxResponseDelay Propiedad


Obtiene o establece el TimeSpan máximo dentro del que se envían todos los ProbeMatches para un servicio que responde a una operación del sondeo.

 property TimeSpan MaxResponseDelay { TimeSpan get(); void set(TimeSpan value); };
[System.Configuration.ConfigurationProperty("maxResponseDelay", DefaultValue="00:00:00.500")]
public TimeSpan MaxResponseDelay { get; set; }
[System.Configuration.ConfigurationProperty("maxResponseDelay", DefaultValue="00:00:00.500")]
public TimeSpan MaxResponseDelay { get; set; }
[<System.Configuration.ConfigurationProperty("maxResponseDelay", DefaultValue="00:00:00.500")>]
member this.MaxResponseDelay : TimeSpan with get, set
[<System.Configuration.ConfigurationProperty("maxResponseDelay", DefaultValue="00:00:00.500")>]
member this.MaxResponseDelay : TimeSpan with get, set
Public Property MaxResponseDelay As TimeSpan

Valor de propiedad

Retraso máximo.


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