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SyntaxKind Enum


public enum class SyntaxKind
public enum SyntaxKind
type SyntaxKind = 
Public Enum SyntaxKind


Name Value Description
None 0
List 1
TildeToken 8193

Represents ~ token.

ExclamationToken 8194

Represents ! token.

DollarToken 8195

Represents $ token.

This is a debugger special punctuation and not related to string interpolation.

PercentToken 8196

Represents % token.

CaretToken 8197

Represents ^ token.

AmpersandToken 8198

Represents & token.

AsteriskToken 8199

Represents * token.

OpenParenToken 8200

Represents ( token.

CloseParenToken 8201

Represents ) token.

MinusToken 8202

Represents - token.

PlusToken 8203

Represents + token.

EqualsToken 8204

Represents = token.

OpenBraceToken 8205

Represents { token.

CloseBraceToken 8206

Represents } token.

OpenBracketToken 8207

Represents [ token.

CloseBracketToken 8208

Represents ] token.

BarToken 8209

Represents | token.

BackslashToken 8210

Represents </code> token.

ColonToken 8211

Represents : token.

SemicolonToken 8212

Represents ; token.

DoubleQuoteToken 8213

Represents " token.

SingleQuoteToken 8214

Represents ' token.

LessThanToken 8215

Represents < token.

CommaToken 8216

Represents , token.

GreaterThanToken 8217

Represents > token.

DotToken 8218

Represents . token.

QuestionToken 8219

Represents ? token.

HashToken 8220

Represents # token.

SlashToken 8221

Represents / token.

DotDotToken 8222

Represents .. token.

SlashGreaterThanToken 8232

Represents /> token.

LessThanSlashToken 8233

Represents </ token.

XmlCommentStartToken 8234

Represents <!-- token.

XmlCommentEndToken 8235

Represents --> token.

XmlCDataStartToken 8236

Represents <![CDATA[ token.

XmlCDataEndToken 8237

Represents ]]> token.

XmlProcessingInstructionStartToken 8238

Represents <? token.

XmlProcessingInstructionEndToken 8239

Represents ?> token.

BarBarToken 8260

Represents || token.

AmpersandAmpersandToken 8261

Represents && token.

MinusMinusToken 8262

Represents -- token.

PlusPlusToken 8263

Represents ++ token.

ColonColonToken 8264

Represents :: token.

QuestionQuestionToken 8265

Represents ?? token.

MinusGreaterThanToken 8266

Represents -> token.

ExclamationEqualsToken 8267

Represents != token.

EqualsEqualsToken 8268

Represents == token.

EqualsGreaterThanToken 8269

Represents => token.

LessThanEqualsToken 8270

Represents <= token.

LessThanLessThanToken 8271

Represents << token.

LessThanLessThanEqualsToken 8272

Represents <<= token.

GreaterThanEqualsToken 8273

Represents >= token.

GreaterThanGreaterThanToken 8274

Represents >> token.

GreaterThanGreaterThanEqualsToken 8275

Represents >>= token.

SlashEqualsToken 8276

Represents /= token.

AsteriskEqualsToken 8277

Represents *= token.

BarEqualsToken 8278

Represents |= token.

AmpersandEqualsToken 8279

Represents &= token.

PlusEqualsToken 8280

Represents += token.

MinusEqualsToken 8281

Represents -= token.

CaretEqualsToken 8282

Represents ^= token.

PercentEqualsToken 8283

Represents %= token.

QuestionQuestionEqualsToken 8284

Represents ??= token.

ExclamationExclamationToken 8285

Represents !! token.

GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThanToken 8286

Represents >>> token.

GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThanEqualsToken 8287

Represents >>>= token.

BoolKeyword 8304

Represents bool.

ByteKeyword 8305

Represents byte.

SByteKeyword 8306

Represents sbyte.

ShortKeyword 8307

Represents short.

UShortKeyword 8308

Represents ushort.

IntKeyword 8309

Represents int.

UIntKeyword 8310

Represents uint.

LongKeyword 8311

Represents long.

ULongKeyword 8312

Represents ulong.

DoubleKeyword 8313

Represents double.

FloatKeyword 8314

Represents float.

DecimalKeyword 8315

Represents decimal.

StringKeyword 8316

Represents string.

CharKeyword 8317

Represents char.

VoidKeyword 8318

Represents void.

ObjectKeyword 8319

Represents object.

TypeOfKeyword 8320

Represents typeof.

SizeOfKeyword 8321

Represents sizeof.

NullKeyword 8322

Represents null.

TrueKeyword 8323

Represents true.

FalseKeyword 8324

Represents false.

IfKeyword 8325

Represents if.

ElseKeyword 8326

Represents else.

WhileKeyword 8327

Represents while.

ForKeyword 8328

Represents for.

ForEachKeyword 8329

Represents foreach.

DoKeyword 8330

Represents do.

SwitchKeyword 8331

Represents switch.

CaseKeyword 8332

Represents case.

DefaultKeyword 8333

Represents default.

TryKeyword 8334

Represents try.

CatchKeyword 8335

Represents catch.

FinallyKeyword 8336

Represents finally.

LockKeyword 8337

Represents lock.

GotoKeyword 8338

Represents goto.

BreakKeyword 8339

Represents break.

ContinueKeyword 8340

Represents continue.

ReturnKeyword 8341

Represents return.

ThrowKeyword 8342

Represents throw.

PublicKeyword 8343

Represents public.

PrivateKeyword 8344

Represents private.

InternalKeyword 8345

Represents internal.

ProtectedKeyword 8346

Represents protected.

StaticKeyword 8347

Represents static.

ReadOnlyKeyword 8348

Represents readonly.

SealedKeyword 8349

Represents sealed.

ConstKeyword 8350

Represents const.

FixedKeyword 8351

Represents fixed.

StackAllocKeyword 8352

Represents stackalloc.

VolatileKeyword 8353

Represents volatile.

NewKeyword 8354

Represents new.

OverrideKeyword 8355

Represents override.

AbstractKeyword 8356

Represents abstract.

VirtualKeyword 8357

Represents virtual.

EventKeyword 8358

Represents event.

ExternKeyword 8359

Represents extern.

RefKeyword 8360

Represents ref.

OutKeyword 8361

Represents out.

InKeyword 8362

Represents in.

IsKeyword 8363

Represents is.

AsKeyword 8364

Represents as.

ParamsKeyword 8365

Represents params.

ArgListKeyword 8366

Represents __arglist.

MakeRefKeyword 8367

Represents __makeref.

RefTypeKeyword 8368

Represents __reftype.

RefValueKeyword 8369

Represents __refvalue.

ThisKeyword 8370

Represents this.

BaseKeyword 8371

Represents base.

NamespaceKeyword 8372

Represents namespace.

UsingKeyword 8373

Represents using.

ClassKeyword 8374

Represents class.

StructKeyword 8375

Represents struct.

InterfaceKeyword 8376

Represents interface.

EnumKeyword 8377

Represents enum.

DelegateKeyword 8378

Represents delegate.

CheckedKeyword 8379

Represents checked.

UncheckedKeyword 8380

Represents unchecked.

UnsafeKeyword 8381

Represents unsafe.

OperatorKeyword 8382

Represents operator.

ExplicitKeyword 8383

Represents explicit.

ImplicitKeyword 8384

Represents implicit.

YieldKeyword 8405

Represents yield.

PartialKeyword 8406

Represents partial.

AliasKeyword 8407

Represents alias.

GlobalKeyword 8408

Represents global.

AssemblyKeyword 8409

Represents assembly.

ModuleKeyword 8410

Represents module.

TypeKeyword 8411

Represents type.

FieldKeyword 8412

Represents field.

MethodKeyword 8413

Represents method.

ParamKeyword 8414

Represents param.

PropertyKeyword 8415

Represents property.

TypeVarKeyword 8416

Represents typevar.

GetKeyword 8417

Represents get.

SetKeyword 8418

Represents set.

AddKeyword 8419

Represents add.

RemoveKeyword 8420

Represents remove.

WhereKeyword 8421

Represents where.

FromKeyword 8422

Represents from.

GroupKeyword 8423

Represents group.

JoinKeyword 8424

Represents join.

IntoKeyword 8425

Represents into.

LetKeyword 8426

Represents let.

ByKeyword 8427

Represents by.

SelectKeyword 8428

Represents select.

OrderByKeyword 8429

Represents orderby.

OnKeyword 8430

Represents on.

EqualsKeyword 8431

Represents equals.

AscendingKeyword 8432

Represents ascending.

DescendingKeyword 8433

Represents descending.

NameOfKeyword 8434

Represents nameof.

AsyncKeyword 8435

Represents async.

AwaitKeyword 8436

Represents await.

WhenKeyword 8437

Represents when.

OrKeyword 8438

Represents or.

AndKeyword 8439

Represents and.

NotKeyword 8440

Represents not.

DataKeyword 8441

Represents data.

WithKeyword 8442

Represents with.

InitKeyword 8443

Represents init.

RecordKeyword 8444

Represents record.

ManagedKeyword 8445

Represents managed.

UnmanagedKeyword 8446

Represents unmanaged.

RequiredKeyword 8447

Represents required.

ScopedKeyword 8448

Represents scoped.

FileKeyword 8449

Represents file.

AllowsKeyword 8450

Represents allows.

ElifKeyword 8467

Represents elif.

EndIfKeyword 8468

Represents endif.

RegionKeyword 8469

Represents region.

EndRegionKeyword 8470

Represents endregion.

DefineKeyword 8471

Represents define.

UndefKeyword 8472

Represents undef.

WarningKeyword 8473

Represents warning.

ErrorKeyword 8474

Represents error.

LineKeyword 8475

Represents line.

PragmaKeyword 8476

Represents pragma.

HiddenKeyword 8477

Represents hidden.

ChecksumKeyword 8478

Represents checksum.

DisableKeyword 8479

Represents disable.

RestoreKeyword 8480

Represents restore.

ReferenceKeyword 8481

Represents r.

InterpolatedStringStartToken 8482

Represents $" token.

InterpolatedStringEndToken 8483

Represents " token that is closing $".

InterpolatedVerbatimStringStartToken 8484

Represents $@ or @$ token.

LoadKeyword 8485

Represents load.

NullableKeyword 8486

Represents nullable.

EnableKeyword 8487

Represents enable.

SafeOnlyKeyword 8488
WarningsKeyword 8488

Represents warnings.

AnnotationsKeyword 8489

Represents annotations.

VarKeyword 8490

Represents var.

UnderscoreToken 8491

Represents _ token.

OmittedTypeArgumentToken 8492

Represents that nothing was specified as a type argument.

For example Dictionary<,> which has OmittedTypeArgumentToken as a child of OmittedTypeArgumentSyntax before and after the CommaToken.

OmittedArraySizeExpressionToken 8493

Represents that nothing was specified as an array size.

For example int[,] which has OmittedArraySizeExpressionToken as a child of OmittedArraySizeExpressionSyntax before and after the CommaToken.

EndOfDirectiveToken 8494

Represents a token that comes after the end of a directive such as #endif.

EndOfDocumentationCommentToken 8495

Represents the end of a triple-slash documentation comment.

EndOfFileToken 8496

Represents the end of a file.

BadToken 8507
IdentifierToken 8508
NumericLiteralToken 8509
CharacterLiteralToken 8510
StringLiteralToken 8511
XmlEntityLiteralToken 8512
XmlTextLiteralToken 8513
XmlTextLiteralNewLineToken 8514
InterpolatedStringToken 8515

Token for a whole interpolated string $""" ... { expr } ...""". This only exists in transient form during parsing.

InterpolatedStringTextToken 8517
SingleLineRawStringLiteralToken 8518
MultiLineRawStringLiteralToken 8519
Utf8StringLiteralToken 8520
Utf8SingleLineRawStringLiteralToken 8521
Utf8MultiLineRawStringLiteralToken 8522
RazorContentToken 8523
EndOfLineTrivia 8539
WhitespaceTrivia 8540
SingleLineCommentTrivia 8541
MultiLineCommentTrivia 8542
DocumentationCommentExteriorTrivia 8543
SingleLineDocumentationCommentTrivia 8544
MultiLineDocumentationCommentTrivia 8545
DisabledTextTrivia 8546
PreprocessingMessageTrivia 8547
IfDirectiveTrivia 8548
ElifDirectiveTrivia 8549
ElseDirectiveTrivia 8550
EndIfDirectiveTrivia 8551
RegionDirectiveTrivia 8552
EndRegionDirectiveTrivia 8553
DefineDirectiveTrivia 8554
UndefDirectiveTrivia 8555
ErrorDirectiveTrivia 8556
WarningDirectiveTrivia 8557
LineDirectiveTrivia 8558
PragmaWarningDirectiveTrivia 8559
PragmaChecksumDirectiveTrivia 8560
ReferenceDirectiveTrivia 8561
BadDirectiveTrivia 8562
SkippedTokensTrivia 8563
ConflictMarkerTrivia 8564
XmlElement 8574
XmlElementStartTag 8575
XmlElementEndTag 8576
XmlEmptyElement 8577
XmlTextAttribute 8578
XmlCrefAttribute 8579
XmlNameAttribute 8580
XmlName 8581
XmlPrefix 8582
XmlText 8583
XmlCDataSection 8584
XmlComment 8585
XmlProcessingInstruction 8586
TypeCref 8597
QualifiedCref 8598
NameMemberCref 8599
IndexerMemberCref 8600
OperatorMemberCref 8601
ConversionOperatorMemberCref 8602
CrefParameterList 8603
CrefBracketedParameterList 8604
CrefParameter 8605
IdentifierName 8616
QualifiedName 8617
GenericName 8618
TypeArgumentList 8619
AliasQualifiedName 8620
PredefinedType 8621
ArrayType 8622
ArrayRankSpecifier 8623
PointerType 8624
NullableType 8625
OmittedTypeArgument 8626
ParenthesizedExpression 8632
ConditionalExpression 8633
InvocationExpression 8634
ElementAccessExpression 8635
ArgumentList 8636
BracketedArgumentList 8637
Argument 8638
NameColon 8639
CastExpression 8640
AnonymousMethodExpression 8641
SimpleLambdaExpression 8642
ParenthesizedLambdaExpression 8643
ObjectInitializerExpression 8644
CollectionInitializerExpression 8645
ArrayInitializerExpression 8646
AnonymousObjectMemberDeclarator 8647
ComplexElementInitializerExpression 8648
ObjectCreationExpression 8649
AnonymousObjectCreationExpression 8650
ArrayCreationExpression 8651
ImplicitArrayCreationExpression 8652
StackAllocArrayCreationExpression 8653
OmittedArraySizeExpression 8654
InterpolatedStringExpression 8655
ImplicitElementAccess 8656
IsPatternExpression 8657
RangeExpression 8658
BaseExpressionTypeClause 8659
ImplicitObjectCreationExpression 8659
AddExpression 8668
SubtractExpression 8669
MultiplyExpression 8670
DivideExpression 8671
ModuloExpression 8672
LeftShiftExpression 8673
RightShiftExpression 8674
LogicalOrExpression 8675
LogicalAndExpression 8676
BitwiseOrExpression 8677
BitwiseAndExpression 8678
ExclusiveOrExpression 8679
EqualsExpression 8680
NotEqualsExpression 8681
LessThanExpression 8682
LessThanOrEqualExpression 8683
GreaterThanExpression 8684
GreaterThanOrEqualExpression 8685
IsExpression 8686
AsExpression 8687
CoalesceExpression 8688
SimpleMemberAccessExpression 8689
PointerMemberAccessExpression 8690
ConditionalAccessExpression 8691
UnsignedRightShiftExpression 8692
MemberBindingExpression 8707
ElementBindingExpression 8708
SimpleAssignmentExpression 8714
AddAssignmentExpression 8715
SubtractAssignmentExpression 8716
MultiplyAssignmentExpression 8717
DivideAssignmentExpression 8718
ModuloAssignmentExpression 8719
AndAssignmentExpression 8720
ExclusiveOrAssignmentExpression 8721
OrAssignmentExpression 8722
LeftShiftAssignmentExpression 8723
RightShiftAssignmentExpression 8724
CoalesceAssignmentExpression 8725
UnsignedRightShiftAssignmentExpression 8726
UnaryPlusExpression 8730
UnaryMinusExpression 8731
BitwiseNotExpression 8732
LogicalNotExpression 8733
PreIncrementExpression 8734
PreDecrementExpression 8735
PointerIndirectionExpression 8736
AddressOfExpression 8737
PostIncrementExpression 8738
PostDecrementExpression 8739
AwaitExpression 8740
IndexExpression 8741
ThisExpression 8746
BaseExpression 8747
ArgListExpression 8748
NumericLiteralExpression 8749
StringLiteralExpression 8750
CharacterLiteralExpression 8751
TrueLiteralExpression 8752
FalseLiteralExpression 8753
NullLiteralExpression 8754
DefaultLiteralExpression 8755
Utf8StringLiteralExpression 8756
FieldExpression 8757
TypeOfExpression 8760
SizeOfExpression 8761
CheckedExpression 8762
UncheckedExpression 8763
DefaultExpression 8764
MakeRefExpression 8765
RefValueExpression 8766
RefTypeExpression 8767
QueryExpression 8774
QueryBody 8775
FromClause 8776
LetClause 8777
JoinClause 8778
JoinIntoClause 8779
WhereClause 8780
OrderByClause 8781
AscendingOrdering 8782
DescendingOrdering 8783
SelectClause 8784
GroupClause 8785
QueryContinuation 8786
Block 8792
LocalDeclarationStatement 8793
VariableDeclaration 8794
VariableDeclarator 8795
EqualsValueClause 8796
ExpressionStatement 8797
EmptyStatement 8798
LabeledStatement 8799
GotoStatement 8800
GotoCaseStatement 8801
GotoDefaultStatement 8802
BreakStatement 8803
ContinueStatement 8804
ReturnStatement 8805
YieldReturnStatement 8806
YieldBreakStatement 8807
ThrowStatement 8808
WhileStatement 8809
DoStatement 8810
ForStatement 8811
ForEachStatement 8812
UsingStatement 8813
FixedStatement 8814
CheckedStatement 8815
UncheckedStatement 8816
UnsafeStatement 8817
LockStatement 8818
IfStatement 8819
ElseClause 8820
SwitchStatement 8821
SwitchSection 8822
CaseSwitchLabel 8823
DefaultSwitchLabel 8824
TryStatement 8825
CatchClause 8826
CatchDeclaration 8827
CatchFilterClause 8828
FinallyClause 8829
LocalFunctionStatement 8830
CompilationUnit 8840
GlobalStatement 8841
NamespaceDeclaration 8842
UsingDirective 8843
ExternAliasDirective 8844
FileScopedNamespaceDeclaration 8845
AttributeList 8847
AttributeTargetSpecifier 8848
Attribute 8849
AttributeArgumentList 8850
AttributeArgument 8851
NameEquals 8852
ClassDeclaration 8855
StructDeclaration 8856
InterfaceDeclaration 8857
EnumDeclaration 8858
DelegateDeclaration 8859
BaseList 8864
SimpleBaseType 8865
TypeParameterConstraintClause 8866
ConstructorConstraint 8867
ClassConstraint 8868
StructConstraint 8869
TypeConstraint 8870
ExplicitInterfaceSpecifier 8871
EnumMemberDeclaration 8872
FieldDeclaration 8873
EventFieldDeclaration 8874
MethodDeclaration 8875
OperatorDeclaration 8876
ConversionOperatorDeclaration 8877
ConstructorDeclaration 8878
AllowsConstraintClause 8879
RefStructConstraint 8880
BaseConstructorInitializer 8889
ThisConstructorInitializer 8890
DestructorDeclaration 8891
PropertyDeclaration 8892
EventDeclaration 8893
IndexerDeclaration 8894
AccessorList 8895
GetAccessorDeclaration 8896
SetAccessorDeclaration 8897
AddAccessorDeclaration 8898
RemoveAccessorDeclaration 8899
UnknownAccessorDeclaration 8900
ParameterList 8906
BracketedParameterList 8907
Parameter 8908
TypeParameterList 8909
TypeParameter 8910
IncompleteMember 8916
ArrowExpressionClause 8917
Interpolation 8918
InterpolatedStringText 8919
InterpolationAlignmentClause 8920
InterpolationFormatClause 8921
ShebangDirectiveTrivia 8922
LoadDirectiveTrivia 8923
TupleType 8924
TupleElement 8925
TupleExpression 8926
SingleVariableDesignation 8927
ParenthesizedVariableDesignation 8928
ForEachVariableStatement 8929
DeclarationPattern 9000
ConstantPattern 9002
CasePatternSwitchLabel 9009
WhenClause 9013
DiscardDesignation 9014
RecursivePattern 9020
PropertyPatternClause 9021
Subpattern 9022
PositionalPatternClause 9023
DiscardPattern 9024
SwitchExpression 9025
SwitchExpressionArm 9026
VarPattern 9027
ParenthesizedPattern 9028
RelationalPattern 9029
TypePattern 9030
OrPattern 9031
AndPattern 9032
NotPattern 9033
SlicePattern 9034
ListPattern 9035
DeclarationExpression 9040
RefExpression 9050
RefType 9051
ThrowExpression 9052
ImplicitStackAllocArrayCreationExpression 9053
SuppressNullableWarningExpression 9054
NullableDirectiveTrivia 9055
FunctionPointerType 9056
FunctionPointerParameter 9057
FunctionPointerParameterList 9058
FunctionPointerCallingConvention 9059
InitAccessorDeclaration 9060
WithExpression 9061
WithInitializerExpression 9062
RecordDeclaration 9063
DefaultConstraint 9064
PrimaryConstructorBaseType 9065
FunctionPointerUnmanagedCallingConventionList 9066
FunctionPointerUnmanagedCallingConvention 9067
RecordStructDeclaration 9068
ExpressionColon 9069
LineDirectivePosition 9070
LineSpanDirectiveTrivia 9071
InterpolatedSingleLineRawStringStartToken 9072
InterpolatedMultiLineRawStringStartToken 9073
InterpolatedRawStringEndToken 9074
ScopedType 9075
CollectionExpression 9076
ExpressionElement 9077
SpreadElement 9078

Applies to