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Microsoft Defender for Identity referencia de registro SIEM

Defender for Identity puede reenviar eventos de alerta de seguridad y alertas de estado a siem. Las alertas y los eventos están en formato CEF. En este artículo de referencia se proporcionan ejemplos de los registros enviados a SIEM.


Se recomienda usar la API de streaming o las API REST para integrar las herramientas siem con Microsoft Defender XDR. Este enfoque le permite reenviar todos los eventos y alertas de todos los productos Defender XDR, en lugar de solo los eventos y alertas de Defender for Identity.

Alertas de seguridad de Ejemplo de Defender for Identity en formato CEF

Los campos siguientes y sus valores se reenvían al SIEM:

Detalles Explicación
start Hora de inicio de la alerta
suser Cuenta (normalmente la cuenta de usuario) implicada en la alerta
shost Cuenta (normalmente, la cuenta del equipo) implicada en la alerta
resultado Cuando sea pertinente, el éxito o el error de la actividad sospechosa en la alerta
msg Descripción de la alerta
cnt Para las alertas que tienen un recuento del número de veces que se produjo la actividad (por ejemplo, la fuerza bruta tiene una cantidad de contraseñas adivinadas)
aplicación Protocolo usado en esta alerta
externalId Event ID Defender for Identity escribe en el registro de eventos que corresponde a cada tipo de alerta.
cs#label Cadenas de cliente permitidas por CEF, donde cs#label es el nombre del nuevo campo.
Cs# Cadenas de cliente permitidas por CEF, donde cs# es el valor.
  • Por ejemplo: cs1Label=url cs1=https\://
    El campo cs1 es la dirección URL de la alerta.

  • Por ejemplo: cs2Label=trigger cs2=new
    El campo cs2 identifica si la alerta es nueva o actualizada.

  • Por ejemplo: cs3Label=shostfqdn el campo cs3 identifica el nombre de dominio completo del nombre de equipo de origen.


Si tiene previsto crear scripts o automatización para los registros SIEM de Defender for Identity, se recomienda usar el campo externalId para identificar el tipo de alerta en lugar de usar el nombre de alerta para este fin. En ocasiones, los nombres de alerta se pueden modificar, mientras que el valor externalId de cada alerta es permanente. Para obtener una lista de identificadores externos, consulte Asignación de nombres de alertas de seguridad e identificadores externos únicos.

Registros de ejemplo

Los ejemplos de registro cumplen con RFC 5424, pero Defender for Identity también admite RFC 3164.


La lista siguiente es un ejemplo de registros enviados a un SIEM. Para obtener una lista completa de los detalles de la alerta, consulte Asignación de nombres de alertas de seguridad e identificadores externos únicos.


  • 3=Baja
  • 5=Medio
  • 10=Alto

Reconocimiento de enumeración de cuentas

02-21-2018 16:19:35 Auth.Warning 1 2018-02-21T14:19:27.540731+00:00 CENTER CEF 6076 AccountEnumerationSecurityAlert |Microsoft|Azure ATP|2.22.4228.22540|AccountEnumerationSecurityAlert|Reconnaissance using account enumeration|5|start=2018-02-21T14:19:02.6045416Z app=Kerberos shost=CLIENT1 suser=LMaldonado msg=Suspicious account enumeration activity using the Kerberos protocol, originating from CLIENT1, was observed and successfully guessed Lamon Maldonado (Software Engineer). externalId=2003 cs1Label=url cs1=https\:// cs2Label=trigger cs2=new cs3Label=shostfqdn

Filtración de datos a través de SMB

12-19-2018 14:17:46 Auth.Error 1 2018-12-19T12:17:34.645993+00:00 DC1 CEF 3288 SmbDataExfiltrationSecurityAlert |Microsoft|Azure ATP||SmbDataExfiltrationSecurityAlert|[PREVIEW] Data exfiltration over SMB|10|start=2018-12-19T12:14:12.4932821Z app=Smb shost=CLIENT1 msg=Eugene Jenkins (Software Engineer) on DC2 copied suspicious files to CLIENT1. externalId=2030 cs1Label=url cs1=https\:// cs2Label=trigger cs2=new cs3Label=shostfqdn

Actividad honeytoken

02-21-2018 16:20:36 Auth.Warning 1 2018-02-21T14:20:34.106162+00:00 CENTER CEF 6076 HoneytokenActivitySecurityAlert |Microsoft|Azure ATP|2.22.4228.22540|HoneytokenActivitySecurityAlert|Honeytoken activity|5|start=2018-02-21T14:20:26.6705617Z app=Kerberos suser=honey msg=The following activities were performed by honey:\r\nLogged in to CLIENT2 via DC1. externalId=2014 cs1Label=url cs1=https\:// cs2Label=trigger cs2=new cs3Label=shostfqdn

Solicitud malintencionada de clave maestra de Data Protection API

10-29-2018 11:22:04 Auth.Error 1 2018-10-29T09:22:00.350864+00:00 DC3 CEF 3908 RetrieveDataProtectionBackupKeyS |Microsoft|Azure ATP|2.52.5704.46184|RetrieveDataProtectionBackupKeySecurityAlert|Malicious Data Protection Private Information Request|10|start=2018-10-29T09:19:45.6307993Z app=LsaRpc shost=CLIENT1 msg=user1 performed 1 successful attempts from CLIENT1 to retrieve DPAPI domain backup key from DC1. externalId=2020 cs1Label=url cs1=https\:// cs2Label=trigger cs2=new cs3Label=shostfqdn

Reconocimiento de asignación de red (DNS)

10-29-2018 11:20:02 Auth.Warning 1 2018-10-29T09:19:59.056894+00:00 DC3 CEF 3908 DnsReconnaissanceSecurityAlert |Microsoft|Azure ATP|2.52.5704.46184|DnsReconnaissanceSecurityAlert|Reconnaissance using DNS|5|start=2018-10-29T09:19:43.5033765Z app=Dns shost=CLIENT1 msg=Suspicious DNS activity was observed, originating from CLIENT1 (which is not a DNS server) against DC1. externalId=2007 cs1Label=url cs1=https\:// cs2Label=trigger cs2=new cs3Label=shostfqdn

Reconocimiento mediante consultas de servicios de directorio

02-21-2018 16:22:08 Auth.Warning 1 2018-02-21T14:21:54.267658+00:00 CENTER CEF 6076 SamrReconnaissanceSecurityAlert |Microsoft|Azure ATP|2.22.4228.22540|SamrReconnaissanceSecurityAlert| Reconnaissance using directory services enumeration |5|start=2018-02-21T14:19:41.9912772Z app= Samr shost=CLIENT1 suser=user1 outcome=Success msg= The following directory services enumerations using SAMR protocol were attempted against DC1 from CLIENT1:\r\nSuccessful enumeration of all groups in domain1.test.local by user1. externalId=2019 cs1Label=url cs1=https\:// cs2Label=trigger cs2=new cs3Label=shostfqdn

Intento de ejecución remota de código

10-29-2018 11:22:04 Auth.Warning 1 2018-10-29T09:22:00.100856+00:00 DC3 CEF 3908 RemoteExecutionSecurityAlert |Microsoft|Azure ATP|2.52.5704.46184|RemoteExecutionSecurityAlert|Remote code execution attempt|5|start=2018-10-29T09:19:45.0552367Z shost=CLIENT1 msg=The following remote code execution attempts were performed on DC1 from CLIENT1:\r\nSuccessful remote scheduling of one or more tasks by user1.\r\nFailed remote scheduling of one or more tasks by user1.\r\nSuccessful remote execution of one or more WMI methods by user1. externalId=2019 cs1Label=url cs1=https\:// cs2Label=trigger cs2=new cs3Label=shostfqdn

Intento de ejecución remota de código a través de DNS

1-17-2019 08:24:54 Auth.Warning 1 2019-01-17T08:24:54.100856+00:00 DC3 CEF 3908 DnsRemoteCodeExecutionSecurityAlert |Microsoft|Azure ATP||DnsRemoteCodeExecutionSecurityAlert|[PREVIEW] Remote code execution over DNS|5|start=2019-01-17T08:24:54.5293800Z app=Dns shost=CLIENT1 msg=An actor attempted to run commands remotely on CLIENT1 from DC1, over DNS protocol. externalId=2036 cs1Label=url cs1=https\://// cs2Label=trigger cs2=new cs3Label=shostfqdn

Reconocimiento de entidad de seguridad (LDAP)

02-18-2019 16:48:08 Auth.Warning 1 2019-02-18T14:48:02.912264+00:00 DC1 CEF 4656 LdapSearchReconnaissanceSecurity |Microsoft|Azure ATP||LdapSearchReconnaissanceSecurityAlert|[PREVIEW] Reconnaissance using LDAP Queries|5|start=2019-02-18T14:46:29.4644276Z app=LdapSearch shost=CLIENT1 msg=An actor on CLIENT1 sent suspicious LDAP queries to DC1, searching for 4 types of enumeration and Server Operators (Members can administer domain servers) in 2 domains externalId=2038 cs1Label=url cs1=https\:// cs2Label=trigger cs2=new cs3Label=shostfqdn

Sospecha de ataque por fuerza bruta (LDAP)

02-21-2018 16:20:21 Auth.Warning 1 2018-02-21T14:20:06.156238+00:00 CENTER CEF 6076 LdapBruteForceSecurityAlert |Microsoft|Azure ATP|2.22.4228.22540|LdapBruteForceSecurityAlert|Brute force attack using LDAP simple bind|5|start=2018-02-21T14:19:41.7422810Z app=Ldap suser=Wofford Thurston shost=CLIENT1 msg=A brute force attack using the Ldap protocol was attempted on Wofford Thurston (Software Engineer) from CLIENT1 (100 guess attempts). cnt=100 externalId=2004 cs1Label=url cs1=https\:// cs2Label=trigger cs2=update cs3Label=shostfqdn

Sospecha de ataque por fuerza bruta (Kerberos, NTLM)

10-29-2018 11:20:47 Auth.Warning 1 2018-10-29T09:20:44.478827+00:00 DC3 CEF 3908 BruteForceSecurityAlert |Microsoft|Azure ATP|2.52.5704.46184|BruteForceSecurityAlert|Suspicious authentication failures|5|start=2018-10-29T09:19:44.9512286Z app=Kerberos shost=CLIENT1 msg=Suspicious authentication failures indicating a potential brute-force attack were detected from CLIENT1. externalId=2023 cs1Label=url cs1=https\:// cs2Label=trigger cs2=new cs3Label=shostfqdn

Sospecha de ataque DCSync (replicación de servicios de directorio)

02-21-2018 16:20:06 Auth.Warning 1 2018-02-21T14:19:54.254930+00:00 CENTER CEF 6076 MaliciousServiceCreationSecurity |Microsoft|Azure ATP|2.22.4228.22540|MaliciousServiceCreationSecurityAlert|Suspicious service creation|5|start=2018-02-21T14:19:41.7897808Z app=ServiceInstalledEvent shost=CLIENT1 msg=user1 created MaliciousService in order to execute potentially malicious commands on CLIENT1. externalId=2026 cs1Label=url cs1=https\:// cs2Label=trigger cs2=update cs3Label=shostfqdn

Sospecha de uso de Golden Ticket (degradación del cifrado)

10-29-2018 11:25:07 Auth.Warning 1 2018-10-29T09:25:01.007701+00:00 DC3 CEF 3908 GoldenTicketEncryptionDowngradeS |Microsoft|Azure ATP|2.52.5704.46184|GoldenTicketEncryptionDowngradeSecurityAlert|Encryption downgrade activity (potential golden ticket attack)|5|start=2018-10-29T09:37:49.0849130Z app=Kerberos msg=W10-000007-Lap used a weaker encryption method (RC4), in the Kerberos service request (TGS_REQ), from W10-000007-Lap, to access host/domain1.test.local. externalId=2009 cs1Label=url cs1=https\:// cs2Label=trigger cs2=new cs3Label=shostfqdn

Sospecha de uso de Golden Ticket (cuenta inexistente)

07-01-2018 14:28:49 Auth.Error 1 2018-07-01T11:28:35.546638+00:00 CENTER CEF 38768 ForgedPrincipalSecurityAlert |Microsoft|Azure ATP||ForgedPrincipalSecurityAlert|Kerberos Golden Ticket - non-existing account|10|start=2018-07-01T09:48:31.2567987Z app=Kerberos suser=domain1.test.local\fake msg=domain1.test.local\fake, which does not exist in Active Directory, used a Kerberos ticket. The ticket was detected from 2 computers to access 3 resources. This may indicate a potential Golden Ticket attack. externalId=2027 cs1Label=url cs1=https\:// cs2Label=trigger cs2=update cs3Label=shostfqdn

Sospecha de uso de Golden Ticket (anomalía de vales)

2018-11-18T10:46:23.346946+00:00 MAXIMG-7050 CEF 24284 GoldenTicketSizeAnomalySecurityA 0|Microsoft|Azure ATP||GoldenTicketSizeAnomalySecurityAlert|[PREVIEW] Suspected Golden Ticket usage (ticket anomaly)|10|start=2018-11-18T10:44:12.9317797Z app=Kerberos shost=CLIENT2 suser=RFosdyke msg=Renzo Fosdyke (Software Engineer) used a suspicious Kerberos ticket from CLIENT2 to access ldap/domain1.test.local. externalId=2032 cs1Label=url cs1=https\:// cs2Label=trigger cs2=update cs3Label=shostfqdn

Sospecha de uso de Golden Ticket (anomalía de tiempo)

02-21-2018 16:22:39 Auth.Error 1 2018-02-21T14:22:34.274054+00:00 CENTER CEF 6076 GoldenTicketSecurityAlert |Microsoft|Azure ATP|2.22.4228.22540|GoldenTicketSecurityAlert|Kerberos Golden Ticket activity|10|start=2018-02-21T14:19:03.2416152Z app=Kerberos suser=Lanell Campos msg=Suspicious usage of Lanell Campos (Software Engineer)'s Kerberos ticket, indicating a potential Golden Ticket attack, was detected. externalId=2022 cs1Label=url cs1=https\:// cs2Label=trigger cs2=update cs3Label=shostfqdn

Sospecha de uso de Golden Ticket (datos de autorización falsificados)

10-29-2018 11:22:04 Auth.Error 1 2018-10-29T09:21:59.288337+00:00 DC3 CEF 3908 ForgedPacSecurityAlert |Microsoft|Azure ATP|2.52.5704.46184|ForgedPacSecurityAlert|Privilege escalation using forged authorization data|10|start=2018-10-29T09:19:43.6403358Z app=Kerberos suser=user1 msg=user1 failed to escalate privileges against DC1 to host/domain1.test.local from CLIENT1 by using forged authorization data. externalId=2013 cs1Label=url cs1=https\:// cs2Label=trigger cs2=new cs3Label=shostfqdn

Sospecha de robo de identidad (Pass-the-Hash)

02-21-2018 17:04:47 Auth.Error 1 2018-02-21T15:04:33.537583+00:00 CENTER CEF 6076 PassTheHashSecurityAlert |Microsoft|Azure ATP|2.22.4228.22540|PassTheHashSecurityAlert|Identity theft using Pass-the-Hash attack|10|start=2018-02-21T15:02:22.2577465Z app=Kerberos suser=Eugene Jenkins msg=Eugene Jenkins (Software Engineer)'s hash was stolen from one of the computers previously logged into by Eugene Jenkins (Software Engineer) and used from CLIENT1. externalId=2017 cs1Label=url cs1=https\:// cs2Label=trigger cs2=update cs3Label=shostfqdn

Sospecha de robo de identidad (Pass-the-Ticket)

02-21-2018 17:04:47 Auth.Error 1 2018-02-21T15:04:33.537583+00:00 CENTER CEF 6076 PassTheTicketSecurityAlert |Microsoft|Azure ATP|2.22.4228.22540|PassTheTicketSecurityAlert|Identity theft using Pass-the-Ticket attack|10|start=2018-02-21T15:02:22.2577465Z app=Kerberos suser=Eugene Jenkins msg=Eugene Jenkins (Software Engineer)'s Kerberos tickets were stolen from Admin-PC to Victim-PC and used to access krbtgt/DOMAIN1.TEST.LOCAL. externalId=2018 cs1Label=url cs1=https\:// cs2Label=trigger cs2=new cs3Label=shostfqdn

Sospecha de manipulación de la autenticación NTLM

07-17-2019 18:18:44 Auth.Warning 1 2019-07-09T15:18:30.967118+00:00 CENTER CEF 7144 AbnormalNtlmSigningSecurityAlert |Microsoft|Azure ATP||AbnormalNtlmSigningSecurityAlert|[PREVIEW] Suspected NTLM authentication tampering|5|start=2019-07-09T15:14:57.5280720Z app=Ntlm shost=CLIENT1 msg=2 accounts on CLIENT1 is suspiciously trying to authenticate against 2 computers over NTLM. externalId=2039 cs1Label=url cs1=https\:// cs2Label=trigger cs2=new cs3Label=shostfqdn

Sospecha de ataque de over-pass-the-hash (degradación del cifrado)

02-21-2018 16:21:07 Auth.Warning 1 2018-02-21T14:20:54.145833+00:00 CENTER CEF 6076 EncryptionDowngradeSecurityAlert |Microsoft|Azure ATP|2.22.4228.22540|EncryptionDowngradeSecurityAlert|Encryption downgrade activity|5|start=2018-02-21T14:19:41.8737870Z app=Kerberos msg= The encryption method of the Encrypted_Timestamp field of AS_REQ message from CLIENT1 has been downgraded based on previously learned behavior. This may be a result of a credential theft using Overpass-the-Hash from CLIENT1. externalId=2008 cs1Label=url cs1=https\:// cs2Label=trigger cs2=update cs3Label=shostfqdn

Sospecha de ataque de clave de esqueleto (degradación del cifrado)

02-21-2018 16:21:07 Auth.Warning 1 2018-02-21T14:20:54.145833+00:00 CENTER CEF 6076 EncryptionDowngradeSecurityAlert |Microsoft|Azure ATP|2.22.4228.22540|EncryptionDowngradeSecurityAlert|Encryption downgrade activity|5|start=2018-02-21T14:19:41.8737870Z app=Kerberos msg=The encryption method of the ETYPE_INFO2 field of KRB_ERR message from CLIENT1 has been downgraded based on previously learned behavior. This may be a result of a Skeleton Key on DC1. externalId=2010 cs1Label=url cs1=https\:// cs2Label=trigger cs2=new cs3Label=shostfqdn

Errores de autenticación sospechosos

02-21-2018 16:19:20 Auth.Warning 1 2018-02-21T14:19:15.397995+00:00 CENTER CEF 6076 BruteForceSecurityAlert |Microsoft|Azure ATP|2.22.4228.22540|BruteForceSecurityAlert|Suspicious authentication failures|5|start=2018-02-21T14:19:03.3831122Z app=Kerberos shost=CLIENT1 msg=Suspicious authentication failures indicating a potential brute-force attack were detected from CLIENT1. externalId=2023 cs1Label=url cs1=https\:// cs2Label=trigger cs2=new cs3Label=shostfqdn

Comunicación sospechosa a través de DNS

10-04-2018 14:49:38 Auth.Warning 1 2018-10-04T11:49:25.954059+00:00 DC3 CEF 3604 DnsSuspiciousCommunicationSecuri |Microsoft|Azure ATP|2.49.5589.58606|DnsSuspiciousCommunicationSecurityAlert|Suspicious Communication over DNS|5|start=2018-10-04T11:49:11.0822077Z app=DnsEvent dhost= suspiciousdomainname msg=CLIENT1 sent suspicious DNS queries resolving suspiciousdomainname externalId=2031 cs1Label=url cs1=https\:// cs2Label=trigger cs2=new cs3Label=shostfqdn

Promoción sospechosa del controlador de dominio (posible ataque DcShadow)

07-12-2018 11:18:07 Auth.Error 1 2018-07-12T08:18:06.883880+00:00 DC1 CEF 3868 DirectoryServicesRoguePromotionS |Microsoft|Azure ATP||DirectoryServicesRoguePromotionSecurityAlert| **Suspicious domain controller promotion (potential DcShadow attack)**|10|start=2018-07-12T08:17:55.4067092Z app=Ldap shost=CLIENT1 msg=CLIENT1, which is a computer in domain1.test.local, registered as a domain controller on DC1. externalId=2028 cs1Label=url cs1=https\:// cs2Label=trigger cs2=update cs3Label=shostfqdn

Adiciones sospechosas a grupos confidenciales

10-29-2018 11:21:03 Auth.Warning 1 2018-10-29T09:20:49.667014+00:00 DC3 CEF 3908 AbnormalSensitiveGroupMembership |Microsoft|Azure ATP|2.52.5704.46184|AbnormalSensitiveGroupMembershipChangeSecurityAlert|Suspicious modification of sensitive groups|5|start=2018-10-29T09:19:43.3013729Z app=GroupMembershipChangeEvent suser=user1 msg=user1 has uncharacteristically modified sensitive group memberships. externalId=2024 cs1Label=url cs1=https\:// cs2Label=trigger cs2=new cs3Label=shostfqdn

Replicación sospechosa de servicios de directorio

02-21-2018 16:21:22 Auth.Error 1 2018-02-21T14:21:13.978554+00:00 CENTER CEF 6076 DirectoryServicesReplicationSecu |Microsoft|Azure ATP|2.22.4228.22540|DirectoryServicesReplicationSecurityAlert|Malicious replication of directory services|10|start=2018-02-21T14:19:03.9975656Z app=Drsr shost=CLIENT1 msg=Malicious replication requests were successfully performed by user1, from CLIENT1 against DC1. outcome=Success externalId=2006 cs1Label=url cs1=https\:// cs2Label=trigger cs2=new cs3Label=shostfqdn

Solicitud de replicación sospechosa (posible ataque DcShadow)

07-12-2018 11:18:37 Auth.Error 1 2018-07-12T08:18:32.265989+00:00 DC1 CEF 3868 DirectoryServicesRogueReplicatio |Microsoft|Azure ATP||DirectoryServicesRogueReplicationSecurityAlert| **Suspicious replication request (potential DcShadow attack)**|10|start=2018-07-12T08:17:55.3816102Z **app=Replication Activity** shost=CLIENT1 msg=CLIENT1, which is not a valid domain controller in domain1.test.local, sent changes to directory objects on DC1. externalId=2029 cs1Label=url cs1=https\:// cs2Label=trigger cs2=new cs3Label=shostfqdn

Creación de servicios sospechosos

10-29-2018 11:20:02 Auth.Warning 1 2018-10-29T09:19:59.164874+00:00 DC3 CEF 3908 MaliciousServiceCreationSecurity |Microsoft|Azure ATP|2.52.5704.46184|MaliciousServiceCreationSecurityAlert|Suspicious service creation|5|start=2018-10-29T09:19:44.9471965Z app=ServiceInstalledEvent shost=CLIENT1 msg=user1 created MaliciousService in order to execute potentially malicious commands on CLIENT1. externalId=2026 cs1Label=url cs1=https\:// cs2Label=trigger cs2=new cs3Label=shostfqdn

Conexión VPN sospechosa

07-03-2018 13:13:12 Auth.Warning 1 2018-07-03T10:13:06.187834+00:00 DC1 CEF 2520 AbnormalVpnSecurityAlert |Microsoft|Azure ATP||AbnormalVpnSecurityAlert|Suspicious VPN Connection|5|start=2018-06-30T15:34:05.3887333Z app=VpnConnection suser=user1 msg=user1 connected to a VPN using 3 computers from 3 Locations. externalId=2025 cs1Label=url cs1=https\:// cs2Label=trigger cs2=new cs3Label=shostfqdn

Sospecha de ataque de ransomware WannaCry

02-21-2018 16:21:22 Auth.Warning 1 2018-02-21T14:21:13.916050+00:00 CENTER CEF 6076 AbnormalProtocolSecurityAlert |Microsoft|Azure ATP|2.22.4228.22540|AbnormalProtocolSecurityAlert|SuspectedWannaCryRansomwareAttack|5|start=2018-02-21T14:19:03.1981155Z app=Ntlm shost=CLIENT2 outcome=Success msg=There were attempts to authenticate from CLIENT2 against DC1 using an unusual protocol implementation. May be a result of malicious tools used to execute attacks such as WannaCry. externalId=2035 cs1Label=url cs1=https\:// cs2Label=trigger cs2=new cs3Label=shostfqdn

Sospecha de ataque por fuerza bruta (SMB)

002-21-2018 16:21:22 Auth.Warning 1 2018-02-21T14:21:13.916050+00:00 CENTER CEF 6076 AbnormalProtocolSecurityAlert |Microsoft|Azure ATP|2.22.4228.22540|AbnormalProtocolSecurityAlert|SuspectedBrutForceAttack|5|start=2018-02-21T14:19:03.1981155Z app=Ntlm shost=CLIENT2 outcome=Success msg=There were attempts to authenticate from CLIENT2 against DC1 using an unusual protocol implementation. May be a result of malicious tools used to execute attacks such as Hydra. externalId=2033 cs1Label=url cs1=https\:// cs2Label=trigger cs2=new cs3Label=shostfqdn

Sospecha de uso del marco de piratería metasploit

002-21-2018 16:21:22 Auth.Warning 1 2018-02-21T14:21:13.916050+00:00 CENTER CEF 6076 AbnormalProtocolSecurityAlert |Microsoft|Azure ATP|2.22.4228.22540|AbnormalProtocolSecurityAlert|SuspectedAttackUsingMetasploit|5|start=2018-02-21T14:19:03.1981155Z app=Ntlm shost=CLIENT2 outcome=Success msg=There were attempts to authenticate from CLIENT2 against DC1 using an unusual protocol implementation. May be a result of malicious tools used to execute attacks such as Metasploit. externalId=2034 cs1Label=url cs1=https\:// cs2Label=trigger cs2=new cs3Label=shostfqdn

Sospecha de ataque overpass-the-hash (Kerberos)

002-21-2018 16:21:22 Auth.Warning 1 2018-02-21T14:21:13.916050+00:00 CENTER CEF 6076 AbnormalProtocolSecurityAlert |Microsoft|Azure ATP|2.22.4228.22540|AbnormalProtocolSecurityAlert|SuspectedOverPassTheHashAttack|5|start=2018-02-21T14:19:03.1981155Z app=Ntlm shost=CLIENT2 outcome=Success msg=There were attempts to authenticate from CLIENT2 against DC1 using an unusual protocol implementation. May be a result of malicious acts using the Kerberos protocol. externalId=2002 cs1Label=url cs1=https\:// cs2Label=trigger cs2=new cs3Label=shostfqdn

Reconocimiento de direcciones IP y de usuario (SMB)

002-21-2018 16:21:22 Auth.Warning 1 2018-02-21T14:21:13.916050+00:00 CENTER CEF 6076 AbnormalProtocolSecurityAlert |Microsoft|Azure ATP|2.22.4228.22540|AbnormalProtocolSecurityAlert|ReconnaissanceusingSMBSessionEnumeration|5|start=2018-02-21T14:19:03.1981155Z app=Ntlm shost=CLIENT2 outcome=Success msg=There were attempts to authenticate from CLIENT2 against DC1 using an unusual protocol implementation. May be a result of malicious tools used to execute attacks such as Metasploit. externalId=2034 cs1Label=url cs1=https\:// cs2Label=trigger cs2=new cs3Label=shostfqdn

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