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Power Automate for Admins

Power Automate Management Connector for Administrators. Service Principal authentication is not supported for administrative actions involving user details.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Power Automate Standard All Power Automate regions
Power Apps Standard All Power Apps regions
Name Microsoft
URL Microsoft Power Automate Support
Microsoft Power Apps Support
Connector Metadata
Publisher Microsoft

Creating a connection

The connector supports the following authentication types:

Client Certificate Auth Provide Microsoft Entra ID credentials using PFX certificate and password All regions Not shareable
Microsoft Entra ID Integrated Use Microsoft Entra ID to access this service. All regions Not shareable
Default [DEPRECATED] This option is only for older connections without an explicit authentication type, and is only provided for backward compatibility. All regions Not shareable

Client Certificate Auth

Auth ID: CertOauth

Applicable: All regions

Provide Microsoft Entra ID credentials using PFX certificate and password

This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.

Name Type Description Required
Tenant string True
Client ID string The client ID of for the Microsoft Entra ID application True
Client certificate secret clientCertificate The client certificate secret allowed by this application True

Microsoft Entra ID Integrated

Auth ID: firstParty

Applicable: All regions

Use Microsoft Entra ID to access this service.

This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.


Applicable: All regions

This option is only for older connections without an explicit authentication type, and is only provided for backward compatibility.

This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds


Disable Flow as Admin

Disables a Flow.

Edit Flow Owner Role as Admin

Sets permissions for a Flow.

Enable Flow as Admin

Enables a Flow.

Get Flow Owner Role as Admin

Returns permissions for a Flow.

Get Flow User Details

Returns the details of a specified user in the scope of Power Automate.

Remove Flow as Admin

Deletes a Flow.

Remove Flow User Details

Deletes a Power Automate user details record.

Disable Flow as Admin

Disables a Flow.


Name Key Required Type Description
Environment Name
environment True string

Name field of the Environment.

Flow Name
flow True string

Name field of the Flow.

Field API Version
api-version string

The date value of the API version.

Edit Flow Owner Role as Admin

Sets permissions for a Flow.


Name Key Required Type Description
Environment Name
environment True string

Name field of the Environment.

Flow Name
flow True string

Name field of the flow.

Field API Version
api-version string

The date value of the API version.

Field Content-Type
Content-Type string

Name Field of the Content-Type.

id string

Flow permission ID.

email string

Flow permission principal email.

displayName string

Flow permission principal displayName.

id string

Flow permission principal object ID.

type string

Flow permission principal type.

roleName string

Flow permission property roleName.

Enable Flow as Admin

Enables a Flow.


Name Key Required Type Description
Name field of the Environment
environment True string

Environment Name.

Flow Name
flow True string

Name field of the flow.

Field API Version
api-version string

The date value of the API version.

Get Flow Owner Role as Admin

Returns permissions for a Flow.


Name Key Required Type Description
Environment Name
environment True string

Name field of the Environment.

Flow Name
flow True string

Name field of the flow.

Field API Version
api-version string

The date value of the API version.


Name Path Type Description
value array of object

Flow permission value object array.

name string

Flow permission name field.

id string

Flow permission ID field.

value.type string

Flow permission type field.

roleName string

Flow permission property roleName.

permissionType string

Flow permission property permission type.

id string

Flow permission principal object ID.

type string

Flow permission principal type.

Get Flow User Details

Returns the details of a specified user in the scope of Power Automate.


Name Key Required Type Description
Field userId
userId True string

Flow user principal object ID.


Name Path Type Description
Tenant ID
tenantId string

Flow user tenantId.

puid string

Flow user puid.

Object ID
objectId string

Flow user principal object ID.

Is Disallowed for Internal Plans
isDisallowedForInternalPlans boolean

Flow user isDisallowedForInternalPlans.

Consent Time
consentTime date-time

Flow user consentTime.

Service Settings Selection Time
serviceSettingsSelectionTime date-time

Flow user serviceSettingsSelectionTime.

Consent Business App Platform Time
consentBusinessAppPlatformTime date-time

The Flow user's consentBusinessAppPlatformTime.

Remove Flow as Admin

Deletes a Flow.


Name Key Required Type Description
Environment Name
environment True string

Name field of the Environment.

Flow Name
flow True string

Name field of the flow.

Field API Version
api-version string

The date value of the API version.

Remove Flow User Details

Deletes a Power Automate user details record.


Name Key Required Type Description
Field UserId
userId True string

Flow user principal object ID.