Overview of Cloud for Sustainability shared data mdel
Cloud for Sustainability shared data model CDM entity definitions
Name | Description |
Account | Business that represents a customer or potential customer. The company that is billed in business transactions. |
AccountingMethod | Approach or method to quantify and report the environmental footprint of an organization's activities, encompassing greenhouse gas emissions and broader sustainability factors. |
AlternateResultBasis | Primary reason used for generating alternate sustainability records, which is done by applying different methodologies, assumptions, or calculation models to the same underlying data set. |
Contact | Person with whom a business unit has a relationship, such as customer, supplier, and colleague. |
CountryRegion | Defines custom Country/region codes. |
CountryRegionMapping | Entity storing the region mapping, which is a mapping of a country or region to a user-defined group. |
CustomDimensionMetadata | Table holding information about all the custom dimensions available in Microsoft Sustainability Manager |
DataSourceType | The different types of sources for energy data. |
DeprecatedProductIdentifier | Uniquely identifies a product. |
EmissionFactor | Conversion factor which takes activity data and converts quantities into greenhouse gas amounts and units. |
EnergyProviderType | Categories or classifications of companies or entities that supply energy, such as electricity or gas. |
EstimationFactor | Entity to store estimation or consumption factors. |
Facility | Base-level location to attribute activity data. May contain multiple buildings and organizational units. |
FacilityCapacity | Entity to capture the facility's capacity dimension and measure for a specified time period. |
FacilityCapacityDimension | The dimension of the facility based on which the water usage intensity factors are defined such as area. |
FacilityItemProduction | Entity used to record the production quantity of an item in a facility for a specified period. |
FacilityType | Entity used for classifying the type of facility, as defined in the reporting company. |
FacilityUsageDetail | Captures intensity scores for a facility in a given year. |
FactorLibrary | Repository for emission and estimation factor sets, including both system and user added. |
FactorMapping | Entity which connects reference data to a specific emission factor or estimation factor, which can determine different factors for large sets of activity data. |
GeographicArea | Definition or categorization of a given area on earth |
GeographicAreaType | User or industry defined type of geographic area |
IndustrialProcessType | Entity to store process classifications for various industrial processes, such as extraction and manufacturing processes. |
Industry | Parent level of the industry classification which contains an ID and name. |
IndustryClassification | Combination of the Industry parent-level industry classification and the Subindustry child-level industry classification, both defined on the company profile. |
Material | Entity used for classifying the type of material, as defined in the reporting company. |
Meter | An entity that represents meters. |
MonthlyRevenue | Captures revenue of an organizational unit by year and month in the company currency. |
OrganizationalHierarchy | The classification that a company or organization uses to categorize its entities such as facilities, departments, divisions and organizational units. |
OrganizationalProfile | The base information of the organization, for which the solution is built. |
OrganizationalUnit | A structural division of a company or organization. |
ProductCategory | Represents category of a product. Can be associated with a parent product category. It is used in reports. |
ProductSustainability | A product that can be associated with a product carbon footprint. |
ReportingPeriod | Entity used to track reporting periods created for each reporting year. |
ReportingYear | Entity which lists reporting years created in the system. |
Subindustry | Child-level of the industry classisfication, which contains an ID and name. |
SustainabilityDataDefinition | Entity used to define the data definitions for entities across Carbon, Waste and Water. |
SustainabilityDataDefinitionSubcategory | Stores data definition subcategories and help links |
SustainabilityItemCategorySKU | The category of the item such as abrasives, castings or accessories |
SustainabilityItemPackaging | Indicates whether the item is used for packaging when distributing a product. |
SustainabilityItemSKU | Entity for capturing data on items/SKU inventoried such as input material and finished goods. |
SustainabilityModule | Entity used to classify the data definitions. |
SustainabilityProductCategory | Represents category of a sustainability product. Can be associated with a parent sustainability product category. It is used in reports. |
Unit | Unit of measure. |
UnitGroup | Grouping of units. |
ValueChainPartner | Entity for value chain partner or supplier. |