Overview of Cloud for Sustainability energy data model
Cloud for Sustainability energy data model CDM entity definitions
Name | Description |
Account | Business that represents a customer or potential customer. The company that is billed in business transactions. |
AgreementDetails | Binding agreement between the energy provider and the customer for the energy being sourced or procured. |
EnergyContract | Documented method/approach to source energy. |
EnergyContractType | Various types of documented method/approach to source energy. |
EnergySource | Medium or sources to generate energy. |
GeneratedEnergy | Electric energy, measured in MWh, generated by the utility in a given location. |
PurchasedEnergy | Electric energy, measured in MWh, delivered by the utility to a customer in accordance with the signed agreement. |
RenewableEnergyCertificate | Market-based instrument that represents the environmental attributes of electricity generated from renewable energy sources. |
UtilityType | Classification of energy entities such as electricity or gas. |