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Multi-Itinerary Optimization Data

The response returned when making a request to Optimize Itinerary API contains an OptimizeItinerary resource. The information provided in the OptimizeItinerary resource includes an array of AgentItineraries corresponding to each agent defined in the request.

For more information about the common response syntax for the Bing Maps REST Services, see Common Response Description.

The following tables describe the OptimizeItinerary resource fields.

OptimizeItinerary Resource

JSON XML Type Description
agentItineraries AgentItineraries AgentItinerary Resource List of AgentItinerary resource items.
isAccepted IsAccepted boolean Boolean value denoting if the request was accepted.
isCompleted IsCompleted boolean Boolean value denoting if the request was accepted.
unscheduledItems UnscheduledItems ItineraryItem Resource List of ItineraryItem resource items that could not be scheduled with the current constraints.
unusedAgents UnusedAgents Agent Resource List of Agent items that were not used to construct the current solution.

Agent Resource

JSON XML Type Description
name Name string Agent name, as defined in the request.
capacity Capacity integer[] Agent capacity, as defined in the request.
price Price Price Resource Agent price, as defined in the request or default value.
shifts Shifts Shift Resource Agent shifts, as defined in the request.

ItineraryItem Resource

JSON XML Type Description
name Name string Item name, as defined in the request.
openingTime OpeningTime DateTime Item opening time window, as defined in the request.
closingTime ClosingTime DateTime Item closing time window, as defined in the request.
dwellTime DwellTime Duration The time required to service the location, as defined in the request.
location Location Coordinate Item location, as defined in the request.
dropOffFrom DropOffFrom string[] String array of item names, allowing to define item ordering constraint, for example go to A before B, as defined in the request.
priority Priority integer Item priority, as defined in the request.
quantity Quantity integer[] Quantity values to be loaded, if positive, or unloaded if negative, as defined in the request.
depot Depot boolean Flag denoting if the item is a depot and multiple trips are allowed to it, as defined in the request.

AgentItinerary Resource

JSON XML Type Description
agent Agent Agent Resource Agent resource associated with the this itinerary, as defined in the request.
instructions Instructions Instructions Resource A sorted array containing the itinerary Instructions.
route Route Route Resource The itinerary route summary information.

Instructions Resource

JSON XML Type Description
instructionType InstructionType string Type of instruction, any of the following:

- LeaveFromStartPoint
- TravelBetweenLocations
- VisitLocation
- TakeABreak
- ArriveToEndPoint
duration Duration Time Delta Estimated travel time. Applies only for TravelBetweenLocations instructions.
distance Distance integer Estimate travel distance, in meters.
startTime StartTime DateTime The estimated start time of the instruction.
endTime EndTime DateTime The estimated end time of the instruction.
itineraryItem ItineraryItem ItineraryItem Resource. Optional value present when the instruction type references a location, agent shift start/end point, or a defined itinerary item as defined in the request.

Route Resource

JSON XML Type Description
startTime StartTime DateTime The estimated start time of the route.
startLocation StartLocation Coordinate Resource The coordinates for the staring location of the agent's first shift.
endTime EndTime DateTime The estimated end time of the route.
endLocation EndLocation Coordinate The coordinates for the ending location of the agent's last shift.
wayPoints WayPoints Coordinate[] Sorted list of coordinate resources representing the waypoints of the constructed route between the agent's starting and ending locations.
totalTravelDistance TotalTravelDistance integer The estimated total travel distance for the agent itinerary in meters.
totalTravelTime TotalTravelTime TimeSpan The estimated total travel time for the agent itinerary.

Coordinate Resource

JSON XML Type Description
latitude Latitude double Latitude for location.
longitude Longitude double Longitude for location.