Cláusula LIMIT
Se aplica a: Databricks SQL
Databricks Runtime
Restringe el número de filas devueltas por Query. En general, esta cláusula se usa junto con ORDER BY para asegurarse de que los resultados son deterministas.
LIMIT { ALL | integer_expression }
Si se especifica, la consulta devuelve todas las filas. Es decir, no se aplica ningún límite si se especifica esta opción.
Expresión literal que devuelve un entero.
> CREATE TEMP VIEW person (name, age)
AS VALUES ('Zen Hui', 25),
('Anil B' , 18),
('Shone S', 16),
('Mike A' , 25),
('John A' , 18),
('Jack N' , 16);
-- Select the first two rows.
> SELECT name, age FROM person ORDER BY name LIMIT 2;
Anil B 18
Jack N 16
-- Select the 4th and 5th rows by alphabetical order.
> SELECT name, age FROM person ORDER BY name LIMIT 2 OFFSET 3;
Mike A 25
Shone S 16
-- Specifying ALL option on LIMIT returns all the rows.
> SELECT name, age FROM person ORDER BY name LIMIT ALL;
Anil B 18
Jack N 16
John A 18
Mike A 25
Shone S 16
Zen Hui 25
-- A function expression as an input to LIMIT.
> SELECT name, age FROM person ORDER BY name LIMIT length('SPARK');
Anil B 18
Jack N 16
John A 18
Mike A 25
Shone S 16
-- A non-literal expression as an input to LIMIT is not allowed.
SELECT name, age FROM person ORDER BY name LIMIT length(name);
Error: The limit expression must evaluate to a constant value