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CycleCloud CLI

The Azure CycleCloud CLI allows you to manage your installation from a console or script file.

Global CLI Parameters

These are available for all commands.

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-v, --version

Shows the version for the CLI.


Specifies the path to a non-default config file to be used for this command.


Sets the default log level for the CLI.

cyclecloud account

Manage cloud provider accounts.

cyclecloud account <command> [-o OUTPUT_FILE]
                             [-f INPUT_FILE]
sub-command description
list list accounts
show <account_name> show detail for an account
create create a new account
edit <account_name> edit an existing account
delete <account_name> delete an existing account

cyclecloud account list

list accounts

cyclecloud account list

cyclecloud account show

show detail for an account

cyclecloud account show <account_name>

cyclecloud account create

create a new account

cyclecloud account create [-o OUTPUT_FILE]
                          [-f INPUT_FILE]


Writes the configuration parameters to disk


Prompts and validates information but does not enact any changes


Reads the definition from a configuration file instead of prompting

cyclecloud account edit

edit an existing account

cyclecloud account edit <account_name> [-o OUTPUT_FILE]
                                       [-f INPUT_FILE]


Writes the configuration parameters to disk


Prompts and validates information but does not enact any changes


Reads the definition from a configuration file instead of prompting

cyclecloud account delete

delete an existing account

cyclecloud account delete <account_name> [--force]


If true, does not prompt to delete the account.

cyclecloud add_node

Adds more nodes to the cluster.

cyclecloud add_node <CLUSTER> [--template=TEMPLATE]

-t TEMPLATE, --template=TEMPLATE

The template to use for this node. If not specified, the default is to use the only template available otherwise error.

-c COUNT, --count=COUNT

How many nodes to start. If not specified, the default is 1.

-f, --fixed

If set, node will be added permanently (until removed) to the cluster template. Otherwise node will be removed automatically when terminated.

cyclecloud config

Easily switch between cyclecloud configurations

cyclecloud config <command>
sub-command description
show show the current configuration in use
list list available configurations
create <config_name> create a new configuration
rename <old_name> <new_name> rename an existing configuration
use <config_name> switch to a specified configuration
remove <config_name> remove a named configuration

cyclecloud config show

show the current configuration in use

cyclecloud config show

cyclecloud config list

list available configurations

cyclecloud config list

cyclecloud config create

create a new configuration

cyclecloud config create <config_name>

cyclecloud config rename

rename an existing configuration

cyclecloud config rename <old_name> <new_name>

cyclecloud config use

switch to a specified configuration

cyclecloud config use <config_name>

cyclecloud config remove

remove a named configuration

cyclecloud config remove <config_name>

cyclecloud connect

Connects to a running instance in the cluster. As of 7.8, the Name can be either a node name, a hostname, or an IP address.

cyclecloud connect <NAME> [--keyfile=KEYFILE]

-k KEYFILE, --keyfile=KEYFILE

The keypair to use, if not given on the node or the node does not exist.

-c CLUSTER, --cluster=CLUSTER

The cluster the node is in, if the name is a node name. Optional unless there are multiple nodes with the same name.

-u USER, --user=USER

The user to login to the node with.


SSH bastion host to route connections through.


SSH port for connecting to the bastion.


User login for connecting to the bastion.


Private key file for connecting to the bastion.

cyclecloud copy_cluster

Makes a copy of a cluster.

cyclecloud copy_cluster <source_cluster_name> <new_cluster_name> [--parameters=PARAMETERS]


The parameters file to use

cyclecloud create_cluster

Creates a cluster from an existing template.

cyclecloud create_cluster <TEMPLATE> <NAME> [--force]


If specified, the cluster will be replaced if it exists


The parameters file to use


Add or override a specific parameter. Takes precedent over values specified in -p.

cyclecloud credential

Manage cloud provider account credentials.

cyclecloud credential <command>
sub-command description
list list credentials
create create a new credential
edit <account_name> edit an existing credential
delete <account_name> delete an existing credential

cyclecloud credential list

list credentials

cyclecloud credential list

cyclecloud credential create

create a new credential

cyclecloud credential create

cyclecloud credential edit

edit an existing credential

cyclecloud credential edit <account_name>

cyclecloud credential delete

delete an existing credential

cyclecloud credential delete <account_name>

cyclecloud delete_cluster

Deletes a non-running cluster.

cyclecloud delete_cluster <CLUSTER> [--recursive]

-r, --recursive

Recursively delete this cluster and all its sub-clusters.


Force this cluster to be deleted. Note: only use this option if all resources in your cloud provider are already terminated!

cyclecloud delete_template

Deletes a cluster template

cyclecloud delete_template <TEMPLATE>

cyclecloud export_parameters

Export Parameters for a given cluster.

cyclecloud export_parameters <cluster_name> [-o OUTPUT_FILE]


For create, writes the cluster parameters to disk


Output format

cyclecloud image

Manage custom images.

cyclecloud image <command> [--account=ACCOUNTS]
sub-command description
add <image_name> [...] add one or more images

cyclecloud image add

add one or more images

cyclecloud image add <image_name> [...] [--account=ACCOUNTS]


Search only this account (can be repeated for multiple accounts)


The name of the package to create (required)


The label of the package to create


Use this version for the new image instead of the default of 1.0.0


Use '--bump-version minor' to increment the latest minor version by 1 (eg, 1.1 to 1.2), or use '--bump-version major' or '--bump-version patch'


Use '--os linux/windows' to specify the Operating System on the image


The version of jetpack that is installed or should be installed on the image


Install jetpack at runtime on this image


The jetpack platform used on the image (e.g. centos-7, ubuntu-14.04, windows


Looks for matching images but does not store any image information

cyclecloud import_cluster

Creates a cluster from a text file. If CLUSTER is not given, and the file has a single cluster, the name of that cluster is used.

cyclecloud import_cluster [CLUSTER] [-c TEMPLATE]


The cluster in the file to import. If not specified, the name of the new cluster is used.


If specified, the cluster will be replaced if it exists.

-t, --as-template

If specified, the cluster is stored as a template which can only be used to create other clusters.

-f FILE, --file=FILE

The file from which to import the template.


The parameters file to use


Add or override a specific parameter. Takes precedent over values specified in -p.

-r, --recursive

Imports the named cluster and all clusters in the file for which it is the parent.

cyclecloud import_template

Imports a cluster template from a text file. If NAME is not given, and the file has a single cluster, the name of that cluster is used.

cyclecloud import_template [NAME] [-c TEMPLATE]


The template in the file to import. If not specified, the name of the new template is used.


If specified, the template will be replaced if it exists

-f FILE, --file=FILE

The file from which to import the template.

cyclecloud initialize

Initializes CycleCloud settings.

cyclecloud initialize [--batch]


If specified, the arguments must be supplied on the command line. Questions will be assumed to be 'no'.


Force a re-initialize even if valid config file is available.


The base URL for the CycleServer install.


The username for the CycleServer install.


The password for the CycleServer install.


Whether to verify (true) or not (false) SSL certificates for the CycleServer install.


Create a named configuration that can be used with the config command

cyclecloud locker

Manage CycleCloud lockers.

cyclecloud locker <command>
sub-command description
list list lockers
show <locker> show detail for a locker

cyclecloud locker list

list lockers

cyclecloud locker list

cyclecloud locker show

show detail for a locker

cyclecloud locker show <locker>

cyclecloud project

Manage CycleCloud projects.

cyclecloud project <command> [--skip-teardown]
sub-command description
init <name> create a new empty project
fetch <url> <path> fetches a project from a Github <url> to <path>
info display project info
add_spec <spec> adds a spec to the project
default_locker <locker> sets the default locker(s) to upload to
test execute integration test for a given cluster definition
build build the project
upload [locker] build and upload project the specified locker(s) (uses default if none specified)
download [locker] download the project blobs from the specified locker(s) (uses default if none specified)
generate_template <file> generate a cluster template for the project, written to <file>

cyclecloud project init

create a new empty project

cyclecloud project init <name>

cyclecloud project fetch

fetches a project from a Github <url> to <path>

cyclecloud project fetch <url> <path>

cyclecloud project info

display project info

cyclecloud project info

cyclecloud project add_spec

adds a spec to the project

cyclecloud project add_spec <spec>

cyclecloud project default_locker

sets the default locker(s) to upload to

cyclecloud project default_locker <locker> [--global]


Set global default instead of project specific value.

cyclecloud project test

execute integration test for a given cluster definition

cyclecloud project test [--skip-teardown]


Skip tearing down cluster created for testing


Output the results to the specified json file


Output the results in junit-xml format to the specified json file

-e EXTRA_VARS, --extra-var=EXTRA_VARS

Arbitrary key=value pairs used to parameterize the cluster template under test

-t TEMPLATE, --template=TEMPLATE

Path to cluster template file


Name of cluster definition to test

cyclecloud project build

build the project

cyclecloud project build [--project-version=PROJECT_VERSION]


Override the project version present in project.ini


The build directory

cyclecloud project upload

build and upload project the specified locker(s) (uses default if none specified)

cyclecloud project upload [locker] [--project-version=PROJECT_VERSION]


Override the project version present in project.ini

cyclecloud project download

download the project blobs from the specified locker(s) (uses default if none specified)

cyclecloud project download [locker]

cyclecloud project generate_template

generate a cluster template for the project, written to <file>

cyclecloud project generate_template <file>

cyclecloud reboot_node

Reboot a running node.

cyclecloud reboot_node <CLUSTER> <NODE_NAME>

cyclecloud remove_node

Removes a node from the cluster (and terminates it if started).

cyclecloud remove_node <CLUSTER> <NODE_NAME> [--filter=FILTER]

-f FILTER, --filter=FILTER

Remove nodes matching the complete class-ad expression.


Remove nodes with active instances matching the complete class-ad expression.


Remove nodes started using the named set of credentials.


If specified, will not ask for confirmation before terminating nodes based on a filter.


Force this node to be removed, even if not terminated. Note: only use this option if the resources for this node in your cloud provider are already terminated!

cyclecloud retry

Retries failed initialization operations for the named cluster.

cyclecloud retry <CLUSTER> [--recursive]

-r, --recursive

Recursively retry options in this cluster and all its sub-clusters.

cyclecloud show_cluster

Shows the cluster or clusters in CycleCloud.

cyclecloud show_cluster <CLUSTER> [--recursive]

-r, --recursive

Show this cluster and all of its sub-clusters.

-l, --long

Lists each node rather than showing a summary.

-t, --templates

Include cluster templates in the output.

cyclecloud show_nodes

Show details of selected nodes/instances.

cyclecloud show_nodes [NAME] [--attrs=ATTRS]

-a ATTRS, --attrs=ATTRS

Display the specified set of attributes (comma-separated list).

-f FILTER, --filter=FILTER

Show only nodes matching the complete class-ad expression.


Show only nodes with active instances matching the complete class-ad expression.


Output the matching node attributes described by a Python-style named-parameter format string. Ex. --output="Name: %(Name)s\t(ID: %(InstanceId)s)\n Cluster: %(ClusterName)s\n"


Change the output display format [xml | json | text].


Show only nodes started using the named set of credentials.

-c CLUSTER, --cluster=CLUSTER

Show only nodes in the specified cluster.


Show only nodes in the specified states (comma-separated list).

-l, --long

Display the complete class-ad representation of the node.

-s, --summary

Display a minimal representation of the node.

cyclecloud start_cluster

Starts the named cluster.

cyclecloud start_cluster <CLUSTER> [--recursive]

-r, --recursive

Recursively start this cluster and all its sub-clusters.

-t, --test

Start cluster in test mode

cyclecloud start_node

(Re-)Starts terminated nodes in a running cluster.

cyclecloud start_node <CLUSTER> <NODE_NAME>

cyclecloud terminate_cluster

Terminates the named cluster.

cyclecloud terminate_cluster <CLUSTER> [--recursive]

-r, --recursive

Recursively terminate this cluster and all its sub-clusters.

cyclecloud terminate_node

Terminates a running node (but leaves it in the cluster).

cyclecloud terminate_node <CLUSTER> <NODE_NAME> [--filter=FILTER]

-f FILTER, --filter=FILTER

Terminate nodes matching the complete class-ad expression.


Terminate nodes with active instances matching the complete class-ad expression.


Terminate nodes started using the named set of credentials.


If specified, will not ask for confirmation before terminating nodes based on a filter.