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Consultas para la tabla VIIndexing

Para obtener información sobre el uso de estas consultas en Azure Portal, consulte tutorial de Log Analytics. Para obtener la API REST, consulte Consulta.

Operaciones de indexación con errores

Muestra los registros de la cuenta de Video Indexer de todas las operaciones de indexación con errores.

// Failed Indexing operations 
// Display Video Indexer Account logs of all failed indexing operations. 
// | where AccountId == "<AccountId>"  // to filter on a specific accountId, uncomment this line
| where Status == "Failure"
| summarize count() by bin(TimeGenerated, 1d)
| render columnchart

10 usuarios principales

Resumir los 10 primeros usuarios.

// Video Indexer top 10 users by operations 
// Render timechart of top 10 users by operations, with an optional account id for filtering. 
// Trend of top 10 active Upn's
// | where AccountId == "<AccountId>"  // to filter on a specific accountId, uncomment this line
| where OperationName in ("IndexingStarted", "ReindexingStarted")
| summarize count() by Upn
| top 10 by count_ desc
| project Upn
| join (VIIndexing
| where TimeGenerated > ago(30d)
| where OperationName in ("IndexingStarted", "ReindexingStarted")
| summarize count() by Upn, bin(TimeGenerated,1d)) on Upn
| project TimeGenerated, Upn, count_
| render timechart