Consultas para la tabla NWConnectionMonitorPathResult
Para obtener información sobre el uso de estas consultas en Azure Portal, consulte tutorial de Log Analytics. Para obtener la API REST, consulte Consulta.
Diagnósticos de rutas de acceso
Obtiene la ruta de acceso o todos los saltos junto con problemas identificados entre el origen y el destino especificados de un recurso.
// For specific results, insert values in the let statements and uncomment the where filters within the query
// let connectionMonitorResourceId = "<Connection Monitor Resource Id>";
// let sourceName = "<Source Name>";
// let destinationName = "<Destination Name>";
// let testGroupName = "<Test Group Name>";
// let testConfigurationName = "<Test Configuration Name>";
| where TimeGenerated > ago(24h)
// | where ConnectionMonitorResourceId has connectionMonitorResourceId
// | where SourceName has sourceName
// | where DestinationName has destinationName
// | where TestGroupName has testGroupName
// | where TestConfigurationName has testConfigurationName
| project TimeGenerated, ConnectionMonitorResourceId, PathTestResult, SourceName, SourceAddress, DestinationName, DestinationAddress, Hops
| order by TimeGenerated desc;