Desinstalar completamente Office 2013 u Office 365 (es-ES)
When uninstalled Office 2013 or Office 365 and try to install it again we can receive some error messages.
This happens because in most cases the residues from previous installations of Office remain.
To solve these problems it is recommended to uninstall Office through Fix-It tools. However, this can also leave residues installation.
To uninstall Office completely avoid these drawbacks can follow these steps:
1. To start with it is advisable to disable the antivirus temporarily as this may interfere with the corrections made by the Fit-It tools.
2. Uninstall Office 2013 or Office 365 through the (Fix-It tool Uninstall Office 2013 or Office 365 ).
3. Uninstall the versions of Office 2010, Office 2007 and Office 2003 through their respective Fix-It ( Uninstall Office 2010, Office 2007 and Office 2003 ).
4. Download the file UninstallO15.cmd , please right - click on it and then click Run as administrator . If you have problems running this file, click here .
**a. ** It is important to back up the Windows registry before proceeding as they are to make major changes in the team. We can make this copy this file or manually ( Backup Windows Registry ).
**b. ** Select "Uninstall or Remove Microsoft Office 15" to delete files from Office 2013 or Office 365.
c. After removing Office files, select "Delete residues Office" to remove debris from Office 15 and earlier versions of Office.
**5. ** Press the "Windows" key + R, type cmd to run the system symbols. Enter the appropriate command for your system and press "Enter".
If you are running an x86 version of Office 2013 on a x64 operating system, run the following command:
MsiExec.exe / X-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE} {50150000-008F
If you are running an x86 version of Office 2013 on a x86 operating system, run the following command:
MsiExec.exe / X} {50150000-007E-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE
If you are running an x64 version of Office 2013 on a x64 operating system, run the following command:
MsiExec.exe / X-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE} {50150000-008C
6. Uninstall services Click-to-Run ( Uninstall Click-to-Run Office ).
After performing these processes may be some records of Office on your computer. I do not recommend deleting unless sufficient knowledge you have, as this may affect the operation of equipment if not done properly.
To learn more about Office records can leave your computer, click here .
With these processes we can troubleshoot installation or removal of Office 2013 or Office 365.