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This is my old blog

It's all about causality

half day 2 of pdc - new stuff

scraps from new stuff in the IDE Avalon - Unified programming model presentation services, web and...

Author: yosit Date: 10/29/2003

TLS-343 Advanced Debugging in Whidbey

DataTip - a configurable pop up when hovering over a data member in the debugger, right click will...

Author: yosit Date: 10/28/2003

Indigo Part II by Don Box

sorry for the mess here, these are scraps I wrote during the Indigo Part II , lot's sessions here...

Author: yosit Date: 10/28/2003

half day 2 of pdc - new stuff

Avalon - Unified programming model presentation services, web and winform integration. Visual Studio...

Author: yosit Date: 10/27/2003

Quote of the session "XML and Web services"

don box: "....HTTP is the cockroach of internet protocols...."

Author: yosit Date: 10/27/2003

PDC- Arrived , first session with don box

just arrived to the pdc, new bag lots of discs and offcourse don box... more later

Author: yosit Date: 10/26/2003

xbox, halo and the pdc

just talked to scoble about doing something with xbox on the pdc. he promised to blog about it and...

Author: yosit Date: 10/22/2003

know your unicode

from the Article: if you are a programmer working in 2003 and you don't know the basics of...

Author: yosit Date: 10/15/2003

Enhanced Source Control for Multi-Project Solutions

See how Visual Studio .NET 2003 offers simpler, easier source control for multi-project solutions...

Author: yosit Date: 10/14/2003

presentation and webcasts from MS

take a look at HERE this is the only EIF webcast I found *Update found another one here

Author: yosit Date: 10/14/2003 based rssreader (myblogroll) - cool

did you noticed that: it's an based rss reader that you can run...

Author: yosit Date: 10/14/2003

The dullest blog in the world

just noticed this I was doing some things. After a while I decided to stop doing them and take a...

Author: yosit Date: 10/10/2003

chris sells, don box, tim ewald, lior rozner and sela - The works

finally thnx to mickey williams from server geek who was kind enough to host the files and to Brian...

Author: yosit Date: 10/10/2003

I need help

hey guys. I really need help in storing don box and chris sells movies.. I promise it will be worth...

Author: yosit Date: 10/10/2003

PDC stuff

I added a new Category PDC2003 - which means - I intend to be at the next one too. Registered for a...

Author: yosit Date: 10/10/2003

howto: make chris sells kiss don box while tim ewald is filming on lior's wedding..... kbXXX - now it works

concerning my previos post I manged to fix the problem I had with the hosting service (I hope) here...

Author: yosit Date: 10/09/2003

Converting arrays

a friend asked me this: how do I convert one type of array to another when the cast between the...

Author: yosit Date: 10/09/2003

update: howto make chris sells kiss don box while tim ewald is filming on lior's wedding. kbXXX

I had to take the movies down down, I'm working on fixing it if someone can provide me with 40mb of...

Author: yosit Date: 10/09/2003

Visual Studio "Whidbey" Details Emerge

just got it:

Author: yosit Date: 10/09/2003

enabling the infobar on outlook 2003

Outlook 2003 has a new feature named infobar, it inside the new reading pane. somehow It wasn't...

Author: yosit Date: 10/09/2003

Going to the PDC - part II

just got the confirmation for the PDC. If someone would like to meet overthere, ping me.

Author: yosit Date: 10/08/2003

Going to the PDC

I just got a confirmation from the board of directors (my wife) for the PDC, so I'm closing all the...

Author: yosit Date: 10/03/2003


My Bloginality is INFP!!! according to this I need to look for an other job: Possible Career Paths...

Author: yosit Date: 09/22/2003

A bit of history. commodore 64

my first computer was the c64. it had a 64k ram and lots of gadget. just stumbled into this a...

Author: yosit Date: 09/16/2003

Cool MS Videos

Just found THIS my favourites: Steve ballmer shouts DEVELOPERS 35 times Steve ballmer "I love this...

Author: yosit Date: 09/16/2003

the new ICQ???? p2p phone calls free

SKYPE from the creator of kasaa. it's a p2p phone app that will work out of the box even behind...

Author: yosit Date: 09/15/2003

want to get the full sources of an assembly using reflector?

try this as an addin to the known Reflector

Author: yosit Date: 09/14/2003

com+ FAQ

just to remind me where it is

Author: yosit Date: 09/14/2003

Consulting services and com adventures

In the last month 50% of my time was dedicated to consulting services. most of it to outside...

Author: yosit Date: 09/09/2003

simply the best AOP presnetation there is A MIND OPENER


Author: yosit Date: 09/08/2003

com+ patent

HERE thru Clemens

Author: yosit Date: 09/08/2003

why I haven't blogged for some time

the past 2 weeks were really hard doing the following: 1. working on a video for lior rozner...

Author: yosit Date: 09/07/2003

chris sells on the .net show

check out Chris Sells on the .net show, great to see the face behind the name and all the articles...

Author: yosit Date: 08/24/2003

yep, I'm on the shout outs on the DNR

check out the latest show with Data Grid Girl, I'm on the shout out.

Author: yosit Date: 08/24/2003

changing Remoting's customError attribute using code

I bloged about this HERE. I got this code from saar from my team - A real wiz kid. use on your own...

Author: yosit Date: 08/20/2003

About my first presentation in english - PART 2

yesterday I blogged about IT. I got to the clients offices on 8:00am, off course no was there to...

Author: yosit Date: 08/20/2003

About the importance of the layers on a distributed application

often I give sessions to customers on the infrastructure the company I work for developed (my team),...

Author: yosit Date: 08/19/2003

My first presentation in english

Yesturday I got a call from my manager saying I need to give a session on .net and our...

Author: yosit Date: 08/19/2003

Introduction to generics

Author: yosit Date: 08/18/2003

Active Directory in Application Mode (ADAM) Overview Presentation

A high level overview of what ADAM is and some of the high level scenarios for ADAM. [Microsoft...

Author: yosit Date: 08/14/2003

A talking blog

how cool is THAT.

Author: yosit Date: 08/12/2003

What do you see here?

what exactly do you see here? why is the middle of it blank?

Author: yosit Date: 08/11/2003

complex binding of a custom collection to a datagrid

have you ever wanted to know how the datagrid knows that a datatable has columns and how it...

Author: yosit Date: 08/11/2003

Happy memories from Teched

just looked at some old mail I've got and found these 2 pictures : me and dmitry (on the right)

Author: yosit Date: 08/07/2003

A must read

Author: yosit Date: 08/06/2003

INFO: Exposing ServicedComponents As a Remoting Endpoint from a COM+ Dllhost.exe Process Is Not Supported

just saw it from KBAlertz INFO: Exposing ServicedComponents As a Remoting Endpoint from a COM+...

Author: yosit Date: 08/06/2003

Hacking MSN games with MSN messenger 6.0

as you all know MS has a messenger version for almost every given culture, the latest version has...

Author: yosit Date: 08/02/2003

Blogs from MS,4248,933657,00.asp

Author: yosit Date: 07/30/2003

Carl Franklin from DotNetRocks and music

I just read that carl franklin composed the music tracks for the Dot Net Rocks show. carl and his...

Author: yosit Date: 07/29/2003

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