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Awesome XNA Framework Games at the Swedish Game Awards 2007

Michael Klucher
Program Manager – XNA Community Game Platform

Saturday June 2nd was the Swedish Game Awards for 2007. This year, there was a new award category: Best XNA Game. There were two nominees in the Best XNA Game category this year, and now that the results are in, we can share them with you.


WinnerGravitron Ultra (
Project Manager: Steve Olofsson, Lead Programmer: Christoffer Ekeroth,  Lead Artist: Niklas Frisk, Trailer: Markus A Ljungberg


You control an astronaut in a frenetic multiplayer struggle to save your homebase from being swallowed by a black hole. The concept of the game is to gather Gravity Orbs and connect them to your base. These Orbs will serve as shields from attacking astronauts as well as provide resistance to the gravity of the black hole. The game is focused on stress, fun factor, rivalry & team play.

Not only was Gravitron Ultra the winner in the Best XNA Game category they were also nominated in the Best PC Game Category. You can find a trailer and more information about the game at


Runner-Up/NomineeBullet Hell Tactics (
Jens Andersson, Joel Andersson


The description for Bullet Hell Tactics is short and sweet: “A shmup ["Shoot 'Em Up"] game in space with lots of bullets and lots of action.” You can find more information about Bullet Hell Tactics and plenty of gameplay movies over at


On behalf of the XNA Community Game Platform team, I’d like to congratulate both teams on the great work they did on their games. It’s very inspiring to see such great games built on top of the technology we’ve built.  Don’t forget that the deadline for the next XNA Game Studio Express contest is right around the corner: get your Dream Build Play game in by July 2nd!
