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The Journey from Patient Safety to Silverlight

You may be wondering what’s in common between these two. It is called CUI that stands for (Microsoft Health) Common User Interface.

If you have one or more of the scenarios below:

- You are developing healthcare applications to use in your organization

- You are building healthcare solutions to sell to your healthcare customers

- Patient safety, lower development cost, and high quality UI are on top of your mind

You should check the guidance, toolkit, and patient journey demonstrator that we are making available to you to help you achieve your goals.

With the Microsoft Health CUI you can:

· Interactively browse and download our published Design Guidance documents

· Interact with our on-line implementations of the Toolkit Controls and Samples that conform to the Design Guidance

· Download and install the Toolkit controls for use in Microsoft Visual Studio

· View our new Showcase, which shows how the adoption of the Design Guidance has benefited clinical application and healthcare providers through testimonials, and provides practical and innovative scenarios through demonstrators

· Access the latest (interactive) Patient Journey Demonstrator, updated with the latest Microsoft Health CUI Silverlight controls

· Visit the Roadmap, to learn about the Microsoft Health CUI development schedule, the architecture of the Toolkit controls, and the delivery lifecycle used to create the Design Guidance, Toolkit controls and samples


Microsoft Health CUI is one of the health solution accelerators available to you as part of our Connected Health Platform (CHP). CHP combines Microsoft’s technology offerings, the prescriptive architectural guidance of the Architecture and Design Blueprint, key reference implementations and additional specific guidelines to enable the development of open and extensible e-Health solutions that take advantage of pervasive technologies and serve a broad range of needs.

teddy Bachour

senior industry technology strategist, ww health