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Issue with MS06-007 and 913446 install failure - Rectified

After the release of MS06-007 today (Tuesday 14 February 2006) , Microsoft became aware of an issue affecting the installation of MS06-007 (KB913446). After investigating the issue we validated reported failures to install the security update through Automatic Updates, Windows Update, Windows Server Update Services and Systems Management Server 2003, when using the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates (ITMU). As some of you noted, the issue did not affect customers who installed the updates through Software Update Services or through Systems Management Server when not using ITMU, or manually installed the Security Update from the Microsoft Download Center.


We also validated the issue did not affect the security update MS06-007 (KB913446) itself. When successfully installed, MS06-007 fully protects against the Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) vulnerability. Also, the installation issue only affects MS06-007; no other security updates were affected by this issue.

We have updated the release for these distribution channels to correct the issue. Customers who encountered this issue should take the following actions:  

1. Automatic Updates (AU) - AU customers need take no action: the new updates will automatically download.
2. Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) - WSUS Administrators who had synchronized their WSUS Server to obtain the updates released on Tuesday 14 February, before 8:30PM PST that evening should manually synchronize their WSUS Servers and approve the new updates.
3. Systems Management Server 2003 with the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates (ITMU) - SMS Administrators should who had synchronized their servers to obtain the updates released on Tuesday 14 February, before 8:30PM PST that evening should re-synchronize their servers for the latest updates.
4. Microsoft Update (MU) and Windows Update - Customers who visited MU and WU before 8:30 PM on Tuesday February 14th, should revisit MU or WU and accept the downloads being offered to them.

Our investigation has determined there was an issue in the distribution infrastructure in handling this particular update which has been identified and resolved. Microsoft is taking steps to prevent similar issues from occurring in the future.

thanks- Bobbie


Bobbie Harder

WSUS, Program Manager
