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TFS Integration Platform – Innovation continues to roll into the platform

Some of the latest exciting innovations that have been baked into the TFS Integration Platform and that you will start noticing when you use the forthcoming builds on

MigrationConsoleBlue Man Holding a Clipboard While Reviewing Employess Clipart Illustration

When a configuration of the same configuration unique identifier is found in the migration database the migration console used to get a but upset. With the latest changes we are confronted with three options when such a scenario is detected:

  • To update the configuration in the storage, type (U)pdate;"
  • To create a new session with this configuration file, type (C)reate;"
  • To discard this configuration file and use the version in the storage, type (D)iscard."

You type a U, D or C to select your appropriate choice, in other words:

  • (U)pdate behaves exactly the same as the “Yes to overwrite” option in the previous version of the console tool.
  • (D)iscard behaves the same as the “No, do not overwrite” option before.
  • (C)reate is the brand new option, which creates a completely new session group (and sessions). It’s equivalent to the “create from template” option that you will encounter when using the new configuration user interface which will be made available in one of the next releases.

Work Item State Transition Mismatch Validator

What is the problem?

When we enable Bypass-Rule WIT change submission in a WIT migration session and by using explicit field mappings we may are literally ignoring some of the rules and states, with the result that we may end up with work items that do not match the work item type definitions.

Because of the state transition mismatch, it can happen that some of the migrated TFS Work Items end up not being editable. For example, a “Closed” CMMI Bug does not have values in “Closed By” and “Closed Date” fields, which results in the Work Item to be in invalid state.

What does this new feature achieve?

The new feature ensures that each migrated Work Item on the target TFS server is in *valid* state, using a special validation phase in the TFS WIT migration provider when it works in BypassRule-enabled mode. When TFS WIT adapter processes a migration instruction that has such attribute in it, it uses WIT OM to validate the field values and chooses default valid values when a field is not valid.

What must I do to enable this feature?

Nothing, it is implemented in the WIT Adapter and therefore part of the standard adapter features. At this stage it is not a configurable feature, although this may very well change if the need arises.

What’s next on the guidance menu?

We are starting work on a new guidance document, which is focused on configuration of the TFS Integration Platform and the use of the new configuration tool.